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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. 1 Franch army and 2 corps are cut of from Paris. Allies surround completly Paris and dig in. Still one german army alive in England. 1 axis corps+1 itlian+ 1ship killed. Two turns ago 2 itlian armies met their creator to
  2. Germans land in England and take Manchester. at the same time german troops with heavy air support have a breakthrough in northern france . Heavy airsupport doesn´t permit a forward defense anymore . France troops pull back to Paris
  3. One german cruiser won´t survive his trip into the baltic sea. Defense lines reinforced
  4. Manstein spotted to late at sea. The other ships moved already. Shame would have liked to sink him. Defense reorganized again
  5. Allies is denial phase. Having given over southern France to the Italians. Still defense in France will hold a while. Bari taken by french expedition corps.
  6. Italian surprised the french. Should keep checking my reports. In panik soem actions are taken. Muenchen taken and troops go to southern France for defense purposes. At least the sub was hunted down.
  7. Subs in the Atalntik are no more a threat to free shipping & trade. Rebels in Ireland resisting the just king of England as their new souvereign.
  8. LC is no more. Heavy attacks already on France. Allies reinforce France hoping that Germany will realize that this war is hopeless and pointless. Canada joined subs found
  9. Bad luck for the allies . Warsaw falls and the whole polish army surrends even when they conquered Königsberg. Denmark was bombed and conquered.
  10. Rambo goes for the rsiky LC-lite. Canada stays away from the war and did not join
  11. @ Seawolf. Even if you believe we disagree I don´t think though. I am still grateful for the deeds of the _US in the past . I am not unhappy that Germany lost the war since the ideologie and the holocaust of the Nazis is not defendable under no circumstances.Neither is the their warmongering for nationalistic gains. I am simply don´t happy with the actual politic of the US. If you are benevolent as sole superpower you have yet to demonstrate it has been only passed 15 years since the counterpart suddenly imploded. @ Rambo : Pot calls kettle. Weren´t you against the intervention in Africa, Yugoslavia? Any part were I defend Saddam or any other dictator? I think your narrowmindness lets you see only the things you want to see and hear what you want to hear. If Kerry wins will you leave the US since he is an evil communist from point of view....? Only way for you is war as first principle of solving conflicts? 50.000 dead not enough for your biblical point of view: " And let my enemies drown in blood?" Do you really read the new testament? And if you really do, what happens with the virtues of compassion, sacrifice for others, valor, courage, honesty, modesty? I don´t know which kind of friends you have but who is the better friend somebody who tells you his opinion if he believes you make a mistake or siomebody who always tells you how great, big, beautiful you are? Oh I forgot you already gave the answer somebody is either with you or against you. Do yourself a favor check a history book / check your principles against the principles of the NAZI movement in Germany. Ask yourself honestly which kind of world you would like to live in.
  12. - UN buys weapons? :confused: No just kidding I get it. You don´t get always your will though the UN is your enemy. Communsit even - The kid with the biggest stick makes the rules => Though you have to make sure that you have the biggest stick. Well i really love this adult behaviour. Hope you teach your kids these values. If you are stronger take what you want and make sure you stay the strongest. - More landfills for the states. Energy problems for the future are solved. I don´t think you graduated in science ? -9/11 I think you had the support of the whole world even the opportunity to shape a new understanding between the nations. You choose to throw it all away for a ridicilous war which had to do NOTHING with 9/11. Saddam was a bad guy? Sure he was. You saved many lives? With 10% of the money you could have saved 10x times the people in Africa helped to strenghen struggeling fledling democracies etc. In the end it looked like revenge and a grap for oil resources. Sorry that most of the world was suspicious of you good intentions. If you wanted to bomb the home country of the terroists you should have wiped out Saudi Arabia. Ever asked yourself that youre advocating a style of life you can´t permit to other countries? If China ever goes to the level of waste and energy consumption per head as the US then..... :confused: ? I don´t doubt that the the US is the number one economy in the world and military might number 1. I disagree that the US has the moral leadership in the world. Most of your "good deeds" and actions in the world are simply selfinterest and securing your powerbase. Sorry that I can´t admire the US for these alturistic motives. Most times other nations pay your bill. Ever looked a South America where the US has shaped the political landscape for the last century? Any examples there for really succesful democracies ind the backyard of the US? Seawolf I know that Trumann feared the deatrh of up to 1 million americans if they tried to conquer JApan in a traditional way. The A-bob was the most cost effective weapon ever used to end a war. Unfortunatly the US is still the only nation who ever used an A-Bomb in a war still they a paranoic about the possibility that other nations gain the technology and even advocating preemtive war against such nations. Since you yourself declared that the US is making the rules because they have the biggest stick and therefore have the right to make the rules and live and take what they want. Can you blame that other people are looking although for bigger and bigger sticks? Since there is no other moral authority the US has respect for then the US themselves .Neither the Un , nor internatinal treaties nor even such simple things and the basic human rights of prisoners (As long of course as these rights are not taken from US citizen) why don´t you think the other nations or the world should respect your moral leadership since you always act in selfinterest first of all? I don´t doubt that the US is wonderful land to live in for americans .But please stop to pretend you are working to build a better world for all. If Louis XIX was asked: It is necessary to change the way France is ruled? . What do you think he would have said?
  13. As far as I understand it, it is simply destroying the southern polish army with 2 german armies and the tank. The third southern german army on the river hex moves up to Warsaw cutting of the polish corps. From the north moves in another german army to cut off Warsaw totally. Move in the HQ though that it is supporting now the battlegroup of 4 armies and the tank and you will nearly always take Warsaw on the 2nd. turn.
  14. Already April 1944. England is again in the hand of Gb. All invaders cleared out. Subs dive out of reach of the allied airforce. Rusia prepares for the next big invasion of the Evil germans . The first rusian city will shortly fall in the hand of the axis. Unfortunatly there are now 4 carriers working with at least LR4 in Rusia.
  15. Nahhh, I am just jealous that Rambo can run around naked in the forests of DC with only his guns on. There they call him a patriot and good citizen here they would call the police. I think it is time to move over to the freeeee country.
  16. Besides these and some other small flaws I love the USA
  17. ------------------------------------------------
  18. Well I dón´t believe really that Rambo is a Nazi but he should check out his ideas against the list what does it mean to be a nazi. "the clash of civilizations " I heard a lot about At least you got me interessted enough to check it out Condor
  19. Rambo even if you don´t get it. Attacking other nations, murdering civilians for the greater good , telling their people their way of life is superior are exactly the way a fascists regime works. Germnay after the terror, and murder and genocide is much more sensible regarding these issues. Funny that you are not able to see the difference between politics and religion. If somebody criticizes the actual politics of Israel he is not antisemite. At least Condor is able to argue his point of view. Even if I don´t share his political point of view I can respect it because he is able to support it with arguments. Did you ever noticed that you are defending in your posts nearly a 100% NAZI politic? http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalsozialismus Es ist strittig, inwieweit es eine geschlossene nationalsozialistische Ideologie gab. Überliefert ist die Aussage Hans Franks aus den Nürnberger Prozessen, dass es "soviele Nationalsozialismen wie Nationalsozialisten" gegeben habe. Die Frage muss letztlich offen bleiben, weil man nicht sagen kann, inwieweit der Nationalsozialismus als Ideologie seinen "Führer" überdauert hätte. Es lassen sich aber einige Hauptmerkmale benennen: Rassismus, insbesondere Antisemitismus, der im Holocaust kulminierte und "Höherzüchtung" einer Herrenrasse im Lebensborn, sowie Antislawismus und Verherrlichung der "arischen und germanischen Rasse" (vgl. Rassentheorie) Euthanasie und Eugenik bzw. "Rassenhygiene" Antimarxismus/Antikommunismus/Antibolschewismus Ablehnung der Demokratie mit der Zerschlagung von politischen Parteien, Gewerkschaften und freier Presse als Folge Führerprinzip/Führerglaube (Verantwortung "nach oben", Autorität "nach unten") Starke Betonung des "Völkischen" Sozialdarwinismus Verteidigung von "Blut und Boden" "Lebensraumpolitik", "Lebensraum im Osten" Militarismus Verwandtschaft zum Faschismus You show strong signs of rascism, miltarism, your believe in a strong leader, socialdarwinism,your believe that your nation is the most important in the world , your overblown natinalism, rejection of all you call communism and youre defense of a Lebensraumpolitik when you call for the US to take possesion of all ther resources it needs.
  20. Interessting comments Condor. BUT: If you are against the Irak war you are NOT automatically anti american. If you are against the Bush admistration you are NOT automatically anti american. Totally different pairs of shoes. What is this about the "ignorance and prejudments " of the people? Prejudgemnent regarding the fascist rule of Franco in the civil war? Or prejudgement that the democratic government in the civil war was essently left alone while Franco got the support of Germany and Italy? Regarding misinformation from official side after the bomb blasts: The german BKA was informed by the spanish police that the explosives used in the attentat were exactly the same as in other attentats by the ETA. Even as the BKA pointed out that the style of this criminal act was inconssitent with other ETA attentats they were told the proof of the explosives point without doubt to the ETA. This information by the spanish police was false. The BKA even filed a formal complain afterwards regarding the misinformation.
  21. Sealion still in GB. Rusia moves very slowly forward trying to kill some axis generals.
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