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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Sometimes I wonder why I bother to play SC. I defend well as Allies until end of September no big looses kill a lot of axis units. But then bang. Minors join on fist opportunity. Barbarossa kicks of Jan 1942 and researchign with 5 chits in tech without any result. Kind of makes Sc frustrating
  2. Kuni, if you want we can give it a try this weekend. IF you want to host then please be prepared that I will save after first turn and I will ask you after the game for the password. You can ask the same of me. Bidding 1:5:30 , no RRI, AAR here on battlefront.
  3. :confused: Up to now we have not even played. Some kind of sick joke?????? Or are you simply to scared to play and make up your victories? Kuni please explain this kind of post??? :confused: :mad: :confused: [ June 22, 2005, 12:55 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  4. You usally never give a bonus to France simply because the critical phase for the Axis sucess is the attack on France. France many times is already strong enough to stop the Axis in its tracks. The so called RAI strategy is up to date the most aggressive strategy to break the axis already in France. Zap&DH very good AAR bring it on
  5. Hi Kuni, contact me via ICQ 336-345-303 or E-Mail if you are avaible. Thanks Sombra
  6. Well, busy fighting wars all over the world. Had some nice game with GravesRegistration this weekend. Still interessted what the others players do. IF you need some spanking sometimes in the near future. Contact me via ICQ please
  7. Well it seems that 50% of you will win their wars due to missing enemies....
  8. Heureka another post in Betaforum on 16.06.05. Thouhg ETA for SC2 moved forward to year 2012+
  9. Is there any sport as stupid as playing golf?
  10. Somwetimes you loose sometimes you win. I have been stopped before due to an aggressive counter . The skill shows if you can adapt or repeat your mistakes again. Some simply give up when things don´t go 100% their way. They become history, then they name themselves legend, become myth and then they are forever forgotten. I will change my approach next time. Still some moves although were simply bad luck. Ardennenhex survives due to mimimum attacks . Still the aggressive Allied air prevented though the breakthrough although in the next moves because I had to build up strengh again. Poles fought on with only two units etc. These things always happen and I was surprised how well Zaps RAI worked because still I played conservative and carefully. I am looking for a rematch soon. [ June 14, 2005, 11:56 PM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  11. Yeah, got stopped and last attempt to kill RF not succesful Last try to see how stong Zappsweden really was. Respect to the winner. I think I see were I made some mistakes and I will look for a rematch soon. But Zappsweden has many games ongoing though I think I will have to wait. For now really tough defense.
  12. Januar 1941. Hart nut to crack will take some time still. First worries of a sudden defeat are roubeling the axis...
  13. French Af survives with strengh 1. Another french Korps bites the dust we take the southern route now.
  14. Well next time I will be better prepared. French mine conquered. Maginot is dust. Italians appaer in Egypt.
  15. Well, we will see what happens when the entrenchment is down. Jupp stupid tank first got hit in :0§. attack, then got hit 3 by battleship . I admit I am really struggeling. ...
  16. Yeah, this allied air annoys a lot. No german general can drink his coffe. Germans stand now before PAris and are very annoyed....
  17. John C. I agree with you 90%. I like a certain randomness sometimes even quite a lot. I don´t like it when the luck is able to turn around 100%. A game from where I am losing because I am totally outclassed andsuddnly I am winning because I have superunits and my opponents luck sucks big time.... SC already walks here a fine line because I still believe that skill is the deciding factor in SS. Sometimes some games are frustrating due to mayor good luck or bad luck. I don´t like to much micromangement either. The tech system in WAW is for me broken beyond) to. Unfortunatly WAW is mostly decided by research. I will give the game another try when they implement TCP/IP because I simply love this kind of games and I am still not ready to give up on it.
  18. Some of the things I don´t like in SC is that research is asured investment usally. I reality you try to research something and the outcome many times is not what you expected. On the other hand this instant upgrade of all your units when you researched something. You get a new tank design and within a week all your tanks are magically transfromed (I think this is addressed) And sometimes there is this freaking luck you never get an adavance and the other guys has already x wing fighters..... I would like to see a system which combines certain luck like in Sc and a good catch up system already in Sc but weak to make strategically research decisions. Perhaps the first 3 turns after after an advance is made and the the new design appared !!! on the battlefield (enemy must have seen this unit) no catch up bonus for the eneimy afterwards a very slowly rising catch up bonus afterwards. I think research money should (could) be used up. Trying to be the tech leader should have its benefits and its risks. Like making huge investmensts and never get any benefit. I don´t like the system in Waw it is to predictable, the units get to much benefit. if somebody is 2 lvl above you, your units are totally wothless. Even the most advanced design in WAW costs the same as the basic design of a tank. There SC has a huge advantage because lvl 5 fighters are really expensive!!!
  19. Thanks unfortunatly I am a slowwww slooow learner . But I was told I will have enough time to learn while you move. How about playing this weekend? Ranug sorry I forgot that you are from Sweden too.
  20. Zappy as far as I have heard you slow play your wars real time. Perhaps you can teach me a lesson sometimes ICQ 336-345-303. :confused: Easy to claim legend status if you are the only player from a god forgotten place.
  21. Cough how many able American generals are left out there: The old/ always retirement Rambo, The honored old count Drew-Liam , the good old Comrade Trap and sometimes you get shot from friendly fire if he can find his third teeth ... I think you are a dying race over there..... Evolution passed on and left the old fossils bitching for the most memories in history books
  22. Rambo I would be glad to see a working "RAI" Strategy. As far as I have seen it could although be called the RapidAlliedDestruction Any good luck with good combat rolls for the Axis will lead to an early breakthrough.... But I am willing to learn. Catch me ICQ sometimes. As regarding to the northern opening. Yeah DH used it already long ago and has been adopted by many PL layers long ago but hte relevant discussion around this topic are already a least 8 months old.... Proof again that battlefront is a little backward regarding tactics.... Is it typical american to try to slap your name on everything?
  23. Otternasen, Lerchenzungen!!!!! right now it is a break in one of the most anticipated games of the SC season. Its normal that all kind of comments drop in. I think this match is a good argument for the so called spectator mode ) Or a replay after the match though that all the interessted people could download the classic matches for a review
  24. Na, don´t be shy, you played very very well, after the beginning. You surprised me with this northern counteroffensive in Rusia for example. Though if you win you will have earned it. Still the game is not over yet. The champion in luck is Mr . Haudgen he is the nemisis of DH, HR and myself.
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