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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. There are windows and the door in an identical pattern on the other side, but this appearance is the result of another visual bug that I have reported:
  2. Images says it all. One side of the large church building is bugged so you can see through the solid walls and units outside can see through the wall as well and both can shoot through it like it has windows. The other side works as intended and blocks LOS.
  3. No, only Shock Force 2 on Steam for now. The rest will get there in time. Free keys for anyone who has purchased a game.
  4. Two ways to make CM run better (works for me): Launch the game after a fresh boot of the computer (doesn't hurt to weed down the number of apps that are on autostart either) Use a program like "Razor Cortex" that frees up memory and shuts down unnecessary processes when the game is launched
  5. IIRC someone posted back when AMD released their new processors that they had problems getting CM to launch or run well. I might have dreamt that though...
  6. My bet is that RT will be next on Steam releasing together with F&R.
  7. Yes, I'm leaning more toward i9 after reading the articles. I have never read anything in this forum about overclocking the CPU for CM. I have never tried it, but if CPU power is key for CM maybe it could unlock more potential for higher FPS or better handling of enormous scenarios.
  8. Thanks, will have a look at them. I do a lot of photo editing and want to get started on video editing as well, so maybe the i9 is the better long term solution. My wallet won't be happy, but I will
  9. I wonder if the "turbo boost" performance could be beneficial for CM. As I understand it, it is used when a single core is pushed to the limit. The i7 has 5,1 GHz and the i9 5,2 GHz so its increase in boost mode pushes it ahead of the i7. So i9 it is?
  10. I just got a BenQ EX2780Q monitor which is 1440p and seems like an awesome monitor, but my old rig can only produce 60Hz refresh which I want for other stuff than CM which probably can't push that limit anyway. Edit: going to run all my games on a SSD and other less load intensive stuff on a mechanical drive.
  11. I know that CM relies a lot on the CPU so a great one is one of my top priorities. Also know that single core performance is important. Which is most important, clock frequency or single core performance? I'm thinking about an Intel Core i9 10850K with 3,6 GHz 20MB or the Intel Core i7 10700K with 3,8 GHz 16MB which is about 20% cheaper. How important is the MB for CM? See this chart for single core performance: https://browser.geekbench.com/processor-benchmarks
  12. Please write a short review when you've read it. First hand accounts and a 60 page book of maps sounds like a scenario maker's dream.
  13. Just throwing a wild thought out there: could there be issues with scenarios updated from SF1 to SF2 when it comes to things like IEDs and bombs? There have been reports of bombs dropped by airstrikes that never land, nor is a sound heard. I have had that in both the British and German campaigns. Did a quick test a while ago and it worked. Thing is a test in the editor is always something new and not updated from SF1. Will do more tests on the bomb thing some time in the future. Any reactions from the QB crowd out there, have you seen these things?
  14. Potential spoilers******************************************************** Just finished the Police Station attack scenario in the British campaign and was surprised to see many unused IEDs and spies alive in places that I passed by. Not one set off. I have saves if anyone is interested.
  15. The community "giveth" and the community "taketh". It's all good. Amen to that.
  16. The guide for making campaigns will be of great worth to the community. In my next life I'll make one. I wonder when it starts though...soon I hope.
  17. I guess @Ithikial_AU found the information he asked for a long time ago at FGM. Glad it was enough that it turned into a campaign. Looking forward to seeing more about this.
  18. Thanks for the info, I'll pass my details on to @IanL.
  19. I used the new adress but can't create an account. Could this cause it? It looks ok, but it suspects me of being a spammer (VPN causing this?) and states that my accound is on hold. I get the welcome emails with links to ok the account but no luck. Have tried twice in the past week or so with the same result.
  20. The trailer impressed me and will watch it for sure.
  21. Wouldn't mind going for a walk in that park. All it need is for someone to mod a sign saying "Don't walk on the grass" in the appropriate language.
  22. Make sure to take a look at this awesome project mapping out the Canadian efforts on the west front, https://map.project44.ca/ It includes war diaries and such which can be used for research. Also includes a complete aerial photo view (takes some time to load) of the area for mapping enjoyment
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