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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. First of all, you can set option 'disregard campaign loss' to continue playing the campaign after defeat. If you have M10 in the reserves (left after previous mission), i suggest taking one of them and position it far behind where AA guns are positioned by default (it can kick ass at long range, while manual gun traverse makes it vulnerable up close) and it should, with luck, handle F2 tanks at left flank. Make sure there is a very good shooter in it for one shoot - one kill fun. Position M3 Lee tanks somewhere behind howitzers in the town with clear FOV at initial attack path and they most likely will slaughter all enemies attacking from the front, but make sure they have cover protecting their left sides (since F2 tanks will appear at left flank soon). To help radio site defenders, take one tank (probably you have money for Stuart only) and send it to the river immediately after mission start to fire at sides of fording German vehicles, this will help enormously if it will be able to take out F1 (armored cars are no match for Stuart). Also place AT soldiers (Bazooka) in front trench, if any. Sell one or two howitzers if you can buy a tank.
  2. GoodGuy, it's strange since mission logic wasn't changed. If you can't finish the mission, please send the save (zipped) to dina@1c.ru, we'll look what's up.
  3. There is a way to make old between-missions saves work (saves made during missions won't load). Go to users\player1 directory - there are many folders here with names like save1, autoend... Folders which contain only two files - header.xml and reservs.sav - are saves made between missions (you can delete folders which contain more files since these saves taken during mission are not useful anymore). To make between mission saves appear in the game again, edit header.xml and change value in <version> tag to 1.1.0. You can do the same with saves taken during mission, but they won't load.
  4. Steinfich, your need for help wasn't disregarded. If you get no errors and empty game list, then the system is working but there are no hosting players. I dont know about rest of the world, but in Russia many people play ToW (and other games) on LAN, so the internet game list may be empty.
  5. There is nothing unhistorical in German gun ranges, any gun in the game has historical characteristics and can shoot far than maximum 2km map size. If for some reason you can't play the game without all units set to hold position mode first, all you should do is select all your units in the beginning of the mission and left-click lowest left button in orders panel to set it. Unlike ToW1, this mode stays. However, it's recomennded to turn off hold mode in most cases, since units tend to survive more when they can maneouver (tank in hold mode can end in situation when it is fired upon by the enemy but can't fire back due to gun traverse limit or something else). Even without hold mode vehicles maneover only if this is necessary or enemy is close, but obstructed by something and they can't target him. The type of formation is memorized for a group, this is described in the manual. If you form a group using standard Ctrl+number keystroke and set the desired formation, it will stay when you select this group by pressing this number key later.
  6. You can lock the unneeded player slots and play with three people on 8 player map, for example. Unlike some other games, maps for 2 players aren't smaller than map for 8 players. Maps for more players have more spawn points and possible force pools, but that's all, so you can play 8 player map with just 2 players no problem. Don't forget that you can assign AI to 'unmanned' player slots too.
  7. Gen. Jaggen, the last Catalyst which works correctly is 9.2. I would download and install Catalyst 9.2 for Vista x64 in your case. Unfortunately, there is little what can be done until Ati (hopefully) will fix the OpenGL compatibility. I recall there were similar glitches in times of Catalyst 5.8.
  8. ToW1 mission generator and editor are not compatible with x64 libraries, while ToW2 generator and editor work ok.
  9. Other maps are greyed out because they designed for smaller player numbers or different play modes, there is only one map for 8 players and this map doesn't allow attack-defend play mode.
  10. AI prefers armored cars for recon, it should start right away. Tanks and small infantry groups should be also used to find you. Note that if you created 'Player defends' mission but gave AI, say, AT guns or similar stationary units only, it won't be able to attack you.
  11. It's difficult to say why AI didn't attack in your case. Maybe this hill was impassable? AI sends out small teams in several directions to find enemies, it's unclear why these teams missed you.
  12. I'll add that you can first create large minefield and then demine only small rect inside it, so there is no need to create many small minefield rects to clear a narrow strip later in ToW2.
  13. Visibility range? In Mission Editor?
  14. Maintex brush functionality was dropped during transition to new map format, so this command shouldn't be available at all (along with the old trees by the way, only far trees work). Don't use it:)
  15. Capture appears in statistics only if it was done under fire or enemy was nearby.
  16. In Battle of Sbeitla, just go to the far pass and you will be told that it's clear of mines (near one is mined). Play last British mission for some minу fun - enemy needs to advance through a minefield there and tries to do this using different methods.
  17. Don't do that. Can you install older 9.2 Catalyst?
  18. I don't quite understand what do you mean by range-finders in German gun sights. The principle of aiming using American or German aiming sight is essentially the same - gunner estimated range to target judging by it's angular size using ballistic reticles, the only difference between countries was implementation of this method. Compare Zeiss sight field of view: http://www.wwiionline.ru/forumwwii/viewtopic.php?p=3746&sid=e760b9aeb076b3c8f6c534fa832329a5#3746 with M70F: In the game all sights have historical FOV and magnification (in case of clear weather, weather conditions affect visibility). Subjective 'quality' differenicies are not taken into account since they are not measurable and in fact questionable (we could make all non-German sights 1.5 or so times worse but this would be wrong).
  19. In the game, Sherman gunner uses telescopic M70F and periscopic M38 sights, switching between them. On page 10 Zaloga says that telescopic sight was 'introduced and fielded in 1943'. If you think that Shermans in the game shouldn't have it, you can mod it by editing one string in parts.ini file of the unit (after unpacking data.sfs).
  20. ToW project branched off IL2 long ago. OpenGL was supported because back in these times it was well supported by drivers, sometimes even better than Direct3D. Now situation completely changed so it took several months to switch to Direct3D in ToW2. I would love to see ToW on updated engine myself, but this means tons of work since map and unit format was changed, not completely, but this effectively means that transferring them is comparable to creating a new one. Authors of JSH mod plan to rework some ToW models to ToW2 format, but they'll go for several popular units, i presume, while others, especially exotic ones, will remain in ToW.
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