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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Make sure you installed JSH 1.3.2 on top of 1.3.1 (it's an update, not full version).
  2. What is Gnasher_Bulld in repository? Is it required for campaign to function properly or one needs to download only Gnasher_Bulldogs_Beta3_Part... files?
  3. It should work... send it to dina@1c.ru, we'll try to determine what's wrong.
  4. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1138257&postcount=6
  5. Yes, this is possible. New gunner must have some Gunner skill (not 0). There is a skill requirement of 50 Gunner skill to use the gun in captured enemy tank.
  6. If you coudn't select this resolution in the demo, chances are that it won't be selectable in the full version.
  7. Of course there is MP skirmish (and you can select units from the pool, even move obstalces in Attack/Defend missions), but to create a new MP mission you need to use Mission Editor, not Generator, because their format became more complex. Try the Balance mod, it adds new MP missions.
  8. You can create MP battles in TOW1 battle generator, but in TOW2 this isn't possible because multiplayer mission format was changed.
  9. Of course LAN multiplayer is supported. Map size depends on the mission, maximum size is 2x2km like in ToW1. There are new MP modes where you must control one position for a set time or control most critical positions when the times runs out and in some missions (Attack&Defend ones) defender can position it's units and fortifications before the battles.
  10. Knokke, one of the JSH mod authors (Panzerschlange) requests your permission to include your glider in the next release of the mod. In addition, is it possible to convert these planes from the IL2 to the ToW format (if you have time)? FW-190A4 Ju-87G1 Hs-129B3\Wa IL-2type3M
  11. http://dc133.file.qip.ru/download/94800696/d9c70b8f/ww2_2009-07-13_14-27-59-35.jpg?tsid=20090713-043230-abb3185e http://dc133.file.qip.ru/download/94800679/d7fb3b90/ww2_2009-07-13_14-27-29-89.jpg?tsid=20090713-043225-2ff84908
  12. Maybe there are only gentle slopes on your map, so generating pfs cells doesn't add the impassable zones? How did you create pfs map for you map in the first time? Make sure you deleted *.bin files in the mission directory.
  13. 'Fortifications' entry in Generator are for old bunkers from ToW1, ToW2 fortifications can't be added this way (they can be moved or added in Map Editor).
  14. It shouldn't affect Dr. Jones extractor, which is completely separate utility.
  15. In ToW1 you can alter probabilty of soldier to be hit by a frag (grenade, shell, etc.) by adjusting those parameters in data\settings\damage.ini: FragHumanFieldStay 1.0 0.4 FragHumanFieldKnee 1.0 0.3 FragHumanFieldLay 1.0 0.2 FragHumanTrenchStay 1.0 0.3 FragHumanTrenchKnee 0.8 0.2 FragHumanTrenchLay 0.6 0.1 First value is the probability in the epicenter, second one at the maximum flight radius of the fragments. There is also blast damage which cannot be tuned down easily, and changing these parameters won't add protection against bullets, shell direct hits, etc. To modify this filу you first need to extract it from the sfs archive using Dr. Jones file extractor (look in the mod forum). JSH mod decreases visibilty of soldiers in trenches and while prone; all in all this is a great mod so install it if you don't already.
  16. They are not destroyed, it seems destroyed and intact building are being shown simultanesously. Great work guys, you are talented!
  17. If crashes still sometimes occur after the patch, try to turn on compatibility mode as described in readme (CompatibilityMode=1 in <game folder>\users\game.ini).
  18. Try using cnv.bat instead. Did you solve the problem?
  19. Simply, Vista doesn't allow you or game to write anything into it's folder. The simple way to get rid of such problems is to uninstall the game and install it somewhere it will have write access (for example, install it into the My documents\ToW2) and then the patch.
  20. Limit is 255 units active simultaneously, so if you order all tanks crews to bail out...
  21. If you want to play a specific battle, let's say from US campaign, you can go to Missions\USA and edit campaign.xml. Add "-" sign before number of a mission you want to play, for example <Number>-4</Number> and the campaign will begin from it. In addition, if you play the last mission this way and complete the campaign, all previous ones will be unlocked.
  22. It's unclear why it doesn't work, it's a very simple program. If you want to change smartpause setting, you can edit <game folder>\users\game.ini file directly.
  23. BTW, author is experienced tank battalion commander, author of many articles and books about armoured tactics and modern armor. He also participated in many Soviet/Russian armored vehicle field tests.
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