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Everything posted by para

  1. Cheers that was the answer I was hoping for
  2. slightly off the assaulting question, but if your pounding stubborn infantry with HE in a building. Will they suffer casualties if and when the building collapses on top of them?
  3. I just set up a qb and told 8 crews of 17's to move in a straight line. The ground was flat for about 80m then went up an hill the last 20m. After around 8mins they moved fairly swiftly and covered the 100m. Averaging about 1.5m every 10secs and then deployed and fired quickly also. I can only imagine because I am in a battle that is affecting the gun team in my pbem. Which is very good to know for future reference
  4. Yes it is and gave them an order to move it at least 20 turns ago. it states on the UI that it takes 8mins to pack up.
  5. Did you just give the crew the move order to position X? or move and deploy weapon at position X.
  6. thanks for the advice, but it looks like it will not move. It's on a slight gradient, the fact that the crew are r rested and not even attempting to move makes me think that it can not be.
  7. Poor placement to start with need to move it. It say that it will take 8mins to move but it does not appear to have moved and the crew are rested. So deffo not moving imo. If it cant be moved, why does it have a move option?
  8. Have being trying to move a 17 ponder about 10m now for 20mins and aint seem to have moved. All the crew are fit and healthy..any ideas guys?
  9. They asked him back, because Cromwell Junior was useless. I wish we had stayed a republic can't stand the monarchy and all that crap that goes with it.
  10. Lots of excrement? would that be the politicians? I know what you mean. I wish Cromwell's bloody useless son had had more balls.
  11. Nah, burning your capital to the ground sufficed
  12. there is something about the SS symbols and uniforms http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3JKcExmQlA
  13. I tried target light at a building and they just fired their normal weapons. What am I doing wrong?
  14. How do you get the PIAT guys to clean house?
  15. Apart from the release that is the best news of the week. This game will reach new heights with your magic touch
  16. Eventually maybe, still looks very nice and rather apt for the SS
  17. Me neither, maybe someone will enlighten us
  18. That's nice and it goes with the colour of their hearts. Is that your mod Childress?
  19. They may have a very good reason for them not to be in. Does it take any longer to model a dead soldier object than it does any other object?
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