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Everything posted by para

  1. Is it not possible to have gliders and parachutes as flavour objects?
  2. Just received and played file 19 of an ongoing pbem game no problems.
  3. I don't need to use it I'm not going into combat any time soon Moon my guy didn't have any ammunition graphic in hand when loading it. The mortar left the tube though
  4. Cheers Moon ps i noticed you did not answer my question re: Market Garden module :-) pps That is the brief list of changes, I was looking for the complete list.
  5. Anyone know where the location is of the full list of improvements and changes? I have found the brief outline.
  6. Is that the little hand held thing? if so, mine was working but the guy had nothing in his hands when he was loading and firing it.
  7. No problems with my mods so far and I have quite few in my Z folder.
  8. I am just going to throw the full lot back in and see what happens...like an explosive satchel
  9. Cheers sburke in my excitement, I got all girly dizzy
  10. OK which is my serial key? my original one I got with cmbn?
  11. I would think so that is my intention...removing the Z folder returns game to vanilla.
  12. Sweet. Seen as you are in an answering mood Moon..I have 6mins left on my CW download to go, yet I feel the urge to ask about Market Garden. Do you envisage that module taking 12months to release or a lot less e.g. within 2012?
  13. I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong. As I understand it UK orders will ship from Germany. Therefore, no import tax this time.
  14. Moon/BFC Should we remove all our mods before installing?
  15. 40minutes to get the CW is a disgrace..please BFC install a super duper flux capacitor type thingy to increase the speed of the server..ta very much
  16. oh good I am pleased, the man who spilt the beans gets in last
  17. Moon, it's man thing don't pretend you aint done it
  18. thank god for that was a little worried there
  19. Too late mate, what's done is done. You are not the 1st nor the last and your excitement is understandable. ps what size is your download?
  20. Well seen as it's now common knowledge to anyone reading the forum.. 627? mine is only 492 am I missing a large part of it?
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