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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Looking Good, HT...As a change of Pace, there are many times I prefer watching an DAR/AAR, then actually playing the Game. Only Suggestions for taking esthetic looking Pics...Turn off Objectives (turn on once every 5 minutes to update/refresh the Forumites), Turn off Landmarks, Turn off Hit Locations.
  2. Ok, HT, "SEND MORE BRAINS"...err, I mean send another update with pics...Sorry, don't mean to rush you, but this DAR is getting more interesting Now, you know what must be done...Send the Rug-Rats to bed, kiss the Wifey good nite, then head back down to your Gaming Parlor/Man-Cave for a couple hours to finish-up and post another DAR turn...I want no less then 2-3 DAR turns per Week...And, don't give me any of that "Real Life Issues Come First", Crap...Capisce
  3. Thanks, RH, for bringing this up... I'm using HQ's 2.6 (will download 3.0 at some point to see the difference)...I know this is not directly related to your "Sound Bass Reduction Project". So, In my case I just deleted some of the Sound Files to my liking; ex, there were just too many Window Crashes/Vase Breaking, etc, but keep many of the more common Building hits, etc (maybe a ratio of 3-4 Building hits to 1 Window Crash/Penetrating hit). It should be interesting in what you end-up with in regards to your Project as it might be something to my liking (Bass reduction on many Sound Files). Joe
  4. Yes, I also remember that Thread for players wanting troops to be more proactive against Incoming Arty...Now, we also needed one for troops being more proactive against Small Arms as well (this way, troops will be more proactive against HE & Small Arms).
  6. Just relax, Man...We still have next Month, and the Month after that...so forth and so on
  7. Yeah, it would be nice to have all Field Pieces (AA, AT, Mortars) act like Vehicle Crews (Bail out-Re-Crew). Many have said it's a Game Limitation/inability to code properly, however, BF, gave an explanation and just said "If a Unit abandons a Field Piece it would normally spike the guns" (something like that).
  8. Yeah, I think it's because CMRT & Black Sea share many of the Game Files, however, only the proper ones will be used for that particular Game...You might notice this if you install CMRT incorrectly (corrupted), and end-up having your PPSH's in the UI showing AK-74/AKM instead.
  9. Ok, HT, give us an Update...Your killing me here with your suspense :-( I went over to the BN Screenshot Thread just to discover an interesting screen shot :-)
  10. Actually, that's about what I was trying to say in my above post, but maybe not clear enough.
  11. Hmm, I think your Hypothesis could be...more correct-ish then mine (and I don't like being wrong).
  12. Yeah, as RH mentioned...I think it's a Corner Action-Spot issue per-say. Basically (what I think happened here), your troops were still trying to fulfill it's requirement of moving into the Action-Spot (which happens to be both behind and in front of hedge), and so some troops ended-up moving forward (in front of hedge), then would've moved back behind again...However, since the gun-fire erupted and casualties happened your troops never fulfilled it's requirement (moving forward and back again behind hedge...which would normally take a few seconds). If you try the above again (and any similar circumstances in future) instead give an additional side-step way point (2x waypoints total...one left/right, then one forward), then I think your troops would have stopped at the hedge. Yeah, it's a Game Mechanics issue, and not sure if next Patch has anything included for this.
  13. It appears to me that he made 1x Way point behind the hedge or wall, but when gun fire broke out his troops dashed into the open.
  14. This has been discussed to Death, and Back over the years...Yes, unbuttoned Crew/Gunner survivability is way too low, and are literally Bullet Magnets in game (Small Arms are directed to top part of Vehicle, rather then Center-Mass that would've given them at least a better survivability through game). And, NO...Unbuttoned Crew should not necessarily be considered 'Sitting Ducks', (unless from short range Small Arms, or Sniper or Hit by an HE/AP round) and in RL should potentially survive through a Battle w/o getting a Crew Member hit. If you think it's bad now, you should've seen it back in earlier game patches...At least now, the height of unbuttoned Crew is lower and they button-up more quickly so that they wont get hit %100 of the time. Me thinks, BF, needs to increase the 'Savings Roll' a bit to represent Crew moving about and trying to avoid incoming fire (along with Small Arms hitting Center-Mass of vehicle, instead of Top). Anyways...Just my 3 Cents :-(
  15. If both sides haven't already purchased their Formation and Units, then consider the following: No Vets or above, but instead use Green/Reg, No higher then High Motivation, No higher then 0 Leadership...This should help keep the casualties down a little, while maintaining some staying power (you wont have those continuous RAMBO moments that Vet/Crack w/High Motivation +1/2 Leadership give you). I know I've been doing the above in most my PBEM or against AI...Usually, Green/High Motivation/0 Leadership as my baseline. Then, maybe try using the 'Suggestion Only' to purchase your Formation (you will get interesting results, minus the headache of purchase troops).
  16. Ahh, Yes...It was 'Franko's True Combat Rules' that came out back in the early CMx1 days...I think played it once or twice at Platoon Level, and it was Challenging for sure.
  17. Ok, Here is the latest iteration of the 'House Rules' (with the usual subject to change mindset). 1* No Pre-Planned Arty (or Area-Fire from Ground Units) on Turn 1 of a Meeting Engagement, or from Defender. Player will need to Call-In Arty normally. Attacker in Attack/Defense Games are exempt and can use Pre-Planned Arty. 2* Players will let the Computer AI choose what Targets to shoot at (Players can't choose Targets, but can still use Small Arms & HE' Area-Fire'). Player can still use Smoke at anytime and any Location on the Map. 3* Units can conduct Free LOF/LOS checks (and thus conduct Small Arms & HE Area-Fire) at its exact location and any adjacent Action-Spots (total of 9x Action-Spots)...Since Vehicles don't have Action-Spots per say they are allowed to conduct Free LOF/LOS checks 360 degrees out to 20 meters. 4* Players Can't click on Enemy Icons/Units during a Game. 5* Direct Small Arms & HE Area-Fire in a Meeting Engagement can't be more then roughly 2x Action-Spots in any direction from Enemy Icons/Units), however, in Probe/Attack Engagements treat as normal and can shoot anywhere at anytime. 6* Vehicle Smoke Dischargers (not Smoke Shells) is controlled by the Computer AI, and not by the Player. 7* No Armor Detailed Hits, RH Animation Mod, Invisible Floating Enemy Icons, Invisible Casualty Cross, Invisible Enemy Tracer. 8* C&C System...From either BH or the more quicker user friendly version from HT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, there are some variations to the above 'House Rules' to better suite how you think CM should be played...Below are some examples: 'House Rule' #2 Variation: Allow a Player to Direct-Fire with Mortars (since they Area-Fire anyways). Allow Direct-Fire with HMG Teams or MG equiped Vehicle against other Vehicles (since not doing so will have both AC's pairing off and not shooting at each other, but giving a DF Order will allow for either AC's to potentially damage each other. 'House Rule' #3 Variation: If a Unit checks LOS at a Waypoint that Unit has to keep that Waypoint (and not alter it) for duration of turn...Next turn he can delete any or all Waypoints, and repeat procedure.
  18. Hey Slippy...There are some 'Realism Mods' per say from RH, and C&C Rules from BH (and maybe some others) along with some of my 'House Rules' (that I will post-up later). I'm out now, but back later for discussion. I'm sure other will chime in shortly... Joe
  19. Hey Mord, You missed quoted the wrong person...Heirloom Tomato said that, LOL I only have one insignificant other to worry about
  20. This is true, and with 'No Enemy Icons' it will really hinder things...There might be Enemy Units on the Map that are only visible for a few seconds (that one of your troops notice), but as the 'God Like' Commander you may never even notice it (and as you say; Unless you decide to pause the game every 5 seconds and click on all your units to see who spots what...and, eventually getting a headache in the process, lol). Actually, you know what would be real nice (as an Upgrade Suggestion), if the outer ring of a Friendly Icon would flash for a few seconds (different from flashing when taking a casualty, etc) when it spots an enemy unit so you can automatically know what unit to focus on...Thou, if you played with 'Sky Triangles' On, then you will have a fairly good idea of what part of map the Visible enemy are located (then, cycle through your units to see who spots what). Are you going to use any of our 'House Rules' or did you come up with something similar/different ?..Let AI choose what targets to shoot at (use covered arcs to manipulate), no detailed armor hits, no use of the permanent pause function (use the 5-through-45 sec pause function only), etc. Don't worry about our game..."The End is Near" and your Mortar Fire hasn't deterred me from taking all my objectives (whatever those objectives may be, lol)...I need one final push into that Farm to end all hopes and dreams for the Amis (not to be confused with "The Farm too Far" syndrome I had earlier, lol).
  21. Dam-it...I'll pretend I didn't hear that...In fact, I don't think you know what your talking about
  22. Ahh Yes...The far too fast automagically C2 Info Sharing in CM (even in 'Iron' Mode...unfortunately) will give you a good heads-up of where enemy units/icons are . Oh, and thought I was your to go guy for trying to make all aspects of CM as realistic as possible...Now, I know who side your on, lol...In any case, I will be watching how this Battle unfolds with great enthusiasm :-)
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