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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. End of June..... If I would say Q2 I would use the max time I have. I since we haven´t seen any AARs up to now => Alpha or Beta are still not that adavcanced: I think Hubert is still putting the things together and coding new functions. 3-4 months for the beta.... 1-2 months for the rollout and marketing.....
  2. Yes, Hellraiser I was a little bit surprised that you did quit the game. The game wasn´t decided at all... Besides you didn´t make any big mistakes besides your start into Barbarossa which sucked When you have recovered we have to play again...
  3. Hi Qyusson, nice to see you back.... Perhaps it is possible to make this thread sticky as there are still sometimes new players looking for TCP/IP games?
  4. You see Kuniworth , Hubert is still lurking in the shadow. Why should SC be dead? Still many people are playing SC. At the Panzerliga alone round about 65 players participated SC-league games in the last season (Juni-Dezember 2004 ) . That is still a lot of active players. Besides I like to play old games which offer a lot of fun : Master of Orion1+2, Master of Magic, PG1 I would love to play but it doesn´t run anymore on Windows XP. Good games never die....
  5. I love SC1 but there are two things that let me jump up and down sometimes in front of the screen: 1. The "siberians" never arrive on time. Either the axis players takes its time and kills the armies north and south first before he triggers them or if you are able to defend yourself well for some time either you are to strong or it is to late for the siberians to appear... I hope for an improvement there in SC2... Who knows? 2. Tech: Research is simply sometimes the most frustrating feature of SC. Researching and researching without getting nothing can lead to serious depressions as hellraiser can testify.... At least in SC2 there seem to be very big improvements in this field. Regaridn not instant upgrade of troops etc...
  6. Hi Kain, somewhere here in this Forum is a thread with ICQ numbers. ICQ is a cost free instant messenger. You could use this programm to contact plenty of people still playing SC online. It is not to hard to find opponents when you have your peer group it is more of a problem not to play all the time
  7. WEll I think Waltero has a point. It would be nice to do some things like diplomacy, research, buying units in one half of the turn and the other half make the units movements, if it is possible.
  8. by the way DH and Terif at what Bid level are you playing currently? Besides how do you figure out that somebody is using AA tech?
  9. Zap what do you want to prove? That Terif is using cheats? You are implying it with every single thread you open and your word twisting would make Grima Wormtongue proud. It gets really annoying and there is no fun in your posts to find . You can smack talk players you like and respect. But it seems your theory "Terif must have known every weakness of SC before me and using it though I lost..." is a rather weak proof, besides you have a very bad case of obsession. I thought you promised to accept defeat after the last three games against Terif?????????????
  10. Just harder to kill units as far as I have seen.
  11. Oh ho it is winter and an icy wind starts blowing in the forums. You see Hellraiser only Rambo has earned honestly the right to act as an old fool ( with a love for the halflings leaf). I am ,lokking for ward to SC2 and hope for an option as a timer , pregame viewing of settings,teamplay etc.
  12. Thanks for the newsletter Curry. I was most interessting to read it
  13. IMHO: Rule Nr.1 1 disagreement: Allies should be allowed to launch surprise attack in Italy. Perhaps the Dow rule could apply to Rusia. Rule Nr.2: DOn´t know, on the one hand the Axis is always really powerful due to the money on the other hand often there are batlers in Spain+ Vichy to cut of the MP supply of the axis. Spanish Gambit etc are although not allewd anymore Rule 3. agreement but hard to control ! Rule Nr.4 disagreement: IMHO the US needs more money not less!!!!
  14. KT, na KT fällt Dir denn kein härteres Schimpfwort ein [ December 02, 2004, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  15. So, so der zahnlose Bettvorleger wird mal wieder aufmüpfig. Warst wohl lange nicht mehr in Siberien? Ich sage nur blindes Huhn (den von dem TIGER kann ja wohl nicht gesprochen werden) findet auch mal ein Korn. Oder wie sollen wir ihren Sieg gegen Terif nach den neusten Leistungen bewerten? Auf, auf bringen sie gefälligst ihre Truppen auf Trap und reden sie mal ein ernstes Wort mit ihren Forschern. Ausserdem wenn ich mich in meiner unendlichen Weisheit entschließé meinen Gegnern ein Erfolgserlebniss zu gönnen, ist das meine Sache. Das nennt man aufbauen eines Gegenerpools mit Langfristperspektive. So Herr Feldmarshall KT zurück an die Front, das große Reich zählt auf Sie!
  16. Just read it ...one of the last sentences says.... due to late Hungary i decided to attack spain together with barbarossa. Btw Romania joined in January. We saved after my turn...so spain is still alive as i could not conquer it within 1 round. </font>
  17. Lets say I would be surprised if I would loose this game . You should ´t take better care of your fleet and your carriers Still the biggest battle in history is ragging right now in Rusia. To bad that your best generals there had such unfortunate accidents Still a very fun game. And I have to express again my disgust again wiht the fighting spirit of the Low countries and Poland.
  18. Hi Desaix, welcome to the world of TCP/IP. =ur game yesterday worked smoothly. Don´t worry believe me there are MUCH slower players then you )
  19. Yeah, DH I don´t need a depressing lesson right now. Against Hellraiser a lot of stupid mistakes from my side. Forgot to move my baltic fleet back into the baltic sea and it got sunk.... Some misclicks delayed the conquest of Egypt and Vichy. And in Poland every single attack was minimum damage sometimes combined with max damage for the germans. In counterattacks my stupid tank gets killed and worst of all, after 4 rounds finally I conquered Warschaw and only 2 stupid polish defender survived, since I needed to make progress in the West I transfered the HQ to the West . Bad mistake the little demons fought on until mid. March 1940. Now the Uk has an advantage in JT and LR but still hey at least my minors joined in the nomal (early) time frame in March /April my minors were complete. Spain is now conquered and Gibraltar will take 1-2 turn max to throw the defenders out. Egypt still heavy fighting going on and Bergen is still not liberated. But on the positive side. I think the brits are missing 4 ships and 2 AFs. Paris fell quite early July 1940 since Hellraiser tried the Zap doctrine unsucessfully. Still a 2nd tank and corps met their fate in France.
  20. Well , only a little update my Allies won the race after all against Hellraisers Axis. .... But again my new game against Hellraiser looks like hell..
  21. Zappsweden if I understand correctly you try to break the axis already in France? OR at least delay them a long , long time? It is a little bit an all or or nothing strategy?
  22. My little necromancer, we will see if Rusia is first knocked out or Berlin. Race against the time... Still a very nice game. I know I started to roll in the West a little bit to late. See you on teh battlefield soon. Still yeah of course you can attack Turkey to get to Iraq but if you want Turkey too, you need a opponent without a tendency to leave behind an AF just to look for transports.
  23. The other way round for Rusia it is much more worthwhile to attack Turkey and having a direct route to IRak. It can work if you are able to cut of the capital to prevent reinforcements for turkey. Unfortunatly the only way to do it early is via massive landing with ships. If the other player looks at the reports he will see what you are up to and prevent it with AF sitting near the southern end of the front.
  24. Desaix, I think I need a revanche When you have fixed your TCP/IP connection....
  25. Well Hubert sure you didn´t travel to much with the "Deutsche Bahn" ? Context if a train is delayed (nearly every time ) you will hear for example: "Due to traffic operations ICE from Essen to Berlin Zoologischer Garten will be 45min late. Thank you for your patience!"
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