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cool breeze

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Everything posted by cool breeze

  1. Thank you very much! I feel vindicated, boy do I love being right. Figured it was largely an issue of fancy electronics/ computations, and those tend to go up in power real quick like that. I wasn't thinking it would be able to defeat the sabot outright but I imagine banging on it hard enough will at least reduce its stability and penetration.
  2. I was a little confused by your second post too, AKD, no offense but seemed kind of curt and out of the blue, but I appreciate you answering my question in this thread I started. Posting again in here because I noticed something. The recent jump in capabilities indicates that at the current rate of improvement the APS will soon be able to intercept sabots. My rough math and reasoning is the max velocity threshold went from 700m/s to 1000m/s, which is a 42 percent increase. So another 42 percent increase would bring it to 1420m/s, just bout 130m/s shy of what is needed to barely intercept the 120mm sabots. Of course I have no reason to assume its going to keep going up like that just thought it was an interesting trend. Seems it might change things considerably if APS stated shooting down top attack and messing up big sabots.
  3. Ah, that explains it, the Heat rounds seem to clock in around 900 m/s thanks for clearing that up for me.
  4. I watched the replay to see what ammo ticked down, it was definitely T-HEAT, went from 3 to 2. ATGM was right below it and stayed at I think 8. And it didn't fly like an atgm or look like one. And incase anyone was wondering, 2 more turns in and I realize I'm getting thrashed. I HAD the numbers and the and intel advantage on but they had the terrain advantage and despite them coming in one at a time its now 2 to 4 in their favor and looking to continue the trend for a minute. I should have tried to get everyone not just IFVs into the trees and hulldown. Was a little surprised tho, its nice being caught on the back foot by the AI
  5. I'm trying to finish the UKR campaign, got to the last mission a while ago but put it off, takes me some time sometimes to amp myself up for a really big battle. Anyway the assaults going pretty smoothly, I avoided a lot of potential infantry casualties by mounting my guys back up whenever I saw a spotting round. Things just started getting exciting when the AI surprised me with something, and a lot of tank rounds are flying around the last couple turns. Which bring us to the topic, I just saw what I thought was APS shooting down a sabot. I thought this because the round was moving so fast. Turns out it was a T-HEAT shell.... but I was surprised it was shot down since it was flying about as fast as the sabots or so it seemed. Maybe a bug/oversight? I have a save but I'm sure its a fairly regular occurrence given the right set up. Maybe the APS can just do that in which case I'm impressed. Edit to add, My tanks are the BM Oplat, theirs are I think the T72b3. and the jerks got 3 of mine already even tho I saw em coming and tried to get ready. Every one of theirs has gotten one of mine despite my odds advantage and me shooting a lot more.
  6. This seemed an insightful post about the situation. But Id be as surprised to see a new 2020 Ukraine war family as a module that includes Armata. It doesn't seem like Steve is inclined to add it any time soon but to me it seems possible he may change his mind once more information about it is available. I mean we've got the crazy rare super tank destroyer in CMFI, it doesn't seem too far fetched for preproduction Armata test vehicles to show up to fight the west. maybe not 2017 but maybe by sometime 2018. There could be a ceasefire, then combat reengages after both sides positioned additional forces, then the situation gets desperate for Russia so they have to bring in the recently test proven but combat unproven Armata test fleet. Kind of like the UKR campaign in CMBS but for Russia. Maybe most of them get destroyed by western airpower and some mechanical breakdowns but Elephant type numbers manage to show up on the battlefield. Anyway I think the Armata stuff all looks really cool and futuristic and I see why they wanted to wait for it instead of building more t90s and bmp 3's and such. Would love to get a chance to play with it and against it some day.
  7. Maybe you have multiple launchers close enough together that they are sharing ammo, and more than one of 'em are shooting at around the same time so the combined ammo count goes down by 2 or 3?
  8. She's a smart woman, I have a lot of family is PA and San Jose is Da Best!
  9. Maybe if they just stuck 3 or 4 more machine guns on remote weapons stations it can look like some kind of giant road warrior deathstar and become awesome enough for inclusion in the game
  10. My guess it was just a lucky retreat order that happened to go into the enemies building, sounds pretty neato tho!
  11. Not trying to derail this very interesting discussion but wanted to reply to my getting quoted. I wasn't trying to make any kind of analogy, I just noticed we seemed to be kind of listing high percentage KIA battles, and I thought those ones were kind of glaringly missing. My granddad led a Company on some of those islands and I think its good for us not to forget how crazy that war was. But your right that its not really relevant to the discussion at hand so carry on
  12. Another reason they that using the movement line to notice and plot pauses on little crests is because it actually these kind of non horizontal little crests that can matter the most. Horizontal crests aren't really important per se, the important thing is the crests between your guys and the terrain that the enemy is on. So if the enemy is below you your key crest will be on the far side of the horizontal crest, and if the enemy is above you it will be behind the horizontal crest.
  13. I think a handy thing that might be related to these "holes" is that certain things make straight lines that can be used to better see contours. For example the line connecting movement lines is a straight line; so when you are moving guys up onto a crest, sometimes the movement line dips below the ground. This is a good time to move the movement line backwards onto the area where the line dipped underground. you can put a pause there and then maybe another move command a little farther up. Doing this keeps you from accidently overshooting an important terrain crest and exposing more than you need to.
  14. great point Buzz. the difference between a great action point and a bad one can be just 8 meters and once the bullets start flying is too late to fix it.
  15. no offense but it sounds to me that your opponents are doing a poor job at adapting to your style. It seems like there are a lot of better things they could have done than bringing 15 tanks in range of your javs and letting em sit there till they get killed. If the map is big enough they could shoot from beyond the 2 km range limit. If that's not possible scoot and shoot can still work very well against javs. one can scoot into a keyholed fire position, blast a building or airburst a treeline, and scoot out before the jav can lock fire and land. artillery also works very well to suppress and or kill the javs. scoot and shoot plus artillery would be even better. and of course there is the I think more obvious answer, not bringing a ton of tanks and instead bringing a super big ton of mechanized infantry in cheap carriers. I think you can get about a platoon of Russian infantry in light armoured vehicles for about the price of a brad and a infantry squad or an even better ratio vs the US super cav.
  16. So yay or nay on my assessment that the guns are more accurate than the mortars until the barrels start heating up? with the Russians I often use the non guided rounds against tanks because the guided rounds often don't do enough damage. I think the glass noses of the rounds are modeled giving them less penetration. I often get multiple direct hits with the guns, yet with the mortars I feel lucky to get a similar number of hits on an entire building.
  17. That's a cool idea about the pre-battle damage John K but if it were done randomly it could be pretty annoying sometimes, some bad rolls on the damage could leave you with mostly tanks without main guns. Maybe critical systems could be exempt, would be kind of silly to send 5 tanks to a battle but only 2 can drive there and only one of which has a its weapon control system working. Edit to add: critical systems could still start with damage it would just have to be yellow status rather than red (if its going to be randomly applied to the vehicles in question).
  18. I had the impression from playing that the howitzers are more accurate than the mortars until the barrels start heating up. At least the fancy self propelled guys, I haven't used much of the old fashioned artillery in CMBS.
  19. The tac AI is less prone to shoot at infantry with rockets if they have less rockets on them. So if you want your infantry to free fire rockets and grenades then you give them a lot extra from the vehicles. If you want them to shoot the rockets less, keep more of them in the vehicles for later.
  20. I don't think giving the RPO A/M its precursor warhead would necessarily mean it has to be some kind of crazy squad wiper-outer, the simulated interior walls could keep the casualties down to a reasonable level while still doing reliable considerable damage. It also seems legit that it would also be able to handle non era IFV's. edit to fix double negative
  21. It does seem entirely fair to me to use the fact that the reaper is invulnerable during observe missions to say anything about the safety of higher altitude flights. It seems to me that there is a pretty wide range of levels of conflict where there are enough fighters and S300s around to keep the ground attack aircrafts from not hugging the ground, while also not having enough fighters and S300s to be bothering hunting very drone with fighters or sending a giant missile at every UAV/Goose. I found it surprisingly hard to track down and destroy the drones playing DCS, and I cant imagine doing it over a hot battlefield, too many more important things going on. Oh and John K, he didn't say FLIR, you did. He said forward looking sensors. I think that's a catch all phrase that covers about everything besides radar warning system, since everything else on the plane looks forward.
  22. I'm not the most qualified person to start this thread, since I haven't d'loaded it yet, but I wanted to hear how the two missions are. I was thinking about making my friends download it so we can battle not-hotseat.
  23. As a work around you can acquire the javelin while the squad is whole then split off the at team.
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