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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. DH, some people learn never and Rambo a little bit later still.
  2. Here we are, don´t know where these pesky AF are if not I don´t like visitors in Scotland and would have sunk them. Lets see if he is serious with the landing. Can´t believe it I am losing the landbattle in Irak. No damagr in 5 attacks with ground groups on his AF.
  3. Yes the brits are dying in Iraq. Many many Airfleets in Norway.
  4. Yupp, airfleet stands now in Irak. Why didn´t you send two AF down? Irak cut off again and allies happly demolish parked planes in the desert. Yougos fight on. Monty looses some coffee as the axis shows LR2 and hits his HQ. Sub north of Scrap Flow attacked by three ships and an AF but still floats around.
  5. Master Goodale, always happy to teach a beginner basic manners. I prefer TCP/IP (faster play) For the advanced lessons please refer to the sospechos habituales: Terif, Drageonheart, Rambo, Liam, Avatar, Zap, FriendlyFire etc...
  6. I still haven´t seen you move but I suppose that again german airfleets arrived in Irak? My dear the german shipbuilding must have taken a long long time...
  7. Irak shot free by the last unit strengh 1 :eek: . If not next turn most probabl this unit would have been killed anyway by the evil itlalians sitting in the dessert as the allied troops do. Anyway I have been very lucky in my dessert campaign. I learned a lot for next time. Axis contiunues to build ships. It seems that London in the end is still one of the mayor tourist attractions in the world? More transports at the african coast
  8. Hellraiser, this strategy is dangerous and far from perfect I need victims to optimize. But hey it is fun...
  9. Some more comments: Time end 05.1940 . USA is around 20%??... and UDSSR 48%. I am a little bit surprised by Desaix aggressive Med play transports landing in big numbers, AF in Bagdahd etc. LR AF killing 2 of my guard ships in the MED together with newly build itlain subs. Still my fleet or what is left from it is somewhere else then the Med. Because I didn´t knew if Desaix would go for quick sealion. Hopsfully the vodka addicts will get aggressive very soon...
  10. Tripoli fell to combined might of 4 airfleets. The airfleet in Tobruk is necessary to control all the ships who ship around in the Med. Not much done this round.
  11. Well, slaughtering an italian army. Attacking Irak now in serious. Oilfields taken back. German Destroyer sunk. Not much else done
  12. Arghh, the combined might of ships and AF had been very hard for the allies this time. The italians built in secret some subs. Still couterattacks from a ship out of the Bergenport and, Troops advance rapidly on Iraq.
  13. Well, well the sub does not hunt anybody, anywhere anymore. Yes fresh troops are arriving in the Iraq. Sicily was given up. Italian landing corps was destroyed by rests of the british Med fleet. I noted that Desaix has developed LR1 at least.
  14. Brits flee into the dessert promising to return soon. On the downside the treacherous romanien bloodsuckers join the axis side already in Nov. 1940. Brits continue to pile up cash just in case....
  15. "How to communicat with occupied Englishmen" book released and distributed to the all German troops... A 2nd book is called : How to fly in a sandsturm and what to do if my plane gets lost. Experience of a german pilot in the operation desert storm. Brest is given up. The corps went home to wife and children. Royal navy ships back home. Sicily still well defended. Still no attack on Norway, Vichy or Sweden.
  16. Welcome to the British Island. Please feel welcome.... Tobruk taken....
  17. Well the british corps asked for a flight out of the dessert but the german AF in Irak said: no way, no passengers. Next turn we will ask again. The canadian army in Barry noticed that they are not welcome anymore in Italy and left the country. Tobruk resists.
  18. The independent southeren italian conferdation declares its independence from Italy. A well drafted diplomatic letter was sent to Rome. It simply says : Leave us alone . Canadian and english troops of course support this desire for independence. They are even looking to enlarge their Med. British Empire. Preparation to take Tobruk.
  19. The fall of France is looming at the horizon. Exil government in England formed. While the italian soldiers in Tripoli were still sleeping , landing corps murdered them in their beds. Never laugh of the RAF. Canadians still taking some holidays in Bari and Sicily...
  20. Call your itlains man of steel. When you see my turn you will know why. I will exchange next turn my paper bullets against real ones. Be careful... Progress:Rien, nada
  21. Kurz und knapp. Conquest of Italy progresses . Sicily is allied . Tobruk under fire, in Venice lives still a italian Battleship.
  22. Well, I will play always axis if somebody offers me to play the allies without a bid. Usally you offer 5000 MP+ for the allies to give them a chnace still mostly the allies loose....
  23. Italian Gambit Variation Well, only a link to the last discussion around the italian gambit.
  24. Again ts, tsss giving advice to my enemy. My strongest weapon is the confusion of Desaix who perhaps doesn´t know how to counter such a strategy. Bad Dragon.... Bad bad Dragon...
  25. Ts, tsss Dragonheart I thought at least you would like the possibility to DOW Italy after our last game.
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