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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Hi Desaix, sorry I thought it was clear that DOW on major with landing was allowed. This is why I asked you in mails regarding the rules and wrote all allowed only RAMBO ROME IVASION forbidden. Like you already said the the WR of the US at - 11% and the troops I had to commit to this undertaking are the disadvantages of this strategy. It is a strictly long term game I am planning for since the I intend to take over ITaly [ November 15, 2004, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  2. Germans had to move forward. In selfdefense the allies declared war on Italy. 1 Army + 5 corps land on italian beaches to take southern part of Italy. The italian fleet is hit hard by the combined french and english fleet. Before Paris a german tank is destroyed and the defense ring around Paris is closed again.
  3. French offer german last chance to withdraw before this conflict goes out of hand. More and more troops leave France for England...
  4. No power for a counter. Troops are pulled back.
  5. Some french captains will be sold to the "Fremdenlegion" for the fatal attack on a german corps. No more landing on the ellbow hex. German corps survived at strengh 1. grrrr. At least my fleet can start to shorebomb the germans a little bit....
  6. Hi Pauliva, you are simply in the wrong forum. Look in the other SC-Forum please there is a link to an SC-PBEM league (Currys league :)with many many players. Another quite active online community is www.panzerliga.de unfortunatly the side is still in german only, even if most players over there are speaking english. Have fun with SC. One advice if you are playing against humans the allies without a bid have no chance to win at all. Regards Sombra
  7. Well , I had been away for a few days. Heavy looses from the allies. Army and corps gone. still more reinforcements from England for France. We will see if the allies have one or two hidden Jokers still....
  8. Well, not a round of success for the allies for sure: Landing corps was knocked down to 6 trying to weaken a tank, shore bombardement was as sucessless. British roops have taken control of the oil fields in Iraq. German invaders are now in FRANCE. Köln reinforced perhaps they will fight another day there. More troops bought in Britain and France.
  9. While moon worked in restaurant a starved wanderer walked into the place asking for the best dinner imaginable because all his friends said a fantastic cook works in the kitchen. Moon serving as a waiter told the customer in more or less an hour the dinner will be ready. Hungrily the wanderer waited, after 55min he got a little bit concerned because he was seeing a man dressed as cook only planting now the vegetables for his dinner in the garden for a harvest next year. Moon still told the wanderer your dinner will be ready when it is ready. NEVER hurry an artist with his work. Eventually the wanderer died of old age in the restaurant Meanwhile moon and hubert had moved to a new beautiful restaurant with totally different food. Never even reembering the poor fool and all his friends waiting for a dinner which never appeared.
  10. Hubert & Moon Please give a morsel of youzr wisdom to the SC starved community. If you tell me ready in 9 month I will not upheld my hope for a release before Christmas.
  11. Hmm at work now. Still no good news from the borderline. Hoped that at least either Kopenhagen or the Dutch border could be defended this turn. Well I have the whole day to plan for counteractions...
  12. Turn4 Allies need the oil Well Denmark fights on. Carriers are looking for new hunting grounds and Brits are visiting France and the Iraq French are reinforcing the troops at the Dutch border and Köln. Poland surrendered . They fought well.
  13. 3 Round: Perhaps to aggressive from my side. Army from Köln attacked without damage for the enmy and heavy looses for my side : "Ouch" Polen fights another day. Denmark fights another day. Lines in France reinforced. Subs are playing forever underwater.
  14. Round 2: Warschau surounded: Will fall next turn I think. NL fallen, defending army on Dutch border hit hard by tank, Denmark attacked down to 5 by axis navy and german corps. Allies attack Iraq. Conquer Cologne. Nearly loosing a corps trying to knock out the attacking tank and found the subs...
  15. 1 round: Bid 1:5:20 Desaix Axis with a bid of 150 MP only rule no RRI (RamboRomeInvasion) The allied headquarters announces: Cowards attacked brave polish troops unaware. Southern polish army slain and breakthrough of the german troops. Warschau under attack. Allied troops build a defenseline from north to south to limit the acess to the capital. No reinforcements for the lost polish cause. German HQ +Tank +Army and 2 corps moved up the Dutch border. Still the Dutch refuse allied help to defend their homeland. Dutch prime minister says Germans are NOT the enemy of the dutch people. German raiders are searched in the Atalntik. German AF attacks French army at Dutch border. Allied troops move in defense position. No attack on Ireland, no attack on Denmark made. [ November 08, 2004, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  16. I was told that even some ents like Treebeared consider DH a little bit slow sometimes.
  17. Hí Desaix, if you want sent me your first turn with the settings you are comfortable with. Unfortuntaly for PBEM I am not online to much I think we can play at 1-2 turn a day. Simply sent me an E-Mail
  18. THe FAQ has been updated and nobody told us ts, ts... Shame on you Hubert
  19. As Moon and Hubert said in another thread : "The top ten players in SC2 will receive their official copy 3 months later then the rest of the world to give the other beginners a chance master the game before them" I think it ius a wise decision of Dalmatia to claim spot 11.
  20. I would love to play SC in Christmas unfortunatly I have to go to Spain. Doing all this bad stuff like drinking every night , eating tapas, it is scuh a hard life.
  21. DH I agree. SC has the perfect balance of skill + luck you need for victory. Enough luck to balance some skill discrepancies not enough to make SC a lottery game.
  22. Will it be possible to run SC2 in a windowed mode=> having more then one programm running and visible at the same time? Just yesterday while playing SC and waiting for my enemies moves I wished it would be easier to watch a DVD meanwhile on the computer or chat with friends while observing with one eye what happens in the game...
  23. Drageonheart is a moderator for the SC-Forum there.
  24. [ October 28, 2004, 12:13 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
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