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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Well strict follower of the HDO path. Poland surrenders 90% of the time turn 2. If you are lucky you will get Poland , LC and Denmark on turn 2 (30%) or at least you will get LC and Poland Denmark will be doomed in turn 3 or an early breakthrough in France.
  2. @ Condor Well it seems a very interessting and even historical way to play the game... @ Hellraiser, hey I don´t win to many games against you anymore though let me gloat a little bit...
  3. Well then you have to teach Hellraiser better ;)or show me sometimes myself....
  4. The allies can´t prevent it but the allies can preapare very well for the day the Germans try to cross the Rhine
  5. Well, it seems that defense will be difficult. Units attack move out, new units move in....up to 16 ground attacks are possible. (With this attack move modus I think you would have solved the the problem of the static battlelines in SC1 without giving up the hexes.) We will see how this works in the final product. At least it looks very promising.
  6. Blashy I really see your point that the game is unhistorical. But there is a certain point where it is easier simply to start with the Barbarossa scenario. Regarding the game system I think SC is simply "flawed" because a god forgotten town in Afica is nearly as valuable as Berlin. Hellraiser/Blashy keep us up to date how it goes
  7. Well,I think we can stop now. The game will go like this now. France turn 6. Norway turn 8, Vichy turn 8-9 . KB Rusia right now I think 58% goes to =>69% , US 62%=>?% really don´t know, never spend attention. but rusia is what counts. me. Sweden will fall round 12 =>Rusia at 76%. Waiting waiting ..... Ru+Ungarn join in march+april 1941 Spain attacked => US Joins (or waiting until the US join percentage rises an then attack Spain) ....but the Important part is I will get Spain even before Barbarossa. Attack Rusia in August ..... Alexandria will be conquered in late 1940 ....
  8. OK, Blashy I think 50% KB for Rusia und US don´t cut it. I don´t think the allies have a chance. In my turn I lceaned up France. 4 hexes around Paris are occupied
  9. Rambo have you been to to Detroit? Not much left of the big three.... Problem is for me not that the US is to weak. It is simply that Germany can get to way strong through the aquisition of the minors. I think you see it quite well in the Fall Blau scenario which is quite balanced. Rambo, please stop making propaganda for this nation of farmers and landthiefs.
  10. 26th of November 1939. German tanks and infantrie are reaching the outskirts from Paris. No english defenders have been seen in France.
  11. Pssst I am baiting Rambo .... Don´t spoil my fun
  12. Well, France is left alone . Not even a Britishmen is seen in France. France defense smashed open at the Blodhex and a German tank moves in. Paris seems undefended. Elbowhex taken. Manstein takes command. Whole german army moves into position. Further casualties for France is an army shoot down to strengh 1. A british battleship is sunk and german subs raid the waters again. ETA in Paris is around end of April
  13. Well, Rambo: The US is slepping with the Sauds for Oil , the Chinese buy your debt. You are driving soon japanese cars and your computer are made in Taiwan. Ever played Risk? When the tpdogs fight suddenly the underdog is at the top...
  14. Rambo the US was an sleeping industrial giant but really powerful regarding its army in the beginning
  15. Ok the valiant defenders of Poland run like cowards. Denmark was not reinforced. The mighty Germans conquer therefore: Denmark, LC, and Poland in turn2 . German subs surprise a battleship in the Atlantik unfortunatly it survives. Classic HDO until now.
  16. Ok, here we go. HDO in the east as it is standart now. Used 2 AF punish Denmark. KB for US/UDSSR after DOW on Denmark 56%/54%
  17. Well, we will see how this plays out.... Increase in join percentage for rusia is round about 5-6% for every DOW Starting with 50% => 6 DOWs before Barbarossa LC, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Vichy, Spain .... Barba will kick of beginning of July/ August I think this looks like a fun game for the Axis
  18. Face it the US is less important then GB, France, the Balkan of Africa. If you don´t believe me, well play a little bit Sc and learn ....
  19. Blashy when I get home from work I will sent you my first turn
  20. Well I think what SC2 needs is : 2Keep it stupid, keep it simple" Don´t put to many fake features in the game which don´t have any relay playing value. SC is / was soo beautiful because it has a simple and well thought out design. Look what they did to Master of Orison 3 putting in to many half thought out features.
  21. PBEM move though slow and there is always the doubt about reloads. But if you want please tell me exactly what kind of game you want. Starting join percentage on 50% for US and Rusia thats all?
  22. Blashy, if you want we can try it this weekend.
  23. A quite well balcanced game is "Fall blau" . IF you don´t want to play the boring cookie cutter. Zap developed a risky but interessting other strategy. Still you will always face the Problem that Alexandria has the same value to Germany then Hamburg or even Berlin.
  24. Blashy, the game would be cookiecutter still because you can´t leave the resources for your enemies to grab. Game against human opponent will be. France will surrender around June 1940. Most important minor grab... July 1941 USA joins.... Barbarossa kicks off. Iraq, Greece, Spain same round or two turns after if you wanted to knock out Rusia .... MP advantage for Axis as usal . Rusia will have nothing!!! Can´t threaten anything this situation is even better for the axis then before because Neitehr Rusia nor Allies have troops to start any succesful action on their own. MP advantage will shift later but more permanently in the favor of the Axis.
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