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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Yeah after Blitzkrieg, we are taking over the world now with Blitzdelivery.
  2. For 3345 MPPS I will sell the body of my dead grandmother in SC2. I think its time that these kolonists form part again of the british empire
  3. In SC1 you could conquer the whole world USA included until end 1942, if the AI in SC2 can hold out until 1944 I will be pleasantly surprised [ April 10, 2006, 06:57 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  4. @Hellraiser: different point of view. I think the defender should have the advantage. 3:1 was seldom sufficient.(As I recall soviet doctrine called for an 8:1 advantage often used 12:1 advantage to crack a german position) Right now these are some kind of sandbox discussions for me . The real game will be H2H. I only fear that any defense line will be simply overrun or cracked open on the first try.
  5. Hellraiser, I am lazy and right now I would like to discuss the principles of the game before modding myself You can attack right now 6 times in a round one defender in the defense line. I think its nearly impossible to hold a defense line aginst these odds (off course rivers, fortifications will help a lot) Still with it seems the attack value rises with tech and defense not? We have already the bigger map, fewer units etc. I think H2H a defense against a superior force will be nearly suicide. Regarding the range of transports Blashy says the RN can do a lot. We will see in the games but I fear that they will be to strong or lets say TO flexible in its use.
  6. Hellraiser wewill see how it works out but from the demo I would suggest already: - Limit the range of amphib transports - Give defendes some more advantages - Clean up the diplomatic screen a bid. (I think a list would be much more useful rgiht now to represent the war readiness status of the various nations
  7. Fantomas, thanks for your work. Have you tried how your mod works with squares instead of Octagons?
  8. Wouldn´t it be simple and sensible to reduce greatly the range of the amphibious transports? For example only give them a range of 5 squares? The transport would still have a small ability to land on undefended coast tiles but they could´t appear out of the FOG sudenly and threaten the whole of England. RN would have a much better chance to protect England as well. Historically I think it makes sense that you can´t switch your invasion in a moment from northern Germany to Brest.
  9. Its just me or will it be nearly impossible to defend /hold a defense line in this game? Many attack squares, units can move out after attack etc.? Attacking a sure win?
  10. Most-wanted-games send out its preodered copies yesterday...
  11. In Germany the game is out now and still no ETA here on Battlefront. Please how long will this torture go on?
  12. Fantomas Thanks for your work. I am simply looking for a 2D Top Down look /mod for SC2 . Just looking at your attemps so far they look much less confusing to me then the false 3D perspective of SC2 right now. Keep up your work!!!
  13. Your german partners "most-wanted-games" already are sending out the game. Come on it can´t be that the Germans score another Blitzsieg over the US
  14. Tsstsss you should improve your gameplay (Axis mayor victory for me ) I notice the same problem as you did, the total disregard of the computer for its HQs. Killing all 5 HQs in the first 3 turns of the invasion and there goes the invasion of the Normandy.
  15. IMHO the interface works fine. I don´t think its to hard to remember the meaning of 5-10 symbols. Still there are some things I would like to see improved from my point of view: - A short key or command to set a unit to permament guard modus (If I don´t want to cycle through all the units again and again) + a wake up all key - I would like that the "text" at the top of the screen is slighly larger (quite hard to read at 1280 + 1024) (combat estimates) - When a unit is build and a I click ok it would be nice if the area is shown where the unit can be put (example in the demo is: playing allies ship are finished in Canada but you have to look scoll yourself to the ports) -It would be nice if you could define yourself for every choice from the right click scenario a shortkey yourself => Paratroopers prepare => key p ; operate =S Shortkey => O etc.) Regarding glitches: Have you tried to download the galciv2 demo? Advantage is when started it automatically creates a debug.er which tells you a lot about your system. I think its a safe bet to guess that 90% of glitches are due to old drivers; low vitual memory, old direct x etc.
  16. Played around with D-Day. Its really fun seeing the paratroopers start the assault , americans storming the beaches etc. Alas the computer has a slight disregard for its officiers. Somehow the computer landed its headquarters besides german armies and still well defended german positions. Long story short within three turns the allied headquarters could count four generals less within their excalted ranks. Question I like the next unit button is it possible to set a unit to guard modus though I don´t have to cycle through the units which I don´t intent to move? After playing a bit D-Day I think I will really enjoy SC2. Somehow reminds me of playing PG again only with a much wider scope.
  17. I think we should play a little bit with SC2 between humans to see if either side has a real advantage in teh battle of the Atlantic
  18. Thanks for the nice reply Blashy. Regarding your first 1 point . Well I think its a strategic game though I don´t like guessing where to put my units.
  19. First of all. Game runs smoothly without any problems on my computer. First look Well to many units at one place . Playing a little with the settings though helps a lot. After 2 turns my units spread out. I really think I need to study the manuel to understand and make sense out of some of the options. I need a list of shortcut keys besides my computer. Annoyingly the enemy keeps running away from the french border ) . The same as in Sc1 . time will tell if this is a stupid move or a good tactic. I really like the new map. Squares don´t annoy me at all. I never even thought about them until I am writing these lines. Units somehow look a little bit blurry to me... Do I need new eyes? I am already in love with the paratroopers. Getting a little bit lost on the oceans where is the next connvoy line to raid?
  20. A little bit to lazy to download the manual right now. I hate to read on the computer. 1. Question is it possible to show the convoy routes on the main map? 2. Would be possible to show your units as an option on the minimap? (Just a blinking point would be nice? Besides game runs really smoothly for me.
  21. Why not? Usally you know already things to improve, things you are not satisfied with when you have to finally deliver your game. I am just curious if Hubert is already working on Version 1.1 or taking some (well deserved ) holidays.
  22. As a game is hardly ever 100% perfect and finished, I would like to know if there is already a list of bugs /features which are not working 100% and are scheduled for a patch. Especially I am interested to play with more then 1 opponent. Is this feature still alive for a future update or simply dead?
  23. these highly confidential paper show the famous secret plan of Feldmarshall Terif how to defeat the allied D-Day. Please take note that we don´t expect to conquer the US in the allowed time frame but the rest of the world will be ours.
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