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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

cool breeze

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Everything posted by cool breeze

  1. Sounds like you got really lucky Ian I kinda wish he had hit tho, cause taking a BB to a QB is so cool. I did manage to get that BB battle on the 5th vs. my regular opponent. Some how I was the brits tho, a bad start luckily I nailed him with my BB with a 5 minute delay strike on his side of the town objective. He says it got about 80 percent of his infantry. I had a spectator so instead of playing my usual cautious game I charged my 3 Churchills into the ruins to smash the survivors, while the smoke and dust blocked the view to his Shermans on the hill. I knew it was a risky move but I didn't expect to lose all 3 without them doing anything. Infantry got one or 2 and tanks got the other 1 or 2. at that point I didn't think my PIATs might win vs his 4 or 5 Sherman's and was ready to surrender, but we waited for his BB to come in, which I dodged, but still needed to surrender. Kinda silly for me to let nailing his whole infantry force not win me the game.
  2. JonS, oops that's was a little embarrassing some how. I'll check the credits first next time. When I finally finish The Fleeting Moment I'll give thanks and tell how great that one was, but .... but I've been on it long time. I pretty much just played through the Primasole Bridge campaign to a total victory I only replayed the last 12 minutes to go faster. The fleeting moment seems so fleeting it hardly existed and is long gone. Seems the campaign was doomed to failure and only super commanding can make the miracle happen. Maybe I just suck at this game but I think that was sort of your intent and I like it. Seems very realistic. I just gotta buckle down and get to that beach over all those guys on mission 4. Thanks Normal Dude for Primasole Bridge it was amazing! So much fun! Wonderful pace balance and variety.
  3. So nobody thought my movie clip idea was good, fine that's cool ( I guess . Well there is another related idea I think you guys will like more. It seems much harder to code, but its a lot more useful. You know how CMx1 had the little thing that said what terrain your squad was in and tons of people complained about its absence despite that the complaint didn't make much sense in CMx2? Well the CMx3 or whatever version could have that little spot on the GUI but instead of a little scattered tree pic it could have a little level 1 viewing height movie camera thing where you could actually see the guys in the cover shooting and taking cover and such! Another amazing way they could use multiple camera angle renders is when you are plotting movement, you could have a little window pop up next to the terrain where you are moving them so you know what kind of cover they are going to be in more easily. It could potentially save a lot of moving the camera around and be really snazzy. And if we did some how get that it would be cool if we cool move the waypoints with a keyboard command, up down left right style. So like one you plot your long distance waypoint and see in the little window that you placed it a little too far forward, just past the forest edge you were trying to get you could just hold shift and press the down key 3 times and your waypoint would be 3 actions spots back from where you clicked, in the spot you see with your little window is perfect. I also thought of a more tasteful way to show the off map assets in action, in case that idea ever picks up steam. It wouldn't be visible as much as Id like, but the arty icon, once it says firing, could instead have a little vid of them shooting. A picture tells a thousand words and all that edit: Oh and by CMx3 I meant CMxX thanks for the support para!
  4. My opponent and I play RT attacks and meeting engagements, and I agree that real time makes it harder for the attacker. We always give our attacker plus 10 percent points and even so I don't think either of us feels the attacker has the easier job. If I'm a little tired I don't wanna even think about trying to organize an assault but reacting as the defender doesn't seem to hard. Even so I think its a rare attack we play where the attack actually caps all the objectives completely. However if it was turn based it would be a much different story. I use tons of target briefly orders when I attack turn based and those make the number advantage (especially at point of contact) really tell. Another thought, its weird how real time and turn based are each more realistic in there own way. On the one hand my guys move around with each other and stay in command better/ more realistically when I play turn based because I take the time to keep them together in their platoons, move around more coordinated, area fire, and such, basically give all the impute that the different lvls in the chain of command are going to add. But on the other hand the over all effect of playing it turn based and trying to use all your guys in more careful realistic way, its an overall too effective force and the high lvl of efficiency can make it less realistic. Like its realistic to have to platoons have the higher lvl of coordination from wego, but the way that gives the whole force that high lvl of coordination isn't as realistic. But when you play real time you might not move your guys around as realistically, youll have more out of command squads randomly running to the right place at the right time, and generally forget your leaders out of the action and mix your squads up and spread them out too much, but the over all effect of this uncoordinated makeshift scrabble scramble attack has its own realistic flavor that Wego cant get.
  5. "You Americans do not realize what formidable warships you have in these four battleships. We have concluded after careful analysis that these magnificent vessels are in fact the most to be feared in your entire naval arsenal. When engaged in combat we could throw everything we have at those ships and all our firepower would just bounce off or be of little effect. Then we are exhausted, we will detect you coming over the horizon and then you will sink us." -Soviet Fleet Admiral Sergei I. Gorshkov,1985- Quote after watching the Iowa in a NATO exercise hehe fun quote
  6. Hey guys, I want to play a USA Vs Brit QB meeting engagement hopefully against someone in the UK, only rule is you gotta bring a battleship. I saw Battleship and American Warships recently and have been on a battleship kick ever since, but no CM battles with 'em yet. If I don't find someone soon I'll be out of time for today, which would be OK, but it would be nice to get some early fireworks Thanks for reading anyway!
  7. Happy 4th of July Everyone! Hey JonS, I just finished your fantastic german para campaign. I loved every mission to the max! So epic! This campaign made me feel like some of my guys should be going up in experience. Seemed like the medal chest woulda been heavy for the survivors (and victors), lots of squads with tons of kills and close assault tank kills. I know they started tough but it seemed that experience was enough to make em even stronger. Did you give them any extra experience as the campaign went on? Thanks for making that amazing campaign. And Im glad to hear and kind of surprised that you can even change the core units stats mission to mission. It would be cool if it could some day be tied in to what the units actually do but just that you can wing it if you want is awesome. Has it always been like that? Thanks!
  8. Yeah, lol, you're welcome. It did occur to me right after my second edit that brown isn't really part of the gradient, kinda right after the gradient ends... but I was already to deep into post edits lol I just let it stand. Good thing too I loved the princess bride joke brought lots of visuals.
  9. The morphine part was just a stupid sort of joke, what I really meant was that it makes sense there would be a gradient of lvl of injury from green through red and brown, and it wouldn't be unrealistic for a very small fraction of the barely red guys to become yellow and barely not red, after some very important first aid. Such as, pull the small piece of shrapnel out of the leg, patch it, shoot some morphine, pat him on the back, remind him they are all gonna die if he don't get up and help his friends. wouldn't 1/200 or more soldiers be able to get back up after treatment? In ww2 crazy life or death ****. Edit to add Red-base soldiers are those guys who are so badly wounded they are going to need extensive medical care before they can get back in the fight, and I'm fine with that. This doesn't have to be the case. of course it does include those guys, but it can and does also incudes guys that arn't hurt that bad and might be back in the next mission. Some are just a little more hurt than yellow guys. You don't have to save the morphine for only the guys that are almost dying, you could give it to someone with just a flesh wound. Maybe the guy just needs a brace and he'll be ready to go (slowly)? or a brace and some morphine Or maybe he just got knocked out/concussed hard and he just needs some smelling salts to wake up?
  10. I bet you guys are right, I did "remember" "seeing" it a long time ago in CMSF before even CMBN I think. Some other people (or at least one other person) having said they thought they saw it once on a blue moon too, made the "memory" stick and seem legit. Assuming you guys are right, which for now I do, I submit this feature to the list, very once in a while, very rarely you should be able to shoot your red wounded guys up with so much morphine that they stand back up and keep fighting.
  11. Some people, including me, think they have seen a red wia soldier come back to the fight as yellow... at least I think some other people said they think they saw it. Its very rare if it happens, I wish I knew for sure if it really does. And great ideas everyone! Seems we did a pretty thorough job. Any other ideas out there?
  12. Great ideas everyone thanks for the feedback and keep 'er coming I know there are more ideas out there, I'm talking for the long haul. I'm not saying you arn't correct about any of this; but I do think it could eventually be worthwhile and it would be a lot cooler than for any other game. It could give us a better feel for how much off map support we have sometime and put the game in better context. It would be sucky if they had some videos of off-map stuff that wasn't matched up right, but I think if they made it optional and unobtrusive enough and kept it accurate it would be a cool addition. Like just a real quick small sized video in the upper left right after or during the radio message. I like to imagine my off-map guys at work but it would be cool to see em and help people remember those guys. And then any vids that arn't for off-map stuff would be put there by the scenario designer so wouldn't get repetitive unless your replay it a lot and gamers normally skip vids in that case. I agree it shouldn't be a priority but good cut scenes help games and it could definitely be done a lot better than that super old game did it. But thanks... and the lack of vids for all the weapons seems like it probably ruins that part of the idea.
  13. So this is an incredibly exciting time for us CM fans. The most important yet to be added feature are soon to be added. Once fire and anti air guns shooting at planes is added it seems all the main combat features are in. I think I have read that higher fidelity building destruction and maybe visible damage to vehicles is coming relatively soon too? So going forward what else is there to be added besides new armies and campaigns and such? That's what this thread is to discuss. I know its not the first of the sort but it seems timely to do it again. I'll start first with the ones that come to me. Minesweeping gizmos like the flails in front of the tracked vehicles. Camo net gun emplacements with and without hard cover addition. Overhead cover for some foxholes and trenches and fortification for houses. None of those are my ideas and they kinda count as missing combat features but they are good and deserve mention. Like the rest of your ideas And triggers for map designers. I think it would be cool if they added cut scenes both windowed in game and regular. It would be great even if it was just ww2 footage video. Like when you finish a campaign or even just a mission it could have a little video play that looked relevant. It would also be really cool to see a little in game windowed video when you got your off map weapons to start firing or get a little vid when reinforcements show up. It would be awesome to see a battleship do a shoot when I get my call for that sucker firing. Oh and another big not original one is have 2v2 or more and or like the military wants. And Id like to see a joint operation option for QB, so you could do Brits and USA vs Germany and Italy or whatever. That's all I got for now, would love to hear ya'll's thoughts and ideas on it. P.S. oh one more thing is it would be cool if the outcome of the battle could be a factor in who gets to recover WIA. Like if I'm attacking and completely route them and take over the map those WIAs of theirs arn't making it back while mine are going to be cared for and it would be cool if they could get that issue in there somehow.
  14. 88mm is great at taking out tanks if they stay still long enough. I do a heavy point target on quick or short and its seems to just about always work if they dont move before the come in. I mean the 25 pounders.
  15. That would be a cool feature for them to add at some point, units targeting specific parts of tanks. Not something you'd order specifically, just kind of like they target the commander when hes opened up or they prefer targeting priority targets like officers (which they really do do right?) they might target certain parts of the tank. This will be more important when we have anti tank rifles. It would be nice if they would aim at vision blocks or tracks or mgs or turret rings or weak points or whatever. It could even be treated as a special thing like throwing grenades where they need extra leadership/unsuppression/experience to do it. Instead of Aiming, it might say Aiming Hard lol
  16. A covered alley? Like the balconies from both sides meet each other in the middle? Wow how creative! Troops cant hop the rail from one balcony to the other can they? Does it provide overhead cover from arty? can the guys in the alley see the guys on the balconies and vica versa? Can AT guys shoot from balconies ( I guess no besides PIAT)?
  17. What if they didn't have to get out but could just open the hatch and throw it out or stick their arm out? If I was defending my tank from close assault I wouldn't want to stick my body out, id find 'em through the slits and just toss a grenade or two in that direction. I think this would be a cool feature, but to be fair the throw range without opening up would have to be shorter. It would be sweet if any body with grenades and opened up could and would throw grenades almost as well as normal.
  18. do infantry throw grenades out of buildings? That's one of the only things about the city fights that bothers me, I cant seem to get em to throw out, which is a pain when I have some guys with grenades in a building right next to an enemy tank but I gotta figure out some way to get so guys by the tank outside the building. The one other thing that comes to mind is it would be really nice if we could area target building where we can only see wall and windows but not closes enough to the center of it or whatever that we can target it. Our ptruppen still shoot anybody they see in these situations, I'd just like it if generally it was easier to get area fire orders onto areas where we can see the guys but not that action spot. Seems most common in cities where you want to area fire a building on the other side of the street but too far down.
  19. Last time I bought purposely low quality units, to get as many as I could, did not go well. While I did have a TON of guys, the AI crushed my entire force with utmost swiftness. They drove an ran forward high tech german mech infantry style, and came upon my abundant reverse slope position, lots up front and 2 or 3 fat rows of supporting fire back. I'm expecting to whoop some but with so many guys and a pretty good defense area, almost all my guys can see the reverse slope defense area. Well it didn't matter cause , see, the germans shot in the general direction of my guys with MG's and that was about all they could take. My hundreds of guys just ran away and surrendered they were surrendering fields at a time. Platoons would lift white flags together. On the other hand high end troops do pretty much all you could want of m, except that they till die about as easily as regular guys. I mean i guess they use cover a little better but it still just takes one bullet hit per guy to kill em all. So they will fight to the last man and whoop a$$ doing it but you cant afford as many so it may not take as long for the enemy to kill em all. I usually just go with typical setting but then I tweak it or just drop certain groups or squads or whatever based on my needs. I think you'd get the most bang for your buck by picking that stuff based on what you need. Like for example if you wanted occupy/defend a town but expected it to get blasted by arty pretty good, it might make sense to get troops with a high motivation and maybe a little extra leadership, but if they are only gonna be fighting at super short range maybe it would be good to have m conscript or green, and if they dont have to move they can be unfit. That way they have the moral fortitude to withstand the barrage and the numbers to be strong and tough at short range. It helps to think of them as separate factors. experience is mostly I think how good their aim is. but its also how much of a$$kickers. But then their is their motivation, their are motivated a$$kickers and ones that don't care that much. Motivation also effects aim since it effects suppression which effects aim. Motivation is like the general moral toughness. it makes em really want to to what you told em to do. It also can make em stupid. experience makes em good smart fighters, motivation makes them brave, sometimes too brave. high experience guys are good at running out the back door before its too late, high motivation is good at staying there to the end. Leadership is trickier and i hope others weigh in on this issue, but it does kinda what you'd imagine, it makes the leaders better. One thing it can do is let you keep fighting after your general moral is low. Even if everyone is rattled and broken if you keep your leaders alive and yelling you can get em to keep doing stuff until they are all dead. But lately the main thing i have been thinking of leadership is grenade throwing points. It seems throwing a grenade is always the right thing to do, and that they will to it in relationship to how much leadership points or something they have. A group without a leader is hard to get to throw grenades. I never tried unfit guys but I imagine they just get tired extra fast. like I would in that situation lol.
  20. maybe by landing under the tank the tank is shielding the non throwing team from the blast? and Jon S beat me too it but I was going to say something about how sometimes a grenade thrower gets shot down prethrow the team takes friendly fire from it. But I also think throwers are immune to their own thrown grenades, which seems fair.
  21. I checked the equipment quality and it was set to ULTRA.
  22. Holy Cow! This is the second time I have seen something like this, the first time was kinda of a bummer, but this time its AWESOME! I wish I knew how to take a screenshot cause Id rather you found out that way but Ill just tell you. Yesterday I loaded an old Courage and Fortitude save for the beginning of school of hard knocks, cause I wanted to see how the new machine guns are without playing the super easy first mission. I noticed that 4 of my HMGs had sniper rifles instead of MGs, which was a bummer. So it seems there is a little weirdness with load outs in old saves in v2.01. Not a problem, these are really old saves. Here's where it gets good. Today I loaded up another old save, was shooting for the beginning of mission 3 in the Scottish Corridor but ended up getting deployment of mission 2,..... and every or almost every ... regular rifle I forget the name is replaced with a Bren!!!!! 8o so I have 2 or so platoons of these guys. I just made a save to try to seal it in. Sorry BFC but I wonder if my saves OOB might be imported to another scenario to try out these all Bren guys more. I have a save Id be happy to email to anyone interested just PM me. Im gonna try these suckers out now! Edit to add: Oh and one of them has a Besa tank MG, that's what that the panel says, the 3d model has him holding an invisible gun with a smg on his back. I think it might shoot tho lol. I'm gonna find out now
  23. I think the squad was thinking about how invincible they were next to this super powerful tank when a smashing of metal kills their hero
  24. Ok I know this idea is a little silly, and there are better ideas related to this game I could mention instead, but I just got this idea so here it goes. I understand that getting a vehicle out of the way would involve another vehicle. But I imagine it would usually also involve squishies doing important things like attaching chains, digging, putting down planks ext. I think it might be a good quick and dirty compromise to make it so engineers could disappear a destroyed or empty vehicle, given enough time. It would work like blast or mark mine but take way longer. I know it would be weird to have some infantry able to "move" a tank, but it seems to me a better compromise than having tanks do it. for one thing it seems like to do it in the real deal you'd need both, squishies and a vehicle to move it, but as the infantry are softer, and since a friendly vehicle is probably near by ( which is why you want to get rid of the blockage) its seems more fair to make the inf. do it.
  25. LMFAO! most iv LOLed about something I read online in a while. THANKS!
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