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Everything posted by para

  1. Is it possible to have dead soldiers littering streets as flavour objects?
  2. This is deffo marked as V2 Erwin. This is the description from the repository... Description: This mod changes all firearms sounds from pistols to 20mm gun. It also has some bullet whiz and zips from SPR. It can be used with other sound mods but will safely overwrite the firearms sounds from those mods. This is version 2 which corrects some errors in the original. For use with CMBN patch 1.10 and fully compatible with Commonwealth module. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=103005
  3. OK mate have sent you the link
  4. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=103005 here you go
  5. OK I have upped Version E to dropbox..it is 217megs. If you want it, you MUST send me your email address via pm. As with all files please make sure you check for any virus during/after download.
  6. I have this and if you guys cannot get in touch with stephsen, i can drop it into my drop box for you all to grab. That will not be till around 19:00 GMT tonight though anyone that wants it pm me your email address, so i can send you the dropbox link later.
  7. Only thing I could suggest is to add blackening to the end of the exhausts. You are very talented Fuser
  8. I have signed up and i'm a noob get yourself onboard mate
  9. Why have BFC not included the Commandos?
  10. I salute your attention to detail GVT and wish you success in your conversion of the map.
  11. Is that handling our courting? shouldn't you be at work then?by the way Darknight_Canuck has upped his subdued shoulder loops for the 6th AB
  12. You still awake thought you had gone to bed? Good job your are still around you can keep me out of trouble
  13. As I said if I offended I apologise. I did realise that you did not make the map and as stated that the maps are all beautifully constructed. I was disappointed in the scope of the mission of the only Airborne scenario..
  14. If I offended the map maker I apologise. The point I was making was that compared to the other scenarios the varville one is very basic in scope and challenge. Now, I do not mean basic as in poor workmanship of the map etc. I mean it is limited in the mission parameters. 1 Capture building 2 Capture bridge 3 Capture building This can all be done in 5minutes. I cannot do maps or mods so presumably I can have no opinion? My earlier post pretty offensive? Some people are far too easily offended then. Obviously, I do not want to get in to a row with anyone, so I will leave it at that.
  15. If I ever get to Canada I am going to look you up just to have touch of those bad boys
  16. That list is only a brief one.There is supposed to be a full comprehensive list of fixes etc...but for the life of me I cannot find it.
  17. you just have not what I was after, but an answer all the same.
  18. A 64-bit version at some point in the future sounds good. At the moment it is running sweet as a nut, good job. Cheers Phil ps you did not answer my question about the Market Garden Module ;-) will it take another 12months or you looking at a 2012 release?
  19. sburke, a very reasoned comment. The scenario in question is part of the CW module, therefore the person who created it probably got paid. It is the tiniest morsel of a scenario and seems to have been stuck in as an afterthought, compared to the richness, fullness and detail of the other scenarios and campaigns. I do not understnd why akd got so wound up? at no point did i or have i, ever disrespected the modders on this forum.
  20. apparently not due to there being no individual officer gfx model..well i think that is what Mord meant this is his repsonse to me about it Originally Posted by Mord You're welcome. I meant to say I think the beret was originally meant for officers but BFC changed something...the BMP still exists for it but there's nothing in the game utilizing it. There's actually no way to mod it for just officers because there are no separate officer uniform and helmet/hat for the Brits. Mord.
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