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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. This is Good to hear...and I for one was hoping for something like this to happen in CM, and it appears 4.0 is a step in the right direction. Now, it seems at least Firefights, in your opinion, are a little more realistic with reduced casualties due to shorter Firefights, because TAC AI is making better use of cover and advance/retreat routes...I wonder thou, do you think the TAC AI will attempt to get to the closest cover, wither it forward or reverse..? ex, a Team is advancing towards a House 5 meters to the front of them, but started to receive Small Arms fire...Do you think that Team will continue to advance to that House (closest cover), or Fall back to a House in the rear that's 15 meters away (thou, I would imagine it depends on Moral, Motivation, Suppression, etc). This New TAC AI Logic may also make players re-think their Tactics some what when playing against other Human Opponents. Joe
  2. How could you even manage to KO more then one Tank in a turn with a Schreck, and with only one member at that (must have been one of those Auto Schrecks :-(...Unfortunately, I see these types of behavior in CM all the time.
  3. That's interesting, and will need to try this in my next Turn Based game...Thanks for the tip, User1K. Joe
  4. You know, I could be 2nd guessing myself now...Thou, I think BF has mentioned in the past that both players have to be patched equally to continue or start New Scenario/QB ? Yeah, I do remember that issue we had at an earlier time (when we first played), so I don't know.
  5. Maybe the Sensors on top was able to get LOS (since higher then Gun sight), but when it came down to firing the Gunners Sight or Barrel was to low to actually fire ?
  6. I really hope that if Hull/Turret MG's fire more often, it produces less casualties and more Suppression...I always thought they seem to hit Infantry far to frequently (to accurate) with one or two short burst. Do you mean that Trees stop AP/HE Shells from passing through more often (hope that's not the case)...Or...that HE that hit Trees cause less damage to troops in that cover ?
  7. Yeah, Repsol, also thinks that the Scenario AI Settings are set at Max Assault and why we are getting this behavior...Lower Settings should appropriately give us the desired results. As, Cobetco, and others have mentioned, we also need the AI Pathing issue to be looked into.
  8. Surely, you didn't call this Major Upgrade just a Patch :-/
  9. Actually, any Unit gets a 'Camo Bonus', if you will, if not moved after Games Start. Joe
  10. I've always remember pausing the Game (or not), and floating around Map with Mouse, then holding the Button down for Precision 360 degree Rotation & Movement.
  11. Hey, LongLeftFlank, Haven't seen you around here in ages. Hope all is well over at Matrix...I hear they are revamping the John Tillers Campaign Series and calling it something else (similar to CMx2 series but still at Platoon level). Joe
  12. Yes, and a Great Observation Point to be considered...+10
  13. Guess what...You will be agonizing over it, forever possibly, if you get an Upgrade your not happy with.
  14. Yeah, I think this may be one of my major concerns...With this New AI Behavior will see Scenarios taking different or unrealistic outcomes, and may also affect QB's as well (since this New AI Behavior is tied into both). I would have to let Scenario Designers go into each Scenario to make any appropriate changes they think necessary to give it a more realistic outcome, which would take a long time...I for one won't do it, because then I would know everything about that Scenario ruining the Surprise/FOW factor. Yeah, I will just wait till the Dust Settles as, MOS, has mentioned before purchasing this 4.0 Upgrade.
  15. Actually, I'm glad that Vehicles don't Acquire/Share Ammo between each other during a Scenario. I remember Inf 'Ammo Acquire' making it into v3.0, and always thought things like this should take place before or after a Scenario (or between Scenarios in a Campaign)...We have Ammo Sharing between Inf Units during a Scenario and that's acceptable enough :-/ I think this is one of those times that BF shouldn't have listened to Customers Requests. Joe
  16. That's Great news...Thanks again, user1K :-)
  17. I have CMRT, but not yet CMFB...However, both Games should apply. When you Start-Up Game (Splash Screen) you will see 'Options' (click on it), then next screen click on 'Controls' at bottom..There you should be able to change the Hot Keys. Joe
  18. If you are referring to the QB issue, then my guess it wasn't a know issue for all players but only for some and BF didn't see a need to mention it ? Now, I wonder if BF fixed the German Fusilier Inf having Recon Icons overhead that I thought would have been fixed by v3.12...(should be regular Inf Icon instead of Recon).
  19. Correct !..Once you install the 3.0 Upgrade to CMFI & GL (along with any associated patches in correct order) your version number at bottom of screen will say v1.20 This pic shows you exactly what files you should have to become v1.20 (Z Folder is only there for Mod purposes). Joe
  20. Actually, here is another pic showing size doesn't matter in this case (pun intended) as it happens from Tiny through Large for example. The problem could be from the initial v1 CD or Download batches (I only purchase CD Games for the most part)...I wonder if the issue still continued for those who purchased the newer v2 or v3 CD or Download or was it only indicative to the initial v1 release (and the actual engine upgrade purchases to v2 or v3 didn't make a difference). In any case, it's one of those things some of us just live with...Happy New Year !
  21. And another Pic...This time U.S Armor vs German Mix.
  22. Hey Mark Ezra, Here is one such QB I just attempted now w/v3.12...I also remember it being a big thing when CMBN was first released with many players complaining about it (including myself)...I just learned to live with it like most. The thing is, many more Players didn't complain about it, because they generally play Scenarios or never used these exact same QB Parameters (your house got robbed while on vacation, but you never knew about it until a year later when you came back home).
  23. Set the QB U.S. vs German with Mix Forces, Automatic Purchase...Rinse and Repeat this quickly for about 10 times. You should notice that anywhere from Quarter to half the time the game will Crash (window will say "CM Normandy.exe not working and will close program). Of course, this is using 3.0, fully patched and so we are hoping 4.0 might have fixed this issue. Joe
  24. Both Players have to use the same Game Engine/Patch Upgrade in order to continue PBEM... Exceptions would be if one player had CMBN, and other player had CMBN + CW game module (for example) with both players patched the same...Then, both sides can continue their PBEM. Joe
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