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cool breeze

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Everything posted by cool breeze

  1. IIRC, and even if I do things might have changed, but grenades only kill friendlies in the situation shown in the vid. Rifle grenades and rockets on the other hand do cause friendly casualties, unless things have changed. Satchel charges I dont know.
  2. Wait..... so what does this have to do with if the nazis's or the commies were better during WW2?
  3. Lol Ok finaly got a chance to drink some coffee and my humor woke up and now its hillarious I'm glad he's not banned yet he actually is really funny now that I think about it lol lol lol. Elvis maybe drink some coffee and revisit the issue?
  4. Wait superwoz where is your successful wargame company? ... oh yeah. If this was my forum I'd ban you just for that RETARDED post.
  5. Holy cow OMG OMG OMG I cant believe its so loaded!
  6. I believe I only ever made the statement that ATGs aren't a viable option in the form we currently find them, largely due to a set of compounding issues that [yes, severely] effect their performance and survivability. I stand by that, because I think it's A: correct, B: the general consensus." WynnterGreen Sorry but pet peeve I know you were just stating your beliefs and thoughts, but I think its best to leave "the general consensus" out of this. People poting and not posting in this thread doesnt really give much to go by as far as the player base. I felt like you were kinda saying I and my friends who play agree that atgs are not viable, as part of this nonposting general consenses of which you write. I dont take them in QBs often but when I do I get more than my points worth on average. Maybe Im just so crafty it doednt matter that they arent viable
  7. Hey Steve, the game is totally broken, BFC fix or do somefink All, Maybe some of these hulldown tests are being confounded by having the tanks hull down to the ground where the enemy tank is, not theenemy tanks turret which is substantially higher? Sorry I didnt just look at the test maps to see, and I understand that they are probably usually the same, and that you probably need somekind of los to the action spot with the enemy tank to get the spotting check... right? Is it possible to have two tanks spot each other from squares with no los hull down reverse slope or anything? wait thats kinda what the reverse slope thing is right? seeing the target but not the ground its on? its brave of anyone to take on testing things in such a complex enviroment... great thread and of course game thanks everyone! Im glad the testers can get back to the new games for now Sam
  8. I obviously don't know but I say Yes! The military wants it among others.
  9. Does that mean we should be able to finish your new campaign in all RT if we just play HARD enough? And its amazing btw thanks a lot!
  10. You should just give in Its GREAT! This is the expansion made me realize more than ever how cool it is getting all these different parts of WWII. BFC does an amazing job making the different parts of the war feel different. Holland looks a ton different than France, and everything I have played of it so far feels incredibly "Market Garden-ie". It seems that as the scenario designers get more and more experienced and the scenario design engine and game engine get better and better, the scenario's and campaigns and QB's keep getting better and better too. I am so impressed right now with how different Normandy, CW part of Normandy, Holland, Sicily, and Italy look and play.
  11. sburke, I think you misunderstood JasonC's meaning. I think he was just responding to the assertion that there America isn't exceptional. I don't think he was making any moral statements about the right and wrong of things in our history, I think he was simply stating facts about our unique history in the world. Some people seem to think its just arrogance to talk about America being different. "We are all people and we all have history too!" or somesuch. But a countries history causes it to be what it is. Zimbabwe and Russia are different because they both have different history. American history makes it different that any other country in very important ways. JasonC was kind enough to remind our forum friends of some of the most important of those differences. And sorry to take your quote a little out of context, but "The reality is guns add nothing to American democracy. Never did." is not up to par with your usual posting quality. I mean the American people (or some of them anyway) took our independence and sovereign authority from the King and Parliament with guns (which changed the world). Before that colonies were taken by the settlers from the Indians with guns. After that Americans took the rest of America with guns. I'm pretty sure that all of our land is a pretty is a pretty important thing to have added to American democracy. The human side of it is all the people saved by guns; those help the democracy. warning I wrote god a lot of times in this, if it helps imagine all of those to be replaced by "church" or "religion" Before our revolutionary war the rulers of nations were considered to be God's supreme secular authority in their domain; appointed by God and supposed to be responsible for following and enforcing God's laws. The revolution manifested the idea that the people were actually the ones with the divine authority. But the people don't all use this divine authority themselves so much as by consenting to let others do it in their stead. And this isn't their consent like voting, its consent like not rebelling. It wasn't a democracy like we think of today, only a small percentage was allowed to vote. So its kind of a power gives you authority kind of deal, instead of the other way around. Like the monarchs worked for god and was given authority and responsibility by god. While the new American leaders were given authority by the consent of the governed. So as long as the leaders keep our consent, they have the authority. But that makes them the authority without any responsibility to follow gods law only to keep the peoples consent. People used to "discover" law, now we "make" law. Might makes right and the people are the mightiest, or whomever wields them. I was trying to get across a deep point that wasn't really about religion even tho I wrote god a lot. Wasn't up to the task I'm afraid.
  12. I should have been more clear, I wasn't meaning a real 50 meter distance, I meant like a video game math 50 meters. 50 meters is about 6 about squares. 50/6 is 8.3. So I guess that means you've got to be within 6 action squares, with diagonal squares costing no extra. Its a lot simpler to use a squares than a circle.
  13. looks to me like 5 or maybe 6 action squares which should be just barely within 50m? I guess the spotter is on the far edge of one and the half track on the near edge of one. Does seem strange that the gunner can call it. Maybe it has to do with the guys rank and he's a very high ranking gunner? Also as mentioned not all units need a radio to call in, like Italian infantry battalions.
  14. letting the enemy in front of you go is cowardice not more not less. How is it cowardice to let someone live to fight (you) another day? If you show a bested enemy mercy maybe they will tell their friends how great you are.
  15. i never talked to you personally at any point in my post, or aimed at you in any way. the the incident you pick here is not honorable its pure idiotic... . why would you let the enemy go, they should have cut them down with their sabres right on the spot. i guess these guys just lacked the balls to do it, washing their hands in "honor", like saying-> Where are ideas like this coming from? I know your in Austria but it reminds me of the trend the USA is partly taking. How is it not obvious that it is dishonorable to kill or imprison your dinner guest? Presumable your honored dinner guests. How much worse of a host can you be? Its not like they committed some kind of crime and need to be brought to justice. And I think your wrong about what war is about... its not really about killing at least not usually. Lately its been about world domination and resources and power mixed with zealousy/hate/and fear. A lot of the time it is more about hearts and minds than about killing. Having honor and behaving honorably helps humongously in winning those hearts and minds.
  16. Canada would be pretty different if it had Detroit, eh?
  17. This thread made me want to play a battle with just riflemen, preferably bolt action. But so far I haven't found any non USA guys with just rifles in the QB force picker. Hopefully in CM:BN but FI/GL would be good too. Does no one but the USA have some just rifle guy groups?
  18. At post number 55 I thought I had logic-ed out an unexpected answer to your game, you must have lost them all, since you were still playing and if you hadn't lot em all then you wouldn't yet know how many end up being killed. But Baneman was wrong so you must have finished up the battle pretty fast after you started the AAR. Great battle and as always a superb AAR! Thanks!
  19. Would it show the actual elevation or elevation based on the editor? It would be cool if it had the actual elevation some how. Did anyone say anything about making it easier to area fire the ground through grass or whatever? Sometimes it seems kind of weird to me that I can't shoot at an area because the guys can only see the grass not the ground. Id be happy with them shooting at the grass! I guess there needs to be some kind limit on how far you can target into cover... right? Clearly BFC thinks so and ill take their word for a it. But do other people also feel this should be adjusted a little bit to make it easier to place those target area orders onto grass tiles?
  20. I've been pestering all my friends since CMSF came out (thought CMx1 a little to hardcore to even bother)...... hours spent pestering over quite a few friends and no ones bought it yet lol.... I think my persuasive skills could use some work. I've got a friend coming over now who likes to play it, but he hasn't bought it yet. PeterH, Great vid! I'm glad you made it to the forum! I hear a lot of great things about those gaming groups but this forum is a great place to find people too. I posted on here not that long ago looking for one or more battle partners and got a few really nice offers. I ended up playing a bunch of great real time matches with one guy, which kind of sucked up my CM time so that I didn't start any PBEM games with the other guys and I guess kind of left them hanging (sorry about that). So my point is you'll probably get some offers here if you try and you might need more than one to find a good match for you but it was easy in my case and probably will/would be for you too. I actually need a CMFI/GL real time opponent if you want to battle me.
  21. no its just an expensive formation with a lot of very powerful tanks. But you can delete all you need after clicking purchase if you feel like it.
  22. But wouldn't it be confusing to switch now that we are used to it?? lol "What I am hoping for would be actual differences that you could see or feel when commanding troops of different grades. " Canada Guy "The combination of conscript and low leadership should allow the player to replicate the most extreme degree of incompetence and disorganization to be expected anywhere." Michael With the infantry I notice/feel the differences a lot more in CMx2 than CMx1, because when they suck I see their crap shots and cowardice and unwillingness to follow orders or throw grenades. Their incompetence is marked by a line of dead bodies in the wrong direction. Good soldiers are the opposite, they do better than I asked and are murderers. It is a little harder to tell with armor, since who/what the armor is fighting and what vehicle they are in matter so much on top of the crew. I think command delays are still a little to gimmicky of a way to add difference between experience. If the commander says charge, they drive forward, no too complicated. Kind of a basic language skill not tank skill. Ok thinking aloud here, what if only armor or only armor that's not open or opened up had command delays, and they were all short and didn't care or at least didn't care much how complicated the order is. No working radio doubles it? Seem to much of a slippery slope to touch but I wouldn't complain if not open armor in general got a 15 or so second command delay. Not exactly realistic, but it does put in a tinny bit of the natural friction between armor and infantry beyond the C2 stuff already in it.
  23. But the S-mine seems to have the explosives of an offensive mine with the thick casing and other big shrapnel of the defensive grenades. The total weight of the S-mine is much higher that the weight of the stick grenade. I assume that weight it mostly casing. It seems to me the S-mine has more casing than the US Mk II and apparently the same amount of TNT as the german stick, and it airbursts. The S-mine weighs 8.8 pounds vs. stick grenades 1.5 almost 6 times more.
  24. Thanks!! more words Did you make that up? That's like one of those old sayings.. but for battling.
  25. This made me wonder how hard would it be to hit a Iowa BB with a nuke? How close would it have to explode to destroy it? I know we tested nukes vs some of our ships at one point and I wonder how these results relate to the Iowas, but it seems much to unpleasant at the moment to research these things. I guess it might be classified but does anyone know if the Russian anti ship missiles or US cruise missiles come in nuke variety? Seems like it might be hard to hit one with an ICBM but I think its obvious I have no idea.
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