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Everything posted by wolf66

  1. Sounds like BF made the germans in CMFI to take over the role of the syrians in CMSF ....... cannon fodder in prettier uniforms
  2. CMAK worked very well for me - borg spotting was necer a problem for me (guess i was blessed) - I just assumed they had radios on tanks and informed the other units accordingly of enemy positions - CMSF - not so much - it felt too much like a heavy weight fight between Mike Tyson in his prime against Benny Hill .......
  3. I looked it up and it was "ASSAULT ON LEROS" - An 8 Battle Operation ! Rachi Ridge ! EPIC !
  4. You are very welcome Sir ! I may be biased because this was my first Airfix set EVER - poetry in plastic ! Everything after was just not as good ........ apart from women, rock and booze that is ......
  5. There were some CMAK campaigns/battles on the german paratroopers on crete that were absolutely AMAZING to play ! Maleme me thinks one was called ? Especially PBEM ! CMAK is and was vastly underrated ...... the only CMx1 game that let me down was CMBO .... as I was getting this after I had CMBB - what a letdown !
  6. Ohhh ...... and Emrys' view on the subject is spot on !
  7. CMAK was great for what it was at the time - a module in a series of great games although a bit dated ...... and EVERYTHING that would have followed after the groundbreaking and fantastic epic scale CMBB would have been doomed for failure IMO. Just imagine CMSF coming out after CMBB with the old CMx1 engine - it would have sold far less than CMAK did. I love the desert fighting because it is where tanks really can shine and nothing like a good sandstorm and dunes ....... long range 88 duels ... ahhhh
  8. The Grogs are now busy with another platform that can model certain details more life-like :
  9. Well he could be awarded the "FANBOY OF THE YEAR" award for postings above and beyond the call of duty and complete disregard for others' opinions and real life .........
  10. Cue poster who states that this is perfectly ok and realistic .... lol
  11. And this is one of the best trailers I have seen for flight sims..... WWII though
  12. I am with moet. This is the first installment I will not purchase right from the bat from BF. Maybe later as a bundle with modules with reduced price ..... no moral high ground or agenda - just sayin'
  13. I think that Wehrmacht behaviour in SU was also influenced by the very active and cruel partisan activity there - so revenge was part of the behaviour there too ......
  14. This is why some long for the days of CMX1 - we could argue about a bloody tripod all day and night, but thankfully it was a given that you could hide ATGs, Shreks and what not for ambushes etc and had no bloody fanboys to tell us why it is all right to spot a veteran sniper team with normal infantry from 500 m away after mere seconds .... or that enemy tank around the corner of the building suddenly my infantry completely forgets about after 5 secs, do they not hear the bloody engine and smell the diesel ....... or german heavy MGs on tripods that shoot over their targets half the time even when they shoot at the same damn target for minutes ...... give it up skelley, you could more likely get a junkie to stop using than those fanboys to look behind the curtain .....
  15. And don't forget that it was a lot more safe for the rich to have the poor fighting and dying in another land far, far away than to have them rebellious and hungry in their own lands .......
  16. Be thankful the Germans attacked Russia or else you would have been starved on your little island of superiority .....
  17. Well you wouldn't mistake him for Audie Murphy, that's for sure ....
  18. Agree *Shakes his head and goes play Red Orchestra 2* Reply With Quote
  19. Looks more like some french car, maybe a "Beutestück" transported to the Reich for some officer ?
  20. You have to understand, the game is always right and therefore realistic - your real life is the buggy matrix - PLEASE GET WITH THE PROGRAM !
  21. So the OP is a liar or a very bad player ?? I don't think so ..... I had my scouts "scouting" for minutes without spotting anything and the enemy has been sitting just across the bocage ..... not really a great gaming experience having "scouting missions" like that ......
  22. I would prefer having a bar at some edge of the screen with little symbols for all my available units and if I move the mouse pointer on a symbol the unit itself gets highlighted / blinking / translucent etc on the battlefield ......
  23. This seemingly realistic and effective tactic (reverse slope placement and quick move backwards after firing to get out of LOS before contact from tanks can be made) is not possible with these deploying and packing times in the game ........this and the almost instant detection of ambushing ATGS from enemy troops makes ATGs next to useless in game .....
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