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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. I agree with the above message's, your doing commendable work!. I wish that someone would eventually write a co-herent logically laid out and carefully explained instruction manual as to how to go about creating a MOD, including the Unit Bit-Maps, and all the rest that pertain's to this effort, from beginning to end!.
  2. The main point as you stated , was that many countries like Poland and so on had for example armoured forces, of course, not as substantial as the major powers and that the current unit sizes used for the Major's were making it difficult to size the Minor's. So, all i was trying to do was to show that in-fact , for example that the Czechoslovakian Armoured forces were not so insignificant as to entirely rule them out of the game. That they and other's could benefit from your suggestion, so that they could be represented as well!: Originally Quoted by Sitting Duck :
  3. John DiFool the 2nd !... My biggest beef is how squares will constantly "flip" like this, often allowing a surrounded enemy to reinforce (usually through the diagonal) or even operate out. In real life that supply line would have been severely compromised if not obliterated. _I'd simply disallow any reinforcement, op moves, or new builds in enemy ZOC, just as many other games do (don't). 'Amen to that!!!'. Yes, i too have experienced where the enemy is 'initially' totally cut-off from supply and on the following turn bring's up a corps unit to re-establish supply through a 'diagonal', then is instantly able to saturate his immediate city area will all the armies he can bring in to fill every available unoccupied space!.
  4. SittingDuck: For Example: CZECHOSLOVAKIA http://www.achtungpanzer.com/pzcz.htm The article doesn't say anything about how many Tank's that the Czech Army had when the German's invaded, but it does show that, after the German's took over the Czech Factories that... 'Approximately 1400 PzKpfw 38(t)s were produced in 8 different variants (Ausf A/B/C/D/E/F/S/G) with various modifications, improved armor protection and armed with Czech made 37mm Skoda A7 vz.38 guns designated by the Germans as 37mm KwK 38(t) L/48 (L/47.8).' Also: http://www.military.cz/panzer/index_en.htm Jagdpanzer 38 Hetzer / Panzerjäger 38(t) So are 1400 Czech-built Tank's worth being represented in the game?. I think perhap's they are already integrated into the Tank Force Equation for the German Army!. POLISH ARMOUR: http://derela.republika.pl/armcarpl.htm Polish armoured formations of 1939 Tankette (small reconnaissance tank) TK (also known as TK-3) was the Polish design based upon Polish-improved Carden-Loyd tankette chasis. About 300 were produced (including 18 TKF, with TKS engine). TKS was the improved model - about 260 were built (24 armed with 20mm gun). Armament: one 7.92mm Hotchkiss wz.25 MG. 24 TKS tankettes were armed with 20mm wz.38 FK-A gun. Location of Polish armoured units on the 1st of Sept. 1939 http://derela.republika.pl/7tp.htm 7TP light tank 7TP tank was Polish developement of Vickers Mk.E tank licence. Main new features of 7TP were: better diesel engine, very good 37mm gun and a bit thicker armor. Only 132 were produced, plus 4 iron prototypes. Of those, 24 were early twin turret version. http://www.military.cz/panzer/index_en.htm I probably didn't cover all the tank's that the Polish had, but i hope i caught the idea of what they had for heavy tank forces ['HEAVY'...for the time period]. [ August 27, 2006, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  5. SittingDuck: Unfortunately im not well versed on French Tank Group's. They definetely had Tank Unit's with their Army Group's, but as i recall, they were segmented into smaller support unit's to directly augment the regular army, instead of being a wholly indepenent strike force!. Now at the end of the Campaign for France, Degaulle was able to marshall Tank Unit's together to form a Tank Group or Tank Group's, and did have some local success with it!. Again, im not aware of any French Tank Group's in and around Paris at the beginning of the assault on France.
  6. Titan: A place to start is ... eLICENSE F.A.Q. Website-INSTALLATION ISSUES-MANY OTHER ISSUES TOO!. http://www.battlefront.com/elicense_faq.html Contact Support: The main support contact for all issues regarding downloads and licensing is E-Mail: elicense@battlefront.com. Use that email if you have a problem or issue that is not covered in this FAQ or if you have comments and questions about the eLicense system. [ August 27, 2006, 08:13 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  7. xwormwood ...you make 100% sense!, let's hope that our Guru's can offer 'logical explanations' or 'solutions' to these gragarious finding's. What you have illustrated is a game manifesting a hideous form of 'A Mass Of Conflicting Impulses'!.
  8. Do you guy's have that problem that is reffered to as....'MUBBLE WITH YOUR TROUTH!'???.
  9. Ive alway's liked the Game-Idea that you are proposing Edwin P ., however, will it not take a vigorous 'ramp-up' on improving the AI before what you say has a chance of becoming a reality?.
  10. Some realistic, practical, thought-provoking concept's you have there TaoJah !. I personally like your idea's, and i hope that they can be accomadated into the game.
  11. SittingDuck Quote: When you 'Mouse Over' the different small boxes on the Right Hand side of the screen, you should notice a small white backdropped pop-up box show up behind the mouse pointer, indicating what the symbol's game function is!,...as well as INFORMATION on the symbol in the function box is also displayed in the upper Tool-Bar as it were, at the very top of the screen!.
  12. Im more familiar with Stalingrad than with Moscow, but in both case's the Russian's massed troop's over time to be used for Defense, then used for offense. So if this is true, then im for trying to replicate those situation's. Blashy indicate's that by raising the Oil well value, that that should do it. Im of another opinion in that, what that will do is just increase the Russian/Soviet MPP's throughout the game for them instead of simulating these massive force concentration's which historically occured, and resulted in effecting an offensive impetus steam-roller effect to the Soviet's. As i said, im a little gray in this area, so i may be incorrect somewhat, but i think that there is a good chance that i am not wrong.
  13. I see that we are putting more polish on 'The Wilder Beast!', Good!!!, hope to see a few more polishing's until the reflected light is finally a blinding light!. SC2 is a very good [almost a Great Game][it is a Great to me already, personally!, but, some would disagree], and this Patch will certainly direct it toward's that ultimate direction!. Some issue's that i would like to bring up are: 1. Some method of Mapping to Encompass both Theatre's in WW2, European & Pacific!. 2. Assistance with access to Bitmap's covering as much of human history as is possible. 3. A Unit-Development-Tool to say,...for example design a 'Manned Bunker Emplacement' [The Development Tool Utility would permit the creation of this Unit as well as other type's from a design menu], as an alternative to the 'Unmanned' fortification's. I was primarily thinking of the usage of this manned fortification emplacement for occupied Japanese island's in WW2, they could also be used in the Maginot Line, Normandy Coastline, Malta, Tobruk, Sevastapol & i think Belgian [Not Sure] Fort's that the Fallschirmjaeger stormed during the outbreak of the attack of the Low-Countries are but a few idea's!.
  14. So do i Edwin P., Some are of the opinion that the AI is redundant, however, as it is i think it's not bad really, but i too would like to see more improvement's. I think with some inventiveness, more tweaking, more AI feed-back from player's and so on, that eventually it will start to take real shape as 'a much better and unpredictable AI'.
  15. Capt Andrew: SUGGESTION:---Put your Scripting effort up here in this discussion topic, then whom-ever, can take a look at it and make suggestion's, correction's or whatever!. NOTE: Please include in a brief description what you want to be able to do or to accomplish with it!.
  16. What i would like to see is a versatile Unit/Icon creator where one could then decide or select as to what characteristic's to include in it!. For example, a manned Bunker bitmap for a Japanese Occupied Fortified island in the Pacific,...not the Unmanned fortification's that we currently have for the European Theatre. You see, this is not a carbon copy of existing Bunker/Fortified Position stat's, but now something different [Manned Bunker], so what im asking for is an ingame 'Utility' programme to deal with alternate unit design characteristic's!.
  17. Scook: Why different scales for Europe and the Pacific!. Do not those Arrows have design controls so that you can put in the amount of time that goes by/Lapse's before one reaches the other side of the journey?. If they do, then you could cut-out sections of the Map if your limited for Map-Space and then be able to have both Europe & the Pacific on one large Map!. Originally Quoted by Scook!: I do not of course understand the situation as you do Scook, but i'll hazard guess as that stated in your words in the quote above, i tend to think, that this is how you may have to handle it!. P.S. Also give Hubert Cater a Knawing on his ankle for not pre-anticipating this absolutely critical need for us SC2 fan's!,...also 'Growl & Salivate' a little as you are chewing on him!.
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corps Military formation: In many armies, a corps refers to a unit of approximately 60,000 men, composed of usually three divisions, and typically commanded by a lieutenant general. During World War I and World War II, due to the large scale of combat, multiple corps were combined into armies which then formed into army groups . More EXPLICIT Information: http://www.awm.gov.au/atwar/structure/army_structure.htm#basic Basic Army structure ARMY GROUP: Made up of Two or more Corps CORPS: STRENGTH: 30,000 or more_Made up of Two or more Divisions DIVISION: STRENGTH: 10,000 - 20,000_Made up of Three Brigade's [ August 24, 2006, 04:47 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  19. Middle East: SeaMonkey ...Yes, i think i can see it!, SO i'll offer my opinion even though im sure that you will not like it. This could very well be the next MAJOR-HEAVY-DANGER conflict area on the earth!. The president of IRAN is on a mission to convert the Middle East into a Muslim Islamist Empire, for now,...the world later!. Thus!, there will be no tolerating any Democracy-Style government's in this Islamist realm!. Since IRAQ [1/3rd Shiite< they also control the present government in Iraq.] who was controlled by Saddam Hussein- a Sunni, Saddam is no longer around to roadblock IRAN [shiite], Iran is now free of Saddam's obstructive effort's and now has the opportunity to do as they see fit!, including having/demanding the right to construct Nuclear Missle weapon's to further their ambition's which also include the destruction of Israel.[They will snub the U.S, the European Union, and the U.N. as regards the development of weapon's grade uranium for nuclear weapons]. With this war with Hezbollah...in Lebanon, his follower's are mostly Shiite, they take orders from IRAN,...Iran also supplies money and weapon's to Hezbollah!, the Weapon's are procured from China as well as Russia.[Probably traded for Oil] By the way, Turkey [Muslim] also has a beef with the Kurd's in Iraq, and i think will make an incursion toward's them. Turkey has also enlisted Iran to co-assist in this endeavor.[Not too much new's yet on this recent development.] In their religion, they do not tolerate any other religion's. So therefore, you are an infidel!, not worthy of walking/breathing on this earth. Already we see on the new's that IRANIAN President has the following of most Muslim's through-out the earth, which is what he need's to try to fullfil his holy-vision-mission!. His backer's also include Russia & China, as he already has huge/substantial oil contract's with them and that Russia is Actively involved in helping Iraq build their Nuclear Reactor's [CNN Broadcaster stated that Russia & China have Huge Oil Contract's with Iran and Russia,...Who know's if his/this statement is entirely correct??? & Yes, Russia is also an 'Exporter' of Oil!] [They desperately want access to his oil supplies...Maybey not only for internal consumption only, but in some circumstances for resale in other profitable market's] and so know's that he can rely on them to back him and block any effort's from the U.S. or Europe in preventing him from doing as he see's fit. I could be completely wrong, but, i seriously doubt it!. Someone could create a MOD called 'THE RED CRESENT-ISLAMIST JIHAD'...depicting this present day upcoming dangerous new dictator!. [ August 24, 2006, 04:22 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  20. Night , i might not understand you correctly so please excuse me if i misunderstood, but what is required at the CMMOD's site, is for you to set up your own account, User ID & Password, then your good to go!. So there is therefore, NO posted universal Pass-Word for generic general use.
  21. If either of you two guy's [Edwin P. & Fartknock3r] know of anyone skilled enough at Bit-Map work, please direct them toward's J P Wagner's project to see if they can help him out if he need's it!. Even if he doesn't need help right now, it would be good for him to know who to contact if he does later!. UPDATE: Edwin P.! ... i hate to implore you again,...but... another 'request', i think you are a 'full-fledged-scripting verteran', so if you can, could you or someone you know give a hand to J P Wagner,... as this is where his need is greatest. Giving a name or two for 'J P' to follow up on, could help out too!. [ August 21, 2006, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
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