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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. There was an soldier AI loop in certain circumstances and troops behaved in such way; this bug is absent in latest full version 1.3.0.
  2. Sneaksie


    Which mission is problematic?
  3. Just enter the code from picture into the field above the green button and click the button.
  4. Inthis mission you need to use the far rise of the road instead of close one, which is mined.
  5. Correct link to mod for ToW 1.3.0: http://narod.ru/disk/13480073000/balance_mod129.exe.html
  6. It was deleted because it's author realized you don't have Centauro yet:) They'll make version for 1.3 patch w/o the addon pretty soon and post it here for sure.
  7. Install this hotfix for editors (unpack it replacing the old files): ftp://ftp.battlefront.com/pub/patches/tow2/MissionEditor.zip
  8. Do you have correct normal map - mainnormal.dds? Did you create your map from scratch or changed an existing one? Did you try to create a mission with just one unit on this map?
  9. Hotkeys are stored in ToW2\users\player1\keys.ini, but in not-so-clear format.
  10. Few people host the games because this requires external IP. A number of Russian players played regularily using Hamachi, but now switched for a more convenient pLAN utility. Here is it's English forum: http://plan.volia.org/forum/index.php?showforum=8 You can contact Jagdpanther (ICQ 598884751), his team play regulary.
  11. To turn the auto-pause off, run the options.exe and uncheck 'smart pause' options.
  12. In Russia this will be released as stand-alone game, dunno about worldwide version.
  13. There is such option in ToW2 too - look for 'Ignore campaign loss' option.
  14. Turn the "pause" option off in setup utility (options.exe).
  15. You can just open Mission.xml file of any mission in Notepad and change the value in the <Cost> string. Changing unit limits for the mission is more complicated though.
  16. Round bottom layer is shared between icons and tinted in code. You can cover it using alpha channel in texture, but then enemy and your units will have the same looking icons i suppose.
  17. Look in Data\GUI\Skins\ordinary in SFS for xml files, for example, minimap.xml. You may be able to change the coordinates.
  18. F12 (creates a screenshot in TGA format in 'screenshots' folder).
  19. ''Battles'' button is unaccessible because you didn't create any battles. Game version after hotfix installation should remain the same (1.1.0). If you ran the Battle Generator or Editor fine but created missions won't show up in the game, make sure you run these utilities using 'run as administrator' context menu option.
  20. Sorry, i thought you're playing ToW2:)
  21. Yes, there s a mission in El Guettar area, but why stop your work? Mathematical model of grouping of shots was adjusted, which resulted in somewhat lower accuracy at middle distances, but it's difficult to say would it be enough for you or not.
  22. Try to enable the compatibility mode as described in readme.
  23. Smallest square (in zoomed in 2d view) is 1x1m.
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