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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. I think they update the demos to the most current engine, time permitting.
  2. Note that if you split squads all elements will get the same kill credits in the end.
  3. Problem with using this method with tall bocage is that it is likely that they will fire their rifles through the bocage as well and reveal their position. I manged to take out a StuG now. I bum rushed one guy as close as possible and didn't give him any commands. Once he reached his waypoint he quickly tossed two grenades in quick succession befor being gunned down. At first I thought it was a failure but then saw that the StuG was destroyed. Apparently you don't get any hit texts when doing close assaults.
  4. Great post @MOS:96B2P, I wonder if they will throw grenades through bocage or if it is too thick.
  5. Like the title says. I have pixeltruppen in buildings or behind bocage, not under fire or suppressed, and I want them to toss grenades. I try Target Armour Arc, Direct Fire or no order and yet they stay passive. Self preservation? In your experience, when do they engage with grenades as opposed to demo charges which seems more commonly used.
  6. No spotting rounds either? A bit hard what you're getting at, maybe a screenshot or two would illuminate the matter.
  7. Note though that if you want to adjust one of the pre-planned missions, the FO will adjust both to the new target. Also, if the pre-planned had a tme delay, that delay is added once more. Don’t know if these things are intended behaviour or bugs. The same thing goes for HQs.
  8. One way of solving it would be to allow units to target contact icons that are out of LOS, so when they appear they engage them. Might be in conflict with area fire though. If you have a fixed target on an enemy unit that disappears, you can see from the unit description in the bottom left hand corner that pixeltruppen are "waiting". So there is something like that in the TacAI already. Oh, and I should admit I'm a control freak who micro manage everything
  9. Ok, my analogy aside...the crux of my argument is that if there is a situation where I know that my pixeltruppen are aware of several armored targets in their close proximity and I want them to go for the biggest threat if they are to reveal their postition, there is no command to do that in an efficient way. The TacAI are not situationally aware in that regard. So they will by mistake or chance go for a lesser target, which results in a missed opportunity. Sure nitty gritty stuff, but still.
  10. An analogy - you and your platoon-mates are hiding behond some bushes when a German squad walks by. Do you shoot the guy with the MG42 first or the ones with rifles? I have to check again the number I heard recently about how many Soviet tanks that were taken out by Volksturm with Panzerfausts. Quite many IIRC. Hardly elite units. Will keep it in the back of my mind when F&R is out.
  11. I beg to differ - not that hard at all for regular troops. "Guys, we're being overrun. Hide behind the bocage and hit the first tank you see then get the heck out of there. Find another position, rinse and repeat." Tank Arc would be anything with a gun bigger than 37 mm but not halftracks with guns because those crewmembers die by the first shot anyway, before being able to say "I'll man the gun".
  12. The next turn I gave the PIAT team a specific target on the closest Panther. They didn't fire despite not suppressed, they got some light fire from a halftrack backing away. The TacAI overtook my order and they fired at the halftrack and missed. Then immediately hosed down by the Panther killing the PIAT dude. Oh well, war is hell and all that...
  13. I think they did, but at a far longer distance ahead. Recon is usually done with lighter vehicles. I'm talking PIAT distance here so 160 m max. Close combat essentially.
  14. What I do in modern titles if I want the enemy to expose its ATGM assets is to be just in cover, then drive forward and pause for 10-15 sec depending on distance. An ATGM far away usually takes time to reach its target and will have a much harder time to hit a moving target as well.
  15. On the flip side, the defender has no choice not to take the bait, which IMHO sucks. Especially for AT assets that can be area target into oblivion after the first shot. Or just plopping down a point arty mission. A short arc wouldn't have helped in this situation as all vechicles were close passing from left to right.
  16. It was a confused situation with many vehicles close together at about the same distance (some 80-100 m) coming in and out of LOS due to smoke and trees/hedges. It fired at the first solid contact which was a halftrac despite a Panther being right next to it but just for the moment blocked by smoke.
  17. I have a situation in a current game where I have PIAT teams facing a massive attack of both Panthers, StuGs and Halftracks. I set the Target Armour Arc and the first thing that happens to enter the arc is a halftrack (that I take out) and another halftrack (that is damaged and retreats) but no tries on either a Panther or StuG (by pure chance). Of course I would have liked them to use their precious chances to take out a major target rather than the halftracks. I have had in previous games where armoured cars get the same treatment. So, I'm leaning toward actually wanting the Target Armour Arc to only go for tanks and that soft skinned vehicles would be covered by the regular arc. Ideally another command, but I suspect it would be much easier to change the parameters for the Target Armour Arc instead. Actually, the same thing goes for AT guns, who are so vulnerable once they fire their first shot. I want them to prioritize the first tank that comes into view and not a soft skinned vehicle that is nearby. Any thoughts?
  18. One mission was firing and one was still waiting for the time delay I had set. So it would have been nice to be able to adjust only the active one since the FO were not busy doing anything. And spotting isn't necessary for preplanned missions. Not only that both missions got adjusted, they both got an additional time delay tacked on to the adjustment (the one they had as preplanned).
  19. At the start of a mission I preplanned two missions with a time delay using my FO. Some ten turns into the scenario I wanted to adjust one of the missions and did so. Problem is both missions get adjusted to the same place. Is this a bug or intended behaviour? I have seen it once before but can't remember where. I'll hang on to a save.
  20. From the top of my head - most terrain/ground features from BN should work as well as fortifications and such. Just try
  21. That is indeed a very useful tool to make the AI react to the player's attack.
  22. I've seen it repeatedly, first in the German campaign before the latest patch, and now in the British campaign with the new patch. After the German campaign I tried to made a quick test in the editor but couldn't make it happen again. Could this be caused by old scenarios/campaigns being updated to the new engine? As a test in the editor becomes "new". What kind of save would be of most use, action or planning phase? Problem with action phase is that you can't check the FO/JTAC if a bomb as been used or not during the phase. On a related note - are regular British grunts supposed to be able to call in air strikes?
  23. There is no snow graphics yet, it will come with Fire and Rubble module. But the setting in QB is already there though.
  24. I will definitely try that as well as a part of my ongoing test. And I miss Eddie Van Halen too. Saw them in Stockholm some 35 years ago. Time flies. Too fast I'm afraid
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