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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. As for arty landing in the same hole twice. There is alot of variables as to getting two shells to duplicate the same path and land in the same spot. So it is a matter of luck. Jumping in the hole just recently made might be safer if you figure things will not duplicate themselves. Lets see, did the gun not re-adjust at all from the previous recoil. Does the shell load have the exact same amount of powder. Has the wind varied from the gun barrell to the target in either direction or force since the last shot. Just them three things would likely make the shell land somewhere else, but the question is how far away from the last one. So as clientwood would Say "Do you feel Lucky" then go for it, at least you would not be laying in open ground. Plus the ground would be soft. A great place to die if things did not work out.
  2. I think digging fox holes in the game framework is not so realistic. if it was allowed, troops would need to be shown doing it in a somewhat exposed position and there also would need to be a sound factor that should allow enemy units within range to hear what was happening and give away the position where they are digging. Unless units knew they were to hold a piece of ground for some time or that there was not a concern of letting the enemy know where they were. I have a hard time beleiving much digging was going on if there was a chance the enemy heard you and sent some rounds your way. Yes, troops were digging foxholes all the time, but not in the middle of fire fights generally. It be ok in the game, but it should have a high risk and take plenty of time to adcheive. But it should come into play in some situations. Like a defence in depth. I could see some units assigned to the last line of defence. preparing holes so that when units withdrawl from the forward positions there is a better defensive line ready. but holes would not start showing up until at least 15-20 minutes of effort. That is how I see it anyway.
  3. Sent you a private message with my email if you would like to play
  4. reminds me of the old days. I do like where it is going, for those that do not have a backround in any military training. This will give them basics as to how to think in the game, instead of focusing on how to take advantage of the game mechanics, it focuses on the thing that should matter, combat tactics.
  5. Are you kidding.:confused: If we are going to get this over demanding. Then I am upset, I have yet to see one insect in any of the game play. Insects are everywhere. I demand we get them flying around the bodies of woiunded men. And what about some cilvilians, exspecially woman, its time to add war crimes into it also. I just cannot get into it - big "immersion breakers"
  6. Almost totally unrelated. But was playing the game the other day. Was watching a truck moving down the road at high speed. When it saw the enemy tank, it braked hard. it was fish tailing back and forth before coming to a stop. Now that is some realistic detailing.
  7. OK, I remembered incorrectly. here is the quote from Steve, Note that it might top direct sales, most of CMBO sales were not direct. "No you don't. If we became insanely rich we might retire early and do something else. So you want us to be comfortably compensated, but still hungry for more And no, the order numbers don't mean anything. 220,000 orders would definitely put us into the "at risk of retiring" range, not to mention 2 million! Either one is a nice thought. While we won't give out sales numbers, or a hint of them, we can say that CM:BN will likely top our direct sales for any other game except (possibly!) CMBO. Too soon to say for sure since the game hasn't even been out a week yet, but that's the way it's headed." Steve
  8. We already had this discussion, and Steve did text in that CMBN was well on its way to becoming the most sold game that they have marketed. Thus tied into the quote given here. You can only assume that it will outsell CMBO, but it is still a guess as to how many copies that is. But this is by far, maybe the most profitable game they have created and sold. But no retirement plans yet, that is good as for all of us and this addiction that we have.
  9. The problem with this is, bldg 9 might offer better cover than bldg 1. but when playing the game, which one is bldg 9. That is one of the main issus. I can get a module and farm house to look the same, but protection is likely better in the module. The game needs to have some way of informing us what type of protection we might be receiving. Right now it is guess work and that just is not right.
  10. Players can avoid them all they want, until the buildings are part of the objective. Personnally I have learned to deal with it. I play now by keeping my units behind the building, if prone, they are pretty safe. Cannot see anything but I use other units for that. If I am the attacker, I will enter the bldg. once I have firepower supremacy. If on defence, they remain behind the bldg to ambush the enemy when they enter. In this case, the guys outside of the bldg seem to have the advantage normally. I agree, for arty, they seem to do ok as long as not to many rounds are direct hits.
  11. excellent work. It was so good, it almost puts me to sleep like every other history show I watch does. But so does watching football, so dont feel bad, that is a compliment:) Really a great effort and a fine example of the work you are able to do. Hope it pays off for you in some way. Maybe a job with a real history show, now that would be something!!!
  12. when I ran my test, they are better off in a house compared to being in the open. If and only if these conditions are in place. The only way blue on blue won in a fire fight with the house proving to be the advantage was if. My unit was broken up and placed on different levels and I had only one to two men per opening. If the enemy was equal size and did not have a firepower advantage. So in other words, too many men in a house are only targets, they do not help deliver firepower. Second if a platoon of men are in them fields and you try to stop them with a squad. You have no chance, they will get pinned down and then killed. but squad on squad, the house was providing protection, not much. I was losing two men compared to 3 in the field as I recall. So what is a good rule. For me, I have decided. I only enter houses if a am pretty sure I am going to have the firepower advantage. As long as you have that, they are ok.
  13. To each his own, I played some larger cmX1 battles and enjoyed them. But there comes a level where nothing much is gained and it becomes a lot of work for not much in return. So I just think there is a size and scale of battle that fits best for the tactical challenge. I like the concept that is in other war games, like the total war series. Movement and supplies and stuff should be done on a larger map that represents operational challenges. Once battle locations are identified, then the tactical level should be played. I personnally dont want to move a tons of units all over a huge map to still find myself fighting multi company battles. Just my opinion of how I want to spend my time.
  14. CM1 would bring my machine to its needs also. but ten years and a few machines later and yes, one can play Regimental size battles. Given time, personnal computers will allow Cm2 to be played at larger and larger levels. but the truth is, it was not designed for it, it is just gamers wanting to push it to them levels. Personnally I think you are all crazy to want to take it to that size. Bloody Omaha is taxing on my machine. i thought about editing it for myself to part of the beach so that I can enjoy it. Tried wego and just did not enjoy the time it was taking to calc. a turn.
  15. plus you all need to keep in mind, the movie director needs to film something you will enjoy watching. You need them enemy Units in the open so you can see them, filming real enemy soldiers in the woods is nothing but flashes of gunfire from the brush. Same thing for the AA gun in SPR, the shot was made so you could see the weapon and watch its firepower, had nothing to do with trying to be realistic. Realistic might have been to stage it at the other end of the road and give supporting fire or set it up and take out the guys in the church tower at a distance, if for some crazy reason that unit was even with a forward element. but none of that would be as exciting as that up close and personnal scene, even if it likely would never happen. Grogs are so negative - it gets old.
  16. It said there is 18 post on this thread but I cannot see anything. Battlefront fix it, or I will not ................... ( wait a minute, I know I will buy the next module) buy the next game and will flame you at every internet site I can. oops. my fault, forgot about my ignore button.
  17. I figured as much, I like the one about it being a temporary gun jamb, that makes sence. Except for the fact that once it is fixed and ready to go, it would have been nice to see them start the area fire I had ordered. had to wait that full minute to get them to fire it the next turn.
  18. What is it telling me when I see under the damage bar. The tanks gun "wording" in a gray color, but the box to the right is Green, indicating everything is OK. This happened, the tank iqnored the fire order for the next turn. but as the turn progressed, the wording turned green again and everything appears to be back to normal. What does the graying of the word mean.
  19. What if Russia had not entered the war? I think we all should be glad they did. Personally I think each country contributed to what became the victory and if you leave any of them out. It provides time and material to the German army that was not going to change their plans or objectives. They might have made many more of their objectives So statements like the a-bomb and stuff like that is a waste of a statement as to it being a fact as to the outcome. Who is to say if Germany does not developed some of it super weapons first and they strike out at the allies. There are just too many variables as to what could happen if someone had not participated. Anyway, do you think Russia would have sat back even if Germany had not attacked? Russia in all likelihoods would have attacked on their own when they saw a good opportunity to do so. So their involvement was not just a bad decision of Hitler’s, it was an event that was unavoidable and it was just a choice of who would strike first. Personally I am an American that is grateful that the Russians bleed the German army dry of its resources and manpower. Because I really think the other fronts would have been German victories easily if they were attempted without the Russians occupying the use of most of the German resources
  20. this is from the campaign game "The outlaws" first I seen in a game other than the Omahe beach scenario which seems a little taxing to my machine. But navel arty. just is brutal against armor if you ever get the chance to use it. I did a Battle in the old system that had it that was great fun. a BATTLE IN ITALY after the allies had landed that stopped a armor counter-attack.
  21. First shots of me getting to use 5" navel gun fire in a game to take out a enemy tank. See the two that bailed, additional life span, 2 seconds Also liked the fact that another tank was nailed hidden in the woods, that was not spotted.
  22. History is the best judge of when we will see new modules. So I would not get to excited for new stuff, their adv. time for new modules has almost been a year in the past. PLus only one third party Output version of the game. I just am glad I do not have the time to play so much that I am in need of the next module yet. I still have plenty of things to do with the present.
  23. I just started playing the Outlaws a few days ago. Even though it is a campaign fighting the AI, I am impressed with how much I am enjoying it. CMX2 has made campaigns come to life , I hated them in the old system, never played, now they are fun. A great source for gaming time and allowing me to save the scenarios for HtoH play. I just wanted to thank the designer, great topic to set the campaign to. A great book to get battles from. Thanks to Battlefront for the detail in the game, Have seen some new fun stuff. Trooper firing from the back of halftracks as they roll into battle. Looked great.
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