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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I tried bringing this up in the CB:BN forum, but the possibility exists that we will get captured vehicles (other than those captured from the French in 1940) in the 1st CMBN Battlepack, though I don't know if the Allies used any captured AFVs and I doubt the Germans hardly captured any up to August '44. IIRC the Allies had a good sized motor pool of captured German transport.
  2. I thought maybe at least some KV 85s but they weren't widely produced and maybe they were on other sections of the Front. We know they'll be more stuff in modules.
  3. Suggestions of bringing back command delays have previously been met with negatively by most of those commenting.
  4. Maybe in CMRT 4.0 Soviets in such a situation will just go to the ground and stay there rather than break or something of that sort. Just an idea. I know BFC has been hesitant to introduce national characteristics in the past.
  5. I for one am happy about the introduction of tree size variation. I'm hesitant to mention it however as we were recently reminded not to get Steve started about trees!
  6. In my off hand opinion, I'm thinking US in-game small unit leaders should have some leadership value advantages over Russian because the past 12-13 years would have conferred some sort of experience to the US. On the other hand though, perhaps COIN experience is entirely inapplicable. I also don’t know how much of the supposed Soviet era inflexibility remains in the modern Russian army.
  7. I had a suspicion that might be the case. Off hand I'm thinking it would be nice to fix that someday, but then would players really want another level of micro-management and have to decide what each round being loaded should be?
  8. I've never been sure if AFV guns in CMX2 were considered to be loaded at scenario start or only loaded when they saw a target and decided whether to use AP or HE. Judging by the reaction speed I've always assumed it to be preloaded but that would mean sometimes firing the wrong projo at a target or taking the time to unload and reload. What does the game actually do?
  9. Was this confirmed or is it an assumption based on the screenshots?
  10. But isn't that just because it causes loss of fog of war which doesn't necessarily apply to cellars or is it also a frame rate issue caused by deep bends in the mesh?
  11. I know Urban Combat isn't for every one but perhaps by CM version 5.0 they'll have mouseholes, cellars and sewers, external ladders and stairs, and more building types to make it more interesting for players. Or perhaps that will make it more tedious; I don't know.
  12. I have Soviet Blitzkrieg as a source for both the Soviet and Army Group Center OOBs for Bagration and I have no reason to believe it to be inaccurate, but I have not found a good source for reinforcements brought into the battle after say, the fall of Minsk. From what I can surmise, Adairs' Hitler's Greatest Defeat does not contain this information either. Can any one help?
  13. And you claimed you don't know anything about amphibious vehicles. Or is that information restricted only to those who can approach the Holy of Holies, aka the Jar?
  14. Well let me add, lest they be forgoten, the excellent graphics team of Dan, Fernando and Cassio, plus of course Chris whose role I believe is to be Steve's evil twin and the esteemed business manager Martin. Am I forgetting anyone? Plus there's the priceless beta team who who work for free who I really don't think Battlefront could do without anymore. Does MikeyD work for Battlefront too now?
  15. Guys really. He wasn't rude about it. There have been three other threads about this and those people weren't jumped on.
  16. Well Gay-ring is closer to the actual pronunciation than Gair-ing which is how most Americans pronounce it, but after 70 years of hearing people say it one way I would not attempt to convince any English speaker to change now, nor would I ask any English speaker to say Köln and München instead of Cologne and Munich. It's difficult for English speakers to pronounce umlauts as you know, just as its difficult for Germans to pronounce the th sound in English. I really do think a long English A sound is a decent approximation of the German Ö. PS: I do wish they could have gotten Christopher Plummer to say Fräulein in the Sound of Music instead of Fraulein. The other actors did it.
  17. BTW for the Moebelwagen a closer pronunciation would be MAY-bel vagen which actually means furniture wagon which I think was a nick name given to it. And yes you pronounced Studebaker correctly.
  18. Ah so there's an option for Castle Wolfenstein elements. How cool!
  19. One should never assume what is easy or not to code unless one is familiar with the code.
  20. Amphibious vehicles would be nice but just plain simple assault boats/rafts would be even higher up in priority to me so we could recreate the 82nd's crossing of the Waal. Also the thought of having ski troops where you could actually see the skis someday is appealing to me too. The ones in CMBB were fun but I'm sure the cmx2 version will be much better. I don't think they'll be any time soon though.
  21. One vehicle I always wondered about the Syrians having is the PT-76. We have T-55s and T-62s from the same time period. I'm sure Battlefront did their homework however and there's probably no reason for an amphibious light tank in Syria.
  22. Ans Senegalese but only up until about October/Nov when they were replaced by French Nationals. De Gaulle wanted to collect all the different resistance movements into the Free French Army where they would be under his control. And there was Le Clerc's division which was mostly French National.
  23. All I can tell you is when I was on maneuvers at Grafenwoehr Germany in the ‘70s I always was on the look out for what the Germans called Brennesse which I believe translates stinging nettle as the place was full of it. Of course that was always in April and October so we were long sleeved anyway. Anyway the point I’m trying to make is if I was in direct combat I’d prefer to be long sleeved as you never know what brush you’d have to rush through.. It helps against burns too. I’d only go short sleeved while marching in the summer
  24. Okay I will attempt to bring it back to the original subject. I have not played Italian armor, such as it is, from CMFI enough to determine what difference a lack of radios in AFVs makes. I assume sharing of spotting info is reduced and vehicles go out of command much easier.
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