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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Well Rambo, there are slight differences. First of all there are all this small nifty animations of tanks in flames , ships sinking etc. The music score seems better: "Chariots of fire" is played when the german troops rolll into Warsaw. And "end of all hope" when Paris falls. The original SC didn´t have these small gadgets. Last but not least you can edit in the editor the "dice" of each opponent simulating the outstanding performance of the italain troops etc. Naturally I give my american colleagues always a minus one or two in this field too. P.S: This post is for the use of Rambo only to confirm his suspicions [ October 28, 2004, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  2. Avatar, if I could play and work and play at the same time like you can do....
  3. Is this a typing mistake or what the hell is 1:1:92???? </font>
  4. Hi Maverik, 1:5:20 is the most common bidding system right now. Regarding your perfect "defense". You should consider: Finnland: Axis can easily reinforce Finnland and push in the north to Leningrad. Turkey: Usally a whole battlegroup of axis forces is already in the south to secure IRak at the beginning of Barbarossa. An invasion of Turkey you can consider if you have the surprise moment and the axis is heavily engaged in the west. But your setup in Rusia seems only "passive" defense for me". => Axis can choose where to punch and Rsuia is not able to counterattack or build up pressure to relieve the Western allies. Since the axis usally has the MP advantage => (Cookie cutter) you are looking for a scenario where the axis can easily switch fronts when it comes under pressure in the west. They don´t have to worry about the rusians. Corps are great for defense but you need although armies to hit back at the right time.
  5. Lets chant: WE want an UPDATE!!! We want an UPDATE!!! WE want an UPDATE!!!!!!
  6. @ Kuniworth : Look on the bright side. At least the number 1 spot is undisputed. SC is dead? There are still many very active players
  7. WEll Rambo if we put in the historical point of view, then it is although right for the british to beat the hell out of italy. The italian navy never played a big role in the war and wasn´t there this famous battle between Italy and GB when 300.000 italians fought against 60.000 british with the results of 240.000 italian prisoners or dead? I have to look it up......
  8. Friendly fire. You are right it is a bit unrealistic that whole nations sit there and say: Hey look at all these nice friendly little ships sitting at our coast. But right now the axis is doing exactly the same : Norway, Vichy, Greece, Sweden etc. surprise landings with a huge bonus and knocking out the defenseless minors....
  9. Hi hellraiser. I think you will run in serious trouble with your stratgy. First of all. 1. When the Allies DOW LC. You will have quite ahard time reaching Paris. That Italy will join early on is not secured. 2. Germany will miss hi income base and won´t be in the west in the defensive => not easy to conquer these country later on. 3. Not conquering sweden Norway etc. will get you a Net loss of 150 MP ++ each round hard to catch up. Rusia enters In July => usally september => more MPS for Rusia 4. Risk to get stuck in Egypt 5. Risk to get stuck in Turkey 6. Allies can conquer Norway etc. to increase their income base and reinforce the UDSSR via the north.
  10. Hi hellraiser, yes I am back from my holidays. I am looking forward to continue this game. How about friday or this weekend? Will look for you on ICQ. Today alas I am batteling against Avatar. That you were able to take England shows my stupidity and the disadvantages when the RN is taking shots at the italian navy.
  11. Well the italian gambit has been a hot topic in competive playing. While I like the possibility of the italian gambit other players as Avatar clearly don´t like it at all. Whats the verdict. Any vote from the top players on this topic? I believe that the italian gambit makes the game more interessting givng the Allies at least one weapeon to fight for the med.
  12. Well, Avatar you can always permit these deadly assaults on the italian beaches, which wouild permit the Allies to fight in the MEd and put there fleet to a good use.....
  13. Problem with an even stronger US is for me that it willl lead inevitably to an all out defense of France through GB. Conserve your units for Barbarossa? Why you can buy build a whole new army in no time.
  14. Stuborn defense in LC from Avatar. His corps will not die. (Bad combat) rolls. March 1941 Alexandria and Suez will be in Itlian hands. (Avatar attacked Irak). 1 carier sunk by the itlain fleet. Another one down to 5. Italian fleet won´t survive this trip though
  15. Forced polish breakthrough in round 1 . Warsaw fells round turn2 but Poland only surrenders after turn 3. Avatar plays a Dutch Gambit round 1 . which fails.
  16. New game starts. Small disagreement over the use of the itlain gambit (not the rome gambit) I take axis now for 220MP
  17. Denmark will fall next turn. German army killed
  18. 2 turn. Both axis subs sunk. The oilfields in the Irak under Allied control. Poland surrendered atlthough the NL. Denmark hit hard by the Germans
  19. New start of the game. Save wasn´t avaible anymore. Breakthrough for Avatar in Poland. Allied high command take it as abad omen. and prepare for the worst
  20. Friendly_fire. Avatar and I negin very slowly. You know mucho ruido pocas nueces
  21. Lousy first turn for the Avatar. The german troops believe more in the virtues of love and peace then in fighting. No breakthrough in turn 1. Avatar saved because Rambo called him away to his doom.
  22. Well in the German headquarter they need somebody for ripping of calender sheets. 05.1941 from the allied side.
  23. German AF and itlian corps destroyed. France will fall this turn nonetheless.
  24. French conquered Kiel, liberated Kopenhaagen and Bergen is english. France will live one turn longer . April 1941
  25. Well happy new year. 1941. Allies are still in Paris and will try to stay there a while longer. Rambo transfered some AF to Ireland?
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