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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. AFAIK Core Optimizer is a software way to fix hardware bugs (Intel didn't need to release such a tool for it's dual-core processors), most notably timer desynchronization of two cores. Game uses second core to update pathfinding matrixes, it's great that installation of this tool improves performance further. BTW, what do you mean by installing AMD cool'n'quiet? It's the name of AMD technology, how it can be installed or not?
  2. We didn't encounter such a bug. Anybody else seen this? Game may register two button clicks instead of one because of various reasons. Hardware mouse button problem too:)
  3. Then isntaller didn't create them for some reason... no big deal, just create folder music in the game folder and then two folders game and menu inside music folder.
  4. Gnasher, maybe use one of the free file hosting servers?
  5. beerhunter You completed all three campaigns already?
  6. BillyR ToW is distributed as ordinary setup file and doesn't require installation of any proprietary utility. I understand your dislike of download purchases, but IMO hard copies sometimes mean even more hassle. Why pay postage costs for hard copy you can do yourself? BTW, you mean that there is no way to use this Gamersgate data file now? This means a lawsuit then, no? Lethaface Interesting point of view:)
  7. No one actually liked the music in ToW1 so we decided to get rid of it and let the players use their favorite music instead. There are folders music\game and music\menu, you can place your favorite music files there (this is described in manual).
  8. In fact, first click orders all passangers to exit and second bails out entire crew. Halftracks and other passanger vehicles usually have only one crewman - driver - so second click let out only him. You can select crewmen and passangers before ordering them to exit just like in ToW1.
  9. Russkly Where your tanks were when they were hit? Maybe leIGs actually had LOS. Crews bailing out - in most game situations this will result in almost certain death from small arms fire, so they decide that it's better to stay inside:) Regarding the infantry manning the guns - they can be fired even at Gunner skill 0, but the results are usually unsatisfactory. Infantry may be prohibited from using the artillery, but this will result in strange situations when infantry will be slaughtered by a tank and no one will attempt to use the nearby functioning gun with dead crew. Vehicles are much more tricky to use, but this is reflected in the game. For example, enemy vehicles require 50 skill. GoodGuy If you click the exit button, all crew bails out. If you want to order only one crewman to bail out, select him first.
  10. In fact it's not off-map, there are leIGs you must destroy to finish the mission. They don't bail out if at least one weapon still functions and they don't panic.
  11. If Vista doesn't allow you to edit ini file in Notepad, this means that you have either very restricted user rights or this file have read-only attribute. If you right-click on the ini file and choose 'Properties', what do you see in opened panel? Is the Read-only attribute checked?
  12. I've tried this in Sbeitla mission, there are many of them in barbed wire. In XP it worked right. Maybe someone else has this error too?
  13. Do you have Administrator rights?
  14. Hmm, maybe it's read-only? Look at the file properties.
  15. File - Save. What's the problem? Maybe Vista denied access to it?
  16. spelk, try to play larger battles at 0.5 speed first, you may get satisfactory framerate, and return the speed to normal when the most units will be dead.
  17. We can't reproduce this... did anyone encounter the same error?
  18. It seems that for some reason your DNS server isn't working as expected (the game couldn resolve ip address by host name). Try changing the InetServerAddress=http://www.games.1c.ru to InetServerAddress= in the users\mp.ini file.
  19. Guys, please run the game, try to load the problematic save and if the game crashes, zip the save that doesn't load and send it to dina@1c.ru along with log.lst file created in game folder and your dxdiag report file. If the game crashed during play, just send log.lst and dxdiag files.
  20. Slowdown when there are many units on the battlefield means that the CPU is not sufficient, not the video card. Pentium 4 or D is a minimal requirement and slowdown in larger battles is inevitable; in such situations you should set the game speed to 0.5 using the buttons at the top of the screen. Lowering graphics settings won't help much so set them to middle or high, but for your card setting the shadows to normal, turining off high landscape detail and turning ambient occlusion may help (try it).
  21. What do you mean by stop mode? Did you left-click on lowest left button on orders panel, so the arrow near soldier figure became crossed by red line?
  22. Fighters engage enemy aircraft only, but you can use them for scouting too.
  23. totm8er What is your video card model, how much onboard video RAM? ratdeath So you almost completed US campaign? Wow) I would advise concentrating your tanks near the pass you must defend and at least immobilize enemy armor if you can't kill it (Tigers) until reinforcement Wolverines arrive. This is tough because one German tank gets through and mission failed.
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