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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. I thought he made this clear, the count is showing what you have at the end of the turn, of course this is only when the flaw is happening, which he claims only happens in WEGO playback.
  2. The face command is great, but keep in mind, they might open up on what they see. So cover arc is the way to try and prevent that. That was a interesting response from Battlefront, I had already drawn a conclusion that cover arcs as for me is just trying to control where I want units to focus on firing within. You can help keep a unit focused on what you want them too, beyond that. You need to play the game anticipating what AI does, you no longer have the ability to override it with commands as well as in the old days. Unless RT of course and you sit there and micromanage one or a few units.
  3. You will be waiting awhile since the PBEM game turn rate in the games I play is nothing to smile about. I am lucky to see a turn a night. But when jobs, family and other stuff is involved, that is enough, if not to much. Most of my time at this forum is when I am at work and have some spare time. Like lunch.
  4. I am playing that one right now as allies. Balenced, maybe not. Germans can likely adjust their defence. Allies better have a good plan for their attack and stay committed to it. So I agree, the player that has the allies should be the strongest player, they have a good challenge. If allies are played poorly, it would get ugly quick. If played well, I think they can win, but I have not made it that far yet. but it appears the battle favors the Germans.
  5. The more I try to remember, the less sure I am. But if that is the logic for not doing it, they went a little too far on that decision. I would not want to see a elite Pz III crew enter a tiger and begin running it like they had been in one for months. But crews from the same type of tank should be allowed to switch. It was common practice if the platoon commander tank was shot from under him, he would go switch out a crew from another tank with his able crew. likely was hard to code, so they just kept it simple. Just like AT guns not being able to be unmanned and then manned again. The gaminess aspect is a good way of not having to say , did not want to have to program it, they have to keep somethings in the game simple or the game would never get done..
  6. wow, now there is some concealment. Them sneaky Germans, now they are laying block around the barrel. Problem is, once the mortor drys, thsat gun is there frorever. I know, Sorry no help.
  7. it has me stumped, maybe this all happened in one of my CMBN dreams
  8. It is a bug, programming error, terrible AI or just a unbearible situation that you cannot emotionally handle. That game must be crap. So you better just never play it again until Battlefront fixes it. Send them "Sorry I cannot play til version 1.02 comes out". emails today before it is to late. Really, it likely is a coding problem, so you might want to send it to them. Not a world ending one. I have seen similar. Normally one guy left in a unit. Appears alive but in other ways he is dead. and he will stay that way.
  9. I think this shows we are generally all in a age bracket that we found WWII as entertainment. It was in the shows we watched, our fathers had served in that war, those around us from the generation before had stories and so forth. I think many of us started long ago in the hobby and you see us still in it today. Yes we pick up others from other age brackets. But the poll reflects the large number that has followed through all of the phases of developement and change
  10. That might be true, but he has a funny way of showing it. I really do not want this thread to go down that line of thought. I will say, I thought the poll was not slanted and that the questions were well done in trying to get a general feel for what is going on in the CM community. So I will give him credit for doing that and found it interesting even though it only confirmed things I pretty much knew anyway.
  11. That is no suprise, for any WWII wargame grog. that is the favorite front. Many reasons, but here is just a few. Anyone that studies the period knows that the German ground war was won and lost there. The majority of their forces were used and spent in Mother Russia. I remember that number to be 70% but am sure someone can correct me. It covered such a large portion of the war 41-45, so their is many different combinations of units that faced each other at certain time frames. Most WWII tactical war gamers are big Tank nuts (it might be a decease) I know I am one. So where was most of the real tank battles and large armor accounts and where both sides had mammoth tanks. once again the Russian Front. So, there is where all true war gamers generally find themselves wanting to be. From what I understand, the reason why companys alway focus on the western front is because of sales from the average player which is not a true wargamer. There largest group of sales come from the United States, which has the largest sorce of possible customers. So what theme best apeals to them, the one with american troops in it. That takes no future comment.
  12. You might be right, but a test is in order to prove it. I did not grap the same crew, that I know for sure. The tanks were 100 meters apart. The dead crew lay next to the tank that was theirs and still operational. The other crew I had to move that 100 meters.
  13. I am sure they are not protected, I have seen to many gunned down after they surrender. But I think the game does stop small arms fire from targeting them. So most of mine I have seen killed by small arms fire is within a few seconds after their hands go up. But they still are not safe, but they might be safer than the kneeling position they are shown in. So units do not target them , but cannon fire is more likely to hit them, thus the reason many think they are only in danger from that. Personnally, If I see units of mine with their hands up. I am not able to get to them. Then my tanks fire HE rounds at them to end their days. I sure would not be loved by my soldiers, but the enemy will not get their hands on my men.
  14. Are you sure about this one. I could swear I was playing a game, had two crews abandon their tanks. The one crew was gunned down moments later, the other hid in the woods. Their tank was destroyed. So I ran them to the emty tank after they had recovered. They were units from the same platoon. But I will admit my memory plays tricks on me now days, so not sure, but without testing I would disagree with this at the moment.
  15. Did not do the pole but I fit the majority on I beleive every topic. Even with the small group so far, I think it is already showing some general trends. I smile at the fact of who is doing the poll, why would he do it if he hates the game so much. Oh well, lets not start talking about that again. It shows the fact that his opinions are not that of the majority. I still think he plays it and now he cannot let anyone know. the one that captured my attention was area of interest. I always felt that the modern stuff needed to be in a game where you can sim. Nato against Russia, it was such a real possibility and we all want to see it played out in a wargame and experiment with the best forces from both sides. I know I did anyway. So none of the new stuff interested me because of the enemy forces. The closest one I came to buying was the afgan one. But Battlefront is leaving money on the table until they do that one.
  16. Actually that is not exactly true, that was the second round fired from the bazooka. The panther fired hit the tank, shortly after, the first bazooka round missed to the right, then it was on the second round fired that the tank spotted the smoke. So it was pretty beleiveable actually. What was not, the Sherman he hit did not die, it was a penetration and later found out it was still operating and moving on the battlefield. It is for sure maybe the most unlucky minute I have had except for one other I can think of that happened years ago.
  17. Dont speak too loud, they might figure out how much we get for how little and want to charge more. Of course the modules is a little of that.
  18. I am such a humble guy, I did not want to show such a event against a enemy (Oh yes I would). But was more willing to show a ego tearing moment towards my own game play (what a bunch of bull)
  19. I had tried the same thing, did not work, thus the reason for the face command. For some reason that does a better job of freezing the tank in place for a while, thus giving the gunner time to aim and fire. It is not a perfect answer and works good in RT but likely not much help in WEGO
  20. I will just shake my head. What some people will do to try and win a game. Now we know the real reason the bar is back. It sure is not to let you know how close you are to watching the next turn, Since half of its time is spent on 29%. And that brings up a new question, what is going on during that 29%
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