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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. qfantomas: As much as I share your concerns aginst intrusive copy protection . I think you go to far here. It seems that Battlefront found a nice way to protect their property without to much hassele for the customer. Moon, glad to hear that I can play the game without CD. Is it possible to have the game installed on your laptop and my desktop at the same time? Well I guess I will see soon.
  2. @pzgndr you are very good in public relations. The only thing I miss is the function that your computer commits suicide when it has lost.
  3. I hope it will be possible to play the game without the CD in the drive like SC1.
  4. Oh Moon what CRUEL jokes you do. Nah quite happy now and congratulations to H.C and the Battlefront team
  5. Pssst, most-wanted games the german distributor announced today that SC2 will ship 10th of April. German Version is Gold and in production. Will the german fans get SC2 first? Will Rambo be left behind again?
  6. Is it possible to get an official update. Would be nice to know if there is further delay to unexpected developments. Any screenshots, new AArs , developers reports would be very very nice.
  7. Will it be possible to run SC2 in a window? It would be nice to be able to run a video or surf the net while your opponent makes his moves and still keep an eye on the game.
  8. Columbus , I think you are not the only one looking for a "WORLD war". Though hopefully one of the busy modder bees here will see such a map as a challenge. I think its a good challenge challenge for the "mighty editor of SC2"
  9. Well there is "Most wanted games" and Amazon offers the title already for delivery in 4-6 weeks...
  10. Moon thank you for your answers regarding the copy protection. Just don´t drop your price within the first 3 months of release and then I am happy If not I feel if I should have waited.
  11. I think you should invest a little bit more as the Allies depends of your research sucess. Main weapons of GB are the carriers and AF. You should get as soon as possible at least Jet tech level 3 and as much longrange as possible. If you are inferior in JT it will be very hard to train your carriers and launch a succeful D-Day. Regarding Iraq. If you can hold it as Allies until rusia enters the war "Hurray" . establish a direct connection with Rsusia (declare wa´r on Iraq and sent as many units as you need from Rusia. Unfortunatly a good axis player will always take the Med before Rusia enters the war.... Now the exception: If you allow attacks on mayor nations then a early declaration of war on Iraq can be useful. Catch the oil fields. The defender of Iraq can´t walk out of its city. Launch a "first strike" on Italy and take out the italian fleet, take Tobruk... Sit and pray that the english fleet is bakc in England when Germany finishes with france and lauchens maybe a Sealion. Regarding Turkey: Between veterans with high bids lately Rusia mostly attacks Turkey to get access to Iraq.
  12. Just a little question before preordering. I hope Battlefront does not include nasty surprises like "Starforce" in the game? Is it possible to do a full install on my laptop and Homesystem though I do not have to keep track of my CD?
  13. .................................................. Strategic Command 2 Frogster Interactive Pictures AG Amazon-Preis: EUR 44,99 Kostenlose Lieferung. Siehe Details. Gewöhnlich versandfertig bei Amazon in 4 bis 6 Wochen. Unsere besten Strategiespiele für Ihren PC -- immer aktuell und zu Top-Preisen! System: Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP Medium: Computerspiel Erscheinungsdatum: 23. Februar 2006 ASIN: B000EMG7H4 USK Einstufung: Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren gemäß § 14 JuSchG Amazon.de-Verkaufsrang 1.948 Erhöhen Sie Ihre Verkäufe!
  14. W@ Desert Dave: Though there is light at the end of the tunnel
  15. No plan survives the first contact with the enemy. Look at the beta reports: - Hubert is still working on implementing the AI it seems. - Game still needs some balancing it seems. (2nd AAR) - bug hunting - writing the manual - etc. Looking at the game development of GalCiv2 + Heroes 5, I would guess 3-4 Month of work at least are still in there for Hubert (Don´t forget he is a one man project team)
  16. Hmmm good point perhaps we should bet on the release year first: - 2006 - 2007 - 2525 - The year Hubert dies - Never
  17. 1. I don´t think we have a "problem" You like games with hexes. I like games with hexes. But the new one will have tiles. Well, no big deal for me. 2. Its way to late to change it . Its not only swaping a map : Its movement, combat rules etc. The decision for tiles was taken "years" ago. A little bit late to change it. Suggesting otherwise well I think you understand about programming even less then I do. 3. Battlefront always creates a demo of its game. You don´t have to buy the game blind as I will do. IMHO most sequels are messed up simply because a new developers team takes over an old title but simply has no clue what the first was all about. Hubert seems to listen regarding many suggestions fo the vocal SC crowd here. But a good developer knows when a features add to the fun and when not. 4. Why don´t you simply look up the old thread regarding tiles and hexes and look up the comments Hubert made there regarding Hexes ... There were some niffty pictures included to back up huis decision to go for tiles.
  18. As much as I agree with IKE99 that I like hexes, I still have high hopes for SC2 . But it is to late to change it. Well, hopefully soon Hubert can convince me that it was right to go to squares
  19. Same question was asked a few month before. simple answer was the moment you preorder your credit card will be cashed. A game is open to preorder round about 2 weeks before its in "the stores".
  20. good question , dissapoting answers so far...
  21. Lowering plunder perhaps. Giving them more troops. Well I like that SC tries to be conform with the realistic troop levels the countries had at their disposition. Even if Spain had a much biggger army , as an Axis player it wouldn´t matter to me because I need Spain to juice up Afrika and later on Iraq for my income. The economic modell of SC simply forces me to play this way. [ February 02, 2006, 05:49 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
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