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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. [ December 03, 2005, 04:41 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  2. Thnak you for the update. I prefer to wait a little while longer if SC2 plays well out of the box right on release. I feared it would be rushed to get the christmas release date.
  3. How about a new timing for SC2 Dezember has come and it seems SC2 is still hiding behind the horizon.
  4. Rambo most players simply never play online. Though their impression of the game will be mostly about the AI. If it is really bad many people will say it si a bad game and and will die premature. Well, only for this reason I care about the AI.
  5. Good old amazon.de I think will do....
  6. :confused: Wow, some reason Condor to charge in like that?
  7. :cool: Bueno vas a notar que la differenica entre el ordenador y un ser humano es gigantesco. Espero que encuentras algunos jugadores.
  8. I don´t know, I don´t hope that SC2 will be rushed released... Am I correct that until now not even all features are implemented for example the AI? What about playtesting / balancing / bughunting then? Is there any commitment to support the game afterwards for along time aka SC1???
  9. Arieldao, deberias intentar de jugar TCP/IP es mucho mas excitante que PBEM. Ademas PBEM es tan lentooooooooooo y siempre hay las sospechas que alguien simplemente es jugando la misma ronda varias veces para obtener los mejores resultados.... Parece que vives en Mexico o?? Si vives en Espana seria mucho mas simple de jugar de vez en quando online....
  10. Well Rambo, don´t be to crushed if the AI beats you in the first 20 + games.... (just kidding) Do you ever play against the AI ? I hope Hubert supports the game a long time to iron out bugs in the first builds , some nice official scenarios and well thought out rules/features. I hope the game will recreate a nice 2nd. world war feeling. I hope all the ideas regarding team play, TCP/IP are implemented : Clock , drop out players, etc... And last not least I hope he game runs smoothly without "bluescreen / hands of blue - of death)
  11. :cool: Ha, two of the features I was missing in SC1 . Thnak you very much Hubert!!! Regarding the build queue, I think I would like the improvement from Blashy that the costs for unit are paid during the building process : 200 MP for a tank (5 rounds) => 40 MPs per round. Unfortunatly we would need a a screen where our income and costs are analysed.... Well, keep up the good work. Looking forward to the game
  12. Yep , i will buy it still that there are no hexes anymore bothers me as well...
  13. Legends seldom survive the confrontation with reality. See you in the Panzerliga tournament
  14. Rambo get over it. American Generals were already overrated in SC1 and American fleet in the Atlantik was a joke. @Blashy: If permitted I really would like to see some kind of running AAR. Technical questions right now don´t interesst me though much as getting a feeling how this game plays
  15. Aehmmm, whats the purpose of that move? Try to find out how stupid is the AI? In the beginning usally the allies haven´t got the means to break into the baltic sea and pull off such an attack. Besides later on the baltic states come to your side for free. Whats the point in this strategy?
  16. Rambo you will be smashed in the ongoing tourney at the panzerliga. IF not I see you in finals
  17. Billy, to put a unit into a transport move a unit to a port => right click => choose transport , pay the bill . Voila
  18. Zap, you know there is only one legend. You are a myth Seriously, did you ever notice an infleunce of supported units when using a damaged HQ? IMHO ssally reparing a HQ is worse because you will lose the experience of the HQ.
  19. Sombra good player. Very good player... Perhaps did lose against Zap once but... Still, sombras revenge will come. Never has seen difference in readiness. Yodas rules still in effect. Zap rule unknown. Though old men from the far north. Do you have any different information regarding the topic?
  20. Sorry gentlemen. A strengh 1 HQ works as well as an strengh 10 HQ. No difference in readiness nor number of supported units.
  21. Hubert I don´t believe in the light anymore. Please , be my prophet , show me the light. Tell us tales (AArs) show us paradise (new screenshoots), tell us when our suffering is goint to end (release date?)
  22. Yawn, Rambo nice song. But it is time for you to learn German... I think good US players are very near to complete extinction. did you know that in the panzerliga even girls are playing SC? Over the sea in good old euorpe yes there are still some good players left....
  23. From the Dragon himself. I am to lazy rightnow to translate it....
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