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Everything posted by para

  1. You could of done this via pm like I did why do people not read the email carefully?
  2. So what time would that be in the place where time began mjkerner?
  3. Not every time, but yes I have noticed that. In fact it is big enough to get tanks through, which for one satchel is nice. I did mention this on another thread for someone else who was asking the same thing.
  4. Very true, strange how you see signs in the most innocuous thing isn't it?
  5. I am pretty sure they have all partaken in a spicy curry and sex at some point during development.I hasten to add not with each other
  6. It was quite good and made me laugh whilst at work, which is very rare.
  7. The fact that most, if not all of the BFC gang were hanging around the forum early hours of this am I honestly thought it would released today. Alas no such luck
  8. What do you suggest as an inducement? cod liver oil, a spicy curry or sex?
  9. Best thing to do is to release this thing NOW! That way you BFC boys will get some peace and quiet for a few days
  10. It is a great game and the one I only play religiously nowadays. I have had a go with the simulators, FPS and sports games but the WW2 BFC games are king. The only game genre that for me could take me away is if someone comes up with a fantastic Rugby League game. There have been several but they have poor attempts so far. Got the BFC middle East games but soon got bored and if any one wants them they are for sale.
  11. Perpendicular, what a good great word
  12. I suppose if i had the readies i would probably do the same. Roll on that lottery win i have been dreaming about. You in the oil business then Nik_B?
  13. No austerity measures going on in your gaff i see
  14. Just place the blast point along your side of the bocage and they never run through
  15. £3k just to play Cliffs of Dover?
  16. I always kill abandoned or immobilised enemy tanks. It's the only way to make sure. Quoting corporal Hicks of course
  17. Fair enough..last question, should I go to bed??
  18. Thought not anyway lots of good changes, especially the upgrade of ram usage. Glad to hear that lots more tweaks have been done. Think it might have been better for you to have stickied a full exhaustive list to start with though. It would have headed off the inevitable mass of questions about what has or has not been tweaked.
  19. The one major problem I have at the moment that is not on the list Phil, is that I am not firing up 1.10 yet! when is this going to get fixed
  20. good to hear surprised Moon did not state this though, would have stopped a lot of questions.
  21. It did, but the change log is now on the change log thread Odin. go there mate. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=102803
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