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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Wouldn't it also be true that pretty much every formation type from the summer of '44 has a different TO&E by the the winter of '44/'45, so that if a unit type is introduced in the first module in actuality it would be a different unit in the second module if the second module is set in the winter (Budapest/East Prussia)
  2. I've been wondering where the first Red Thunder Module should be set. Bagration was so big it could be set somewhere within the same campaign. However, one of the unit types many of us would like to see for the Germans are SS. I know there were no SS units involved in the initial battle but I don't know if any were brought in as the Soviet forces moved into Poland. Luftwaffe Land divisions were in the initial battle so those would be a natural addition. I have no idea about any Fallschirmjaegers. For the Soviets, Lend Lease vehicles would be a great addition. Since those were used in the initial fighting they could be added without changing any location. So my question is, what would you like to see the first module to be about? Of course campaigns are important so is there a specific action you'd like to see covered? If you'd like to see SS troops can we stick with Army Group Center's area of operations or do we need to move to the Ukrainian Army Groups?
  3. The Tetrarch is a British gliderborne tank (light of course). About 20 or so were landed with the 6th Airbourne in Normandy.
  4. Perhaps we can recruit a volunteer to write something up such as that for the demos.
  5. Well this would be something one would see in Cmx2 4.0 and not a pack, but I too have wished for a special command for snipers where they steathily aim and then hide after their shot.
  6. You played too much Up Front (which Moon once said was his favorite paper wargame).
  7. I made some Yugoslav Partisan and Royal Army mods for CM:BB that are available at Green of Jade's website. I think the main problem will be finding scenarios for them,
  8. Out of curiosity, I know Free French forces liberated Paris and they were, by racially motivated design, "white" Free French. IIRC there were other "ethnic" (African, Arab) Free French in the Northern France in '44. For accuracy, would Battlefront have to introduce an "ethnicity" tag on units to properly determine which faces to use?
  9. I'm betting CMx2 4.0 will include fully functioning fire and improved snow/Winter terrain so it can be used in the Bulge game and a Winter module for Red Thunder.
  10. Thank you for clarifying. I understand now. That's good work you're doing.
  11. Poesel is right. I was able to find this post:
  12. I think you will be one of the few people who have their wish fulfilled in the Battlepack.
  13. It's also possible of course we may see urban fighting enhancements if they do a Battle for Berlin Module for the Red Thunder family along with a CMx 4.0 release.
  14. Do I remember correctly there was talk about mega tiles that might be a solution?
  15. As I understand it curves are a problem. Is this an editor issue or something to do with action spots or is there something more to it? Thanks
  16. Well I think they would have announced it by now if it was going to be released exactly on the "average" interval. I think this being an entirely new Family with probably very little if any carry over from Shock Force it will take them longer than an average release time.
  17. In my real life job when I test program changes I also use the word should. I think it should be interpreted as "our testing indicates the problem is resolved but there is always a small chance something was missed in testing".
  18. Am I right in reading the Tea Leaves that CMBN/CMFI 3.0 was Phil's work while Charles has been working on Black Sea or does the NDA prohibit answering that? Any way, I know he's been around for a while but I'm glad they hired Phil. Since the CMBN Commonwealth Module we've been getting a release on an average of almost exactly once every 6 months and that doesn't even include the 2.0/3.0 upgrades.
  19. Okay, well that takes me back to the question I asked in #25. If you create a scenario with the "additional" flavor object, will there be a problem if some one run's the scenario without the additional flavor object in their Z folder?
  20. So if I understand correctly these are really mods of existing objects not actually "additional" flavor objects?
  21. I would guess (and that's all it is) we won't see amphibious vehicles before cmx 5.0 as I think 4.0 will bring us fully functioning fire.
  22. As I understand it, Battlepacks differ from modules in that they do not need to have a central theme and standard content (New Units, Campaigns and Scenario package). Somewhere not too far down the Battlefront development schedule is the first (perhaps only) CM:BN Battlepack. There's been conjecture from forum members, and even clues from Battlefront on what it may contain. What would you like to see it contain? No one can prevent people from going wild with wishes (e.g. The Maus, Glider landings) but if you want to keep your wishes realistic, they should be limited to items available in France June to August '44 and with things CMX 3.0 can do (which I presume means flame vehicles for the western front). Me, I want the Flakpanzer 38. Why? I think it looks cool and Elmar got his Crusader AA so I want this.
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