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cool breeze

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Everything posted by cool breeze

  1. Sburke, Sorry to hear about that, but at least you can look forward to coming home to the land of perfect weather when you finish your business
  2. Good luck on your long flight back to the best city on Earth! Im gonna be flying back there too tomorrow and I can't wait!
  3. Thanks guys for the hilarious thread, it really made my morning! Anyway I woulda just read it and moved on but then I saw which scenario is being talked about, and last time I tried asking about it it didn't get any responses so now's my second chance with out having to bump myself Anyway that was a really fun scenario but the half tracks brought up an interesting point for me with respect to gaminess. I also used my halftrack to support my attack with MG fire. However I only used them where I had already gained fire superiority, and thus suffered no substantial half track gunner casualties. I had the opposite experience with my half tracks on that scenario, They were kick butt fighting platforms. which brings me to my question. in order to get maximum firepower out of them I would reverse them into firing position with a covered arc towards the enemy, that way they could have all 2 or 3 mg's facing the right way. If it had been a H2H game instead of vs the AI would you have been miffed about the ahistorical backwards use of the halftracks, or would you have just figured it was a natural thing for an enterprising commander to do, to get the most guns on the line. I mean if there is a gunner standing there anyway he might as well be facing towards the enemy right?
  4. maybe try it from slightly off dead on too, that way the barrel will be out of the way of the downward traveling round to hit the lower mantle?
  5. Tons of thanks to Sburke and Broadsword56 for making this amazing AAR!! It was a riveting nail-biter through to the last turn! I hope to see another someday.
  6. Maybe he bought it from the mac ap store, the CMCW is still on its way there right?
  7. Check this out. There already is mass surrendering in the game you just gotta have bad troops and get overrun. I recently got overran so bad by the AI in a quick battle that I had more troops surrender than get hurt. I have a save of my fields of guys surrendering to the SS. They were the lowest quality Canadian Infantry i could buy (so i could get the most). One platoon did it because it was stuck in a hedge box but tons more were doing it all over.
  8. Hi guys! hehe Just stopping in to see if a certain rude somebody had come looking for me
  9. heheh, lol, I TAKE OFFENSE THAT ANY ONE MIGHT IMPLY THAT I WOULD GET IN A SLAPPING MATCH! sburke, You are a wise man. You even live in the best city;) I will heed your advice. I have been meaning to get over there to get myself in a game I just haven't known who to insult with first. If someone wants to continue these ... eer discussions of other peoples characteristics, with me or anyone else, it would be more appropriate to move it there and direct the discussion towards peoples lack of tactical prowess. But if I exchange unkind words with anybody on there they are spineless if they dont meet me on de battlefield to settle it.
  10. I don't normally play quick battles but I just got CW module for my birthday from my gf (And its amazing, the maps are all so pretty.) Anyway I had a couple ones I wanted to post about. first battle was a British independent airborne company minus one platoon. And DANG! one platoon came as crack with hign motivation and leadership, and the other was veteran fanatic, and they are chock full of piats and mgs and smgs. I was very impressed. But the even more notable thing was the support they received from a heavy motor company, minus all but 1 platoon. These are why I brought up this battle. They seem almost impossible to attack against. I bought 3 TRPs which brought down the call in time from a mere 4 minutes to colossal destruction, to just 2 minutes!!!!! These 4.2 inch shells sure arnt F'ing around. My elite fighting force cut down the mechanized SS like they had no chance, which they didnt. Which brings me to my next battle and topic, mass surrender to the dirty nazi ai controlled attacker. Has any one else seen 50 plus white flags at one time? For my next battle I went the opposite route, I got as many bad troops as I could. I took a canadian infantry battalion put it on all the lowest setting and took out as little as possible to fit a light field gun small group and a few trps(which barely helped, 19 minute call in or 10 minutes on trp). Same cost as my last group but about 4 times more guys. Mechanized SS attacking again. This time all but my 3rd line of defense just runs away on first contact. my whole tons of dudes in a short range reverse slope defense strategy was a lot more heavily flawed than I imagined. I cease fired about half an hour in after they had cleared and occupied the objective (capturing most of the defenders) and crushed my fighting capacity. I think we killed 50 men and destroyed 20 armored vehicles. We still had slightly more men alive than them around 100, but we had over 100 killed, 80ish wounded, and 140!!! missing/captured! It was SO COOL! So, moral of the story, if you wanna win as brits in a QB, try using part of the heavy mortar company (from the mechanized formations) with some TRPs and or the independent airborne company. And don't as many of the lowest quality troops as you can. Anyone else know of an artillery that they think is kinda OP (over powered)/ a super awesome win helper? And I already know about US rockets being considered OP but since I don't want to call in a bunch of rocket strikes on the same spot to get some good effect I don't think they are that good of a purchase even at the super tiny price. I guess I'm thinking more on the defense, us rockets seems like they gotta be a decent deal for attacking a town but in my experience on the defense the dust they make helps the attacker more than they do any damage.
  11. Mine weren't come backs, mine were making fun of you for being here doing what you are doing. The game doesn't need me to defend it I just couldn't help from teasing your silliness.
  12. Happy to help Ranger33! vonRocko, Can't you do better than that? Oh yeah....
  13. I believe v is the button your looking for Ranger33 sorry if Im thinking of a different game edit to add: Confirmed (because I am a kind man). give v a shot.
  14. That's an apt name you've got their skogTROLL. Something about not feeding the trolls... (goes off to try to learn his own lessons)
  15. Dude! Are you for serious!?!? You really hang out on their game forum to say its pathetic that they don't have flamethrowers? You are pathetic. Where is your flamethrower btw?\ And why do all these people hang out here so they can keep chiming in that whatever topic that came up is how it is because it was like that in SF?
  16. Thanks for responding to me HarryB. If your driving your tank through dangerous territory but you don't want it to stop until its gets to the special spot you picked, you should use an order other than HUNT. A quick or move order to the firing location would have had better results. But in the normal situation of a tank hunting down a cover lined road, where you dont already know about an infantry right there that you are trying to maneuver to kill, it is more appropriate to have the current cmx2 HUNT behavior. you don't need one advancing unit to find and kill more than one unit per turn. if you give hunt to find a new enemy unit (kinda like the name suggests) then the "new" behavior is perfect. You dont need to keep advancing forward after finding someone and having him duck, finding him and probably being able to shoot him and if so shooting him and relaying the info up the cc is all good for one turn of hunt. why does he need to stop worrying about this new threat and continue on with reduced spotting (from moving) for the rest of the turn? Why do i want my tank coming into contact with additional threats at the same time? why do i want it reducing the range to or even driving past the newly found but ducking rocket guy by the road? "Alright sarge we were ordered to hunt down this road and engage any enemies we find, we got engaged from both sides by heavy fire, but our return heavy fire made them duck on both sides for about 10 seconds, seeing as they are transitory threats Its obviously high time we plunge further down the road into they abyse....."
  17. Its usually with infantry where only a few guys in a squad will see something and start shooting but the player doesnt have a contact yet. I think i have seen it happen with tanks too but not as much. Maybe it varies with difficulty? I usually play elite but sometimes iron.
  18. I dont know what being out of contact has to do with it but, like moon says happens, i have definitely seen on many occasions my troops seeing and firing on troops that I, the player, am not allowed to see.
  19. Someone posted about there troops going yellow from a WP cloud.
  20. HarryB, you ignored or missed my response the first time so here it is again. I think they changed it to better fit the new system. Even in the scenario described in the first post the new behavior is better. The tanked stayed put to try to see and engage the enemy infantry instead of, as some of you suggest, continuing toward the enemy with reduced spotting ability and busy crewmen. The tank didn't just drive past the infantry exposing its back because the enemy was ducking. Old hunt worked in CMx1 because you usually wouldn't lose sight of an enemy until it was out of action. Its doesn't work anymore because spotting is more realistic. There are already commands that cause units to stop to fire but continue moving. Infantry even stops to fire while moving quick. I mean Im not from BFC but Id think its come up enough that us forum goers can give it a good answer
  21. My 2 cents. I think they changed it to better fit the new system. Even in the scenario described in the first post the new behavior is better. The tanked stayed put to try to see and engage the enemy infantry instead of, as some of you suggest, continuing toward the enemy with reduced spotting ability and busy crewmen. The tank didn't just drive past the infantry exposing its back because the enemy was ducking. Old hunt worked in CMx1 because you usually wouldn't lose sight of an enemy until it was out of action. Its doesn't work anymore because spotting is more realistic. There are already commands that cause units to stop to fire but continue moving. Infantry even stops to fire while moving quick.
  22. For some reason I keep thinking about this battle. Im thinking about replaying it again but i feel a little scared. I was using search to see if anyone posted some super great way to win but got tired of reading posts after finishing this thread. This scenario is definitely a classic. very HARD. I tried it a bunch of times before finally being satisfied with my win. The final try had me taking advantage of the system in new ways. my first move was running up the left field along my side of the river, into 500 meters of the nearest left side german positions. I blasted them hard with my Garands before cutting right into the swamp and under the bridge to go along the opposite right river bank to try to eventually make it into the patch of forest on the right. then i did the same kinda thing on the right and had them cross though the swamp. as soon as a got my tanks i drove them to the trees to shell the walls and hedges that were hiding the enemy. but I had then retreat to hiding before the mist cleared to give the AT guns los. when the mist cleared i spotted the guns with my infantry and artyed them. with the guns taken care of i moved up my tanks and started to push infantry infantry up middle. I tried to be very very patient with my swamp flank platoons but they got cut up, but on the right, my main effort, they made it to the forest. My heavy art pounded the hill on light maximum almost the whole battle. my mortars targeted everything else. anyway i almost finished getting onto the main hill before running out of time but i was too rushed at the end and took too many casualties, wondering about some kinda uber way to get er done and capture the hill with out losing too much. Did anyone roll up the whole defense with out suffering heavy loses?
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