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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. On a related note; I'm finishing up a Mod that allows Vehicle Crews to duck for an Action Cycle (then pop back up) when receiving enemy fire. This will help prevent some unnecessary Vehicle Crew Casualites from ranging fire, but still vunerable from Close Range or Sniper fire.
  2. Yeah, I use that Mod, and there was a certain way it needed to be downloaded or else each one would replace the other...I use Zip 7 to open it before installing into my Z Folder (you can't just directly drop the HQS 2.6 files into Z folder as it wont work). Joe
  3. You don't...Just say something like "Sorry, but Double Post" is fine.
  4. Yeah, and have same issue here with Win 7 using MSE...I hit download button sending me into limbo, and had to restart rig to get back to normal. Joe
  5. Be Nice, Erwin, before he starts his next post by saying, "Listen here, you Old Man" :-(
  6. I agree with Cpt Miller, and as a whole also like the new changes in v4, especially the AI evade with fall backs under heavy Small Arms or direct HE (thou, I still have some reservations)...However, in saying that I also don't think a platoon/Company that is suppose to hold a Town/City/Foxholes/Trenches is going to evade that quickly and in most cases in same turn under an Arty Strike (unless said Unit is receiving several turns of it and finally breaks due to Moral). Evade is different from Breaking due to Moral loss...Units in Open or light cover should Evade fairly easily to find more appropriate cover, but troops in Heavy Cover generally wont evade, but rather eventually Break due to Moral loss (or if player decides to use the red button evade order in the UI). So, if BF can tweak it so that there is something like two catagories; One catagory is for Open (open or light cover) that will use Evade, and other catagory is for Moderate to Heavy Cover that will need to use actual Moral loss to drive troops out of cover. This I think will make the system work alittle better. And, like Cpt. Miller I'm experimenting with higher Quality Troops to compensate for the above until I'm satisfied. Joe
  7. Yes, but unfortunately, in Game terms it's most likely a Bug that needs fixing... Joe
  8. Nah, this is v4 Game Engine and it's alittle easier to achieve your overall objectives... Joe
  9. Have you tried the 'Hunt' Command Order...It allows you to move until it spots an Enemy Unit, then stops to engage...Using this command Order in conjuction with either the 'Armor Arc' (will stop when you spot Armor) or 'Target Arc' (will stop when it spots anything else). Keep in mind, if your specific Unit doesn't have any previous intel that the enemy is 'Over There', (for example), then it will continue to use the 'Hunt' Waypoint Command until it does finally spot something (at which point it will stop and engage). Joe
  10. Ahh...Ok, and thanks, MOS...Think I remember reading something like that awhile ago.
  11. I think this was probably discussed already... Ok, what are all the different Building Types and their related Protection...Looking into the Editor I see Modular buildings, Houses, Church, which are Small and Large, Stone vs Wood, etc. One example;..On an average Map I will sometimes notice what seems to be two different Barn Buildings types with some being half Stone\Wood vs all Wood, etc...Will a Stone\Wood Barn offer more protection then an all Wooden Barn ? Joe
  12. Well, I think the G43s are over supplied in CMBN...In RL, it relatively Rare and usually only one is assigned to an Inf Platoon. And, hope BF is also working on any Bug fixes in V4, and not just FI TO&E changes... Joe
  13. Hope things work out for you, Joe Perez...and, I see you have a new look (no hat)... Joe
  14. Sigh... :-/ Please, BF, Fix or do Somfink...
  15. You mean the Carbonaro Effect... Engine 4: My Test of a U.S. Inf Squad (Green, High, +1) Area-Firing 200 meters, and the Bar is getting around 13-14 rounds a minute using Single Shots. Engine 3: Bar is getting around 25 rounds a minute using 3 round Bursts.
  16. Be Nice Seven of Wolf ...All in Good Time :-/
  17. Well, I used Green Troops with High Motivation & +1 Leadership in my tests...Using different quality troops or Leadership will bring in another another Variable, but not much will change in the overall effect. Actually, and another thing altogether in V4, Troops are far more brittle (or evade/fallback quicker) in a firefight compared to V3...Basically, all you have to do now is look at the enemy hard enough and they will just run away...I now have to use Vet Troops to be equal to what V3 Green Troops were...Sigh...
  18. Yeah, I did some testing, and V4 changed the ROF of Bar & Bren at longer ranges outside 100 meters (farther out the less ammo consumption) to single 1-2 round bursts. I don't necessarily have a problem with this as these weapons are clip fed (around 30+ rounds) and need to conserve ammo by shooting in Semi-Auto Rifle mode at longer ranges (in par with Rifle fire)...However, I still think the ROF of these weapons should be more constant out to 250 meters (not 100 meters), then reduce it's ROF to single round burst past that range. One issue is SMG's are not doing the same thing with their limited clip ammo (most being around 30+), and are still shooting several round bursts at longer ranges past 100 meters...If anything, SMG's using sub-caliber ammo should definitely be shooting far less (even more so then Bar & Bren) at these ranges. Then there is the other issue...Outside 100 meters in a Firefight a German LMG Squad will generally overmatch a U.S. Squad w/Bar or CW Squad w/Bren...The German LMG will still continue to shoot its average ROF (belt-fed), but the Bar & Bren will only shoot 1-2 single round bursts (being not much different then a Garand Semi-Auto)...However, by keeping pre V4 Bar & Bren ROF (then tweaking it so they shot the Single 1-2 shots past 250 meters) will at least be on semi equal terms with the German LMG.
  19. I still remember my Gaming Shop days in Northern Virginia (until it sold in early 90's) selling Board Games (including ASL & Modules), Minis, and something called D&D & 40K, etc...I would get in a new ASL Module just about every month. WWII HO & Micro-Armor on a Miniatures Gaming Table was my thing (along with Star-Trek Combat Simulation :-)...I would look at each new rules that came in the shop to see which ones where more realistic then others, etc. After all was said in done, I always came back to the original 1 or 2. I'm like Holman, I like to crack open my long list of Miniature Rules from time to time for comparison purposes...I still have a collection of these Minis, and think, maybe oneday, they will once again game on some miniatures table :-) Joe
  20. Ok, just noticed that the Bar & Bren have a much slower ROF outside 100 meters (firing one-two bullet bursts about every Action Cycle), However, SMG's for most all nationalities seem to still fire several rounds in a burst every Action Cycle past same range. Now, this seems to cause some issues in Firefights...Where I believe, a Squad Armed with Bar or Bren should overcome a unit with a couple SMG's firing out past 100 meters range...I think either the SMG's ROF needs to be reduced, or increase the Bar & Bren back to where it was (and relavent weapons). I just did some quick Firefights in Open Terrain at 150 meters and having German SMG's KO'ing troops on a consistant basis (due to its ROF, and it's laser aiming that never seems to get fixed)...Vs...Bar and Bren armed Squads just taking their time shooting 1-2 rounds and causing little to no damage. Joe
  21. Ok, Guys...Help me understand how this new V4 'Peak around Corners' work with pics ? Now, it seems if I move a Squad/Team up to a building corner and hide in same turn my troops will stay tucked out of sight, and not automagically seek a corner to peak...However, if I move (and not hide) and use Face Command I seem to get different results. It just seems there are so many variables at play, such as angle of buildings (in relation to map), length of buildings, and if it's a Squad vs Team, etc. Joe
  22. Thanks for the continued discussion, Macisle...I'm sure there is enough players using V4, and ran this discussion down (as there is nothing left to say) in hopes BF will look into any possible problems or concerns...Thou, I'm still Surprised, Steve, hasn't commented on anything yet as he usually does with a New Release.
  23. Hello Richi,

    How about CMBN V4...I have all Modules, but no BP or SP yet.

    I prefer Tiny Meeting QB's, Random Settings for most part, and player purchase using the 'Recommendation' box. I also like to use some 'House Rule's that will be provided in Dropobox

    let me know if this interests you, and if so, then give me your Dropbox name so I can send over a Invite...


    1. Richi


      hey Joe,


      Sounds great mate, also happy for tiny meetings and suggestion box for purchases.


      dropbox is



      im on Aus time if thats an issue, can usually get 3 or 4 turns in at my night time.



  24. JoMac

    CBBN and/or CMSF

    Hello Richi, How about CMBN V4...I have all Modules, but no BP or SP yet. I prefer Tiny Meeting QB's, Random Settings for most part, and player purchase using the 'Recommendation' box. I also like to use some 'House Rule's that will be provided in Dropobox let me know if this interests you, and if so, then give me your Dropbox name so I can send over a Invite... Joe
  25. Ok, Macisle, do you have any new updates with your further playtesting... I downloaded V4 Upgrade Bundle for all my WWII Titles (except FI, until it's re-release), and also noticed a big change in the AI behavior.
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