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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. @Blashy: Regarding diplo: your argument regarding the mayor powers and Spain makes sense to me. One question: Is there any other benefit from minor countries besides Sweden sending convoys etc. does it matter at all if swiss is mad at me? @Liam: I agree that these neutral transports running around for spotting and blocking landing spots is "BIG cheese" . Hellraiser was quite :mad: :mad: because I tried it to see if there are any negative side effects. IMHO neutral countries should not be allowed to put troops in transport if there activation is below 90% (perhaps not even move ships) or perhaps if a neutral ship / transport hits on a sub , transport could be sunk with a random chance for a diplomatic effect (Lousiana effect)
  2. Ok ok it was cheesey... How about a little "rule change " No neutral can put troops on transport before 90% activation?
  3. sorry Blashy strongly disagreement here. First of all the editor to change the game yourself is not always the solution. I believe most people like to play the official version without houserules etc. 2. The AI needs to learn how to deal with decrease amph. transports if it is implemented. If I change the value myself there is never going to be a patch 3. Whats the purpose of amphib tansports whcih can move all over the place 4. The AI right now is unable to defend it 5. I predict and I will betit will be although an issue for human vs. human. Because it is already an issue after the few games played human vs human. 6. The almighty editor is not always the solution for things mentioned here Blashy : - You don´t like the AI: write yourself some scripts - You thinkt the map looks bad: Draw yourself one etc. etc. The editor is great but I bet 80% of the players don´t want and will never touch it. The point is to kill every discussion with the argument "You can change it with the editor" perhaps you can explain why you think: a. The game is better off as it is with long range amphib transports. b. How do you defend even as a human against it? If you discussed this topic in the beta forum fine please post the content here. [ April 16, 2006, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  4. @TAOJah I do not care playing much against the AI (Though I am new category) Nearly online player only. Still I share your concern regarding the range of the amphib. transports. They feel simply wrong the range etc. My suggestion is: Reduce range to 5-6 squares and make them slightly cheaper. Pro: You can´t launch D-Days all over the -Germany , Denmark, etc. the number of possible landing spots would be reduced to a realistic level. (Normandy, Brest, Brussels) Same goes for Germany its not quite believable to be able to send these kind of transports (short range transport ships) as far up the English coast without problem. -It feels kind of gamey right now nearly no possibility to test it against humans but the AI is helpless against "landing swarms.) I think this will be more or less a game breaker for human vs human although. - Blashy I think you commented a few months ago that the introduction of amphib transports was a means against the pirate syndrome of SC1 one. Right now I think its gotten worse. - What are the arguments pro long range amphib. transports? + As in Sc1 show in the report screen the number of troops if suddenly the strength of the ships sky rocks something is up.(connect it perhaps with intel. level...and counter intel.=
  5. Though you are unable to win with the axis against the AI ??? And you are seriously asking for patches to adress this?????????? :confused: You can´t find the button to build units???? :cool: Hmmm, sure you picked the right hobby? :cool:
  6. Ahh thanks Blashy. Still hosting a network game I can´t use "esc" when the IP numbers are shown. "Alt Tab" resulted in game resets or that the other player could´n´t join the game anymore "connection refused" . Restarting the game without minimize the screen and he could join without problem :confused: [ April 14, 2006, 05:34 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  7. Hmm seems that your videocard doesn´t support the latest DirectX9C. you should check again if there is no more current video driver for your card. I think there are drivers for you from 2005 , please check again
  8. Played although online right now a few observations: -Sending a turn takes round about 30s +10s synchro. Thats feels quite long.. No disconnect though. -timer is nice - A key like in SC1 "ESC" would be nice to minimize screen - While the other player moves you can´t do anything but chat... not even look around at the map -
  9. 67.4kb/s worked fine anybody up for a beginners TCP/IP game? ICQ 336-345-303
  10. Well if I need a unit I will look for it. Right now without this function for me at least the next unit key loses 60% of it worth
  11. Whats the date of your video driver and your sound driver?
  12. Blashy any way to put units in guard /sleep modus for a still neutral country though I don´t have to cycle through every unit again and again with the next unit key?
  13. I trying for 2 hours to download the game every 3-5 min another try. Only message: I wonder. Are there 100000000 people in the world downloading the game right now or only 1 perosn allowed at the same time?
  14. Don´t worry . Hellraiser is one of the best SC1 players running around in nthe wild wide world though no surprise that the poor AI had a bad bad day. [ April 13, 2006, 03:31 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  15. Thank you Battlefront. Unexpected good customer service to allow a download option for preorders.
  16. Calm down take your dried frogpills. The E-Mail offfers you only a special price for the SC2 addon. "The world war I"
  17. History simply repeats itself. The sun rises every day. Why though surprised ?
  18. SC1 worked very well with dialup modems. I don´t think that SC2 will be much different. Or just showing off your high end system? It looks quite slow compared to my quantum trillion computer (cylon manufactured)
  19. Oh mighty warrior desert Dave. As rules shall be known Rules shall be bend Rules shall be broken Rules will suit our evil designs Homerules must be made.
  20. Perhaps some event scripts would help using the editor . " SC2 shipment delayed, US troops suffer 50% morale drop"
  21. Evil mind though better to disband your troops before Germany caputures Paris?
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