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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. Thanks George - I'll probably await the new patch as I have a game on for the current one. But look forward to what I guess is another masterpiece by you.
  2. Will the "Rolling Thunder" scenarion from the demo be made available for the main game? Can anyone post it in the repository?
  3. Update: The project has run into a bit of a stumbling block. I didn't realise that if you have placed units and fortifications on the map, and the crop it in the editor - they all move. Unfortunately there are a lot and trying to mark all and move doesn't work properly. Since doing all that work again would take more time than to finish all the details on a larger map, I'll stick to the second alternative. The only good thing about it is that I have an idea for a fictional follow-up battle that can make use of a larger map. But this delays my intentions with a few weeks. Now I'm doing some full battle tests during new conditions (thank you Chevalier Bayard for the info) to see if it works out as intended. Prevous tests have been promising. But all in all, it won't be an entirely historical battle, for several reasons, gameplay being one - but as close to real life as acheivable.
  4. Yea I tried again, several times, but it seems like there are just too many units and fortifications. All are not moved and those that are not all to the right place. Some units/fortifications are off by an action square or two. However, I discovered also that units tended to shift only when cropping the south or west side of the map. Wonder if it is a coincidence or always the case? Wonder if the opposite is true for adding to the map? Will test more tomorrow.
  5. I tried that but all selected units didn't move and not to the exact place. I'll try again with more precision. Thanks.
  6. Kohl, can you please re-place a gazillion barbed wire and mine units for me - Merville Battery as accidentally moved some 300 m to the northeast
  7. Is there any way of cropping a map in the editor, without shifting all placed units and fortifications? I'm about to lose a lot of work if not
  8. Great, thanks. You'll never know about modern warfare. I wasn't interested at all at first, but bought the game because...well, it's a CM-game I don't regret it one bit. I enjoy the challenge of learning a new way to think about tactics. But if you're not inclined, cool nonetheless I guess the stock UI in BS is much better than previous titles, but some Juju magic is never a bad thing.
  9. Looks spectacular. It says that it includes the VP. But I saw no icon for AT-bunkers (which I have in a scenario I'm making). Sorry, no time to test it
  10. I'm willing to pay just about anything to make this great game series even better.
  11. I got that message in CMFI, before CMBS was released, and CMFI hasn't been patched for a long time. "Shot down" IIRC.
  12. I have had plane shot down in CMFI while testing a scenario I made ("Wulf on the Prowl": http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5469/details )- Focke-Wulf vs 4 Bofors AA guns. Shot down once in about 10 tests, so it is not frequent at all.
  13. Cool, I have a scenario idea that would make great use of it
  14. Thanks for the redux version. Has anyone tried it Red vs AI? Thinking of playing the new version like that.
  15. Will wait for patch and new version and give it a spin. Thanks for all your great work for CM-games
  16. @GeorgeMC: sounds like good adjustments. Maybe also reducing the amount of Abrams tanks, not only the APS system. Maybe also only one UAV to reduce the possibility to spot large parts of the battlefield and use precision arty. IIRC there are atleast two Khryzantema tank destroyers, in pretty much good hull down positions. In another thread there is a discussion about their spotting ability in this position. I remember one that just sat there doing nothing, despite me advancing over open terrain, until spotted it/destroyed it. Maybe this will be adjusted in the upcoming patch as well?
  17. Never heard of it - what is the storyline? Anyone know where to get it?
  18. SPOILERS*************************** Just finished this one, and even on elite is was way too easy. And that was my first major tank battle in a modern era CM-game so I expected to fall flat on my face. Maybe I got lucky. The first UAV spot was an SPAA that was taken out by precision arty. That let my UAVs and Apaches roam free. And it was really simple to pick off target after target with precision arty (too much of it?). And they remained stationary all the same. The tanks that made it to face me, quickly got shot to pieces or their "lasing" made my tanks retreat to safety. The few shots on target were repelled by APS. All in all I lost two Bradleys and two Abrams to immobilization (despite dry ground conditions). That's about it. Then I started getting large reinforcements so I expected a major counter attack, but then all of a sudden I got a total victory with 33 minutes left. So, in all, the scenario was a bit of a disappointment for lack of challenge. The only really troublesome event was (something I really liked) when the AI tried to flank me already after 10 minutes. The map is great, and with some alterations to the difficulty, it would warrant a replay.
  19. That is really weird?!? It works for me. The difference between our links is an "´" over the "e" in "details". Wonder why? Never seen anything like that on GaJ before.
  20. New version of the scenario available at: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5469/details Some tweaks after community feedback (thank you!). It is still a hard nut to crack, but that's the way I want it. Enjoy!
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