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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Liam I am always looking for new players. Besides at least 1 time I have won against DH. IF you have ICQ please contact me my number is 336345303 Regards Sombra
  2. Oh my god! The world will end All is lost !!! The last truth has beconme untrue . Congrats Dragonheart [ November 26, 2004, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  3. Selective memory? BSE from eating to much beef? Even here on battlefront there are at least two AARs where you lost but hey I didn´t even count the other games we played. Sambo when you get older you only remember the good times . I admit that the last game we played I lost. But as we say in Germany : Even a blind chicken finds sometimes a grain of wheat. For reading of our past encounters here on battlefront look up: ................................................. 1. Topic: AAR - Grudge Match - Sombra (Europe) vs Rambo (USA) 2. Its a crying game. Rambo vs Sombra 3. Challenge for the Nr.2 => Rambo .................................................. Is you want we can play a few hours tomorrow. I will take a day off
  4. Sorry, at least in the games against Avatar and DH what counts is the "stayer" qualities. Even when the game goes downhill: bad tech or combat rolls they draw back and reorganize and don´t give up. What I have seen from Rambo is when he is unlucky he starts to make stupid things and tells you this wasn´t his A game. Top performance one game + bottom level next one. Other qualites I value: Courtesty of players to show up at appointed time, quick play, nice and funny comments during the game. My personal worst + most feared enemy is DH. Our games are always much much fun but it is soooo depressing to loose again and again by hair width even when all goes right. Worst manners in TCP/IP games: Call or imply other players are cheaters. :mad:
  5. I think you should now consider the physics: Leistung = Arbeit x Zeit Regarding this simple truth the power ranking is this one: 1. Terif 2. Avatar 3 Rambo on his A day 4. LIAM and Zap not tested yet 5. Friendly fire 6. /Desaix 6.a Sombra 7.Cosmin 8. Rambo playing his B-game 9. Dragonheart 10. Königstiger (Rambo isnt the only one who suffers from multiple personalities) 11. 12. 13. 20+: Rambo on his C game day..... .............................................. Now my real power ranking from AARs or personal experience: A++ : Terif A+: Dragonheart and Zap A: Avatar B+: Rambo (Liam ?) B: Desaix, Friendly fire, Sombra,Feldtrompeter B-: Cosmin, Amadeus
  6. Well my main concern regardign the "tech race " is that it is such a safe investment. As axis you invest 10 chits and earlier of later you will get results. I would like to have that tech is muchmore a gamb´le => you don´t know exactly what you will get in the end. IMHO it would be nicer if research money would be spend slowly and if there would be greater possibilities for catch up tech. => Inventing something is expoensive but a fast follower strategy is many times more cost effective.
  7. Well, it was an extremly fast game withn Desaix for a PBEM game. We were able to exchange up to 3 turns a day few times less then two. Mistakes I made: - My med guard fleet got into strike distance of the german AFs by Rome. I didn´t register that Desaix had developed LR. => Besides he had build an itlain sub and repared his battelship. I didn´t thought that he would have the money to do it. My med fleet got sunk leading directly to my second problem => I wasn´t able to conquer Irak due to bad dice rolls and mostly to the aggressive defense with many landing corps and armies destryoing slowly my siege troops in the dessert. 2 Mayor battles with ships in the north of England. First I tried to take out the german baltic fleet group and got hit back, 2nd I tried to take out a german sub north of scrapa flow. The sub survived with strengh 1 and though my ships were in spooting range and could be taken out by the german AFs in Norway. I started to research early but hadn´t had any luck regarding JT or LR. Still Desaix neither had exceptional luck in tech though the game was mostly decided be the strategic errors I made.
  8. Well for me SC1 has a long shelf life. If it would be simple there wouldn´t be though few real top players. Hopefully not to much micromanagement with endless opponents turns. More balanced. Less things like surprise DOWS on minors and mayor natiosn. More varitiety in game play.
  9. Desaix, I underestimated you. Arrogance is the the road into exil . A very fun game for me , with nice surprising counters from your side. Thanks a lot!!
  10. To good a turn for the allies. Rusia isn´t strong enough yet to fight alone. I surrender. Very nice game Desaix. Congratulations!!
  11. Avatar this is really hard if you especially moved to Germany for your girlfriend. Having first a relationship at distance and suddenly living together is most of the times very difficult for the relationship. Perhaps with a little distance things work out again.
  12. Take your time and make a great game. We have waited now for long long time, what are a few years more or less...?
  13. Nice, to see these helpful comments cosmin ;)aka Hellraiser . You see I know your name and I know where you live!!!! All your money and your girlfriend is mine!!!!!!!
  14. Germany moves up to 4 air+2 HQs units to England. Corps defense in Poland. Still Manchester and London still fully entrencehed. Will be a race against time...
  15. Rusia enters the war and moves up to the western front. Finnland declared war. USA prepares for war. England reinforces and buys more corps
  16. Well the Brits can only hope for the Rusians now... Italian Corps killed. Germans at JT1
  17. Ah Avatar, warped back to battlefront yesterday you got lost...
  18. History became legend. Legend became myth and though Rambo passed away
  19. No succesful invasion since 1066. England struggeling hard to keep this record. More corps bought for England. Rusia will join sooooooon
  20. Didn´t expect these pirates at the coast. Monty will be remembered. Sub sunk => Vengance for the royal ark. 2 Italian corps killed in north africa. Rusia starts to get restless...
  21. 2 german armies without support strandet south of Edinburgh. Sub down to 4 and corpstransport down to 2. Carriers force german AF to intercept. Monty goes to the mountains.healthier there with all this german LR around. North Africa loosing in Irak winning the battle of Tobruk. Guess where the itlians are fighting.
  22. Headlines today: Shipwreck before Scotland coast. Army transport sunk. Germany speaks of slaughter . GB says natural disaster. Scotland: German tass force lands HQ+Army+Corps drinks all the whisky. More visitors spotted at the coast. Battle in Irak: GB only statement: Our boys fight on. Other news: Yougo has fallen, sub spotted at Gibraltar.
  23. Looks interessting: SC as RTS . Zappsweden vs. Dragonheart in 4 weeks Poland will be decided, stay tuned....
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