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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. Nice idea. Perhaps if supply is low and the units are in the area of rusian winter, they could take random hits like ships?
  2. Anybody seen a sandstorm yet? In the screenshots before the game came out there was one with a sandstomr I think but I havent seen it in the game yet.
  3. Cool units: Engineers + Paratroopers Effective: Tanks Suckiest: Carrier Rarest: Rockets .... Never see any
  4. Are there any able generals in the US ? Looking forward for a new rider cup US vs. Europe
  5. I love turn based games . If 1848 is a good game then I will give Rambo a chance to fight me in Liberty
  6. Anybody has found a good use for the carriers right now? Destroyers valuable for hunting subs Battleships for destroying destroyers Subs for hunting and killing battleships. Carriers? [ April 27, 2006, 01:02 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  7. @ Cheese panzer : I like your ideas. Regarding the blocking : As hellraiser said the danger is that the royal navy would be a sitting duck if it is the only improvement regarding gameplay. Still I like the combination of your ideas. Shorten the range and use naval units as blocker for landing crafts.
  8. dissent: Attackers are nearly always in disadvantage. Usally you get much higher loses when you attack. SC2 has it backwards. (IMHO) The best way to kill an enemy is to cut of his supply and mob up the demoralized defenders. Take Staingrad etc. SC1 worked better in this regard.
  9. @Hellraiser: Wasn´t somebody joking when I mentioned that defense in SC2 shows the suicidal tendencies of the player? Terif suggested a defense tech. I go for some adjustments regarding attack /defense values
  10. @DH. Though the more relasitc way would be to ship the troops to England . And use the GB as a jumppoint to prepare for the invasion. Can you imagine vast numbers of American armies invading Spain? Though a short range for amphib transports would work for me. If you want you could stillship the troops directly over the ocean in their landing craft but with some difficulties
  11. OK Rambo, lets put the american performance at the level of the battle of Monte Casino : Can we give negative combat values to american troops I wonder?
  12. Yeah and we still see landing crafts in Bordeaux , Spain . Amerika was not better in building boats they had simply more money industrial capacity. Already adressed with more effective industrial modifier. I would like to see a solution where a sealion is still "very " possible but gives the UK back its main weapon to defend against a Sealion. Do you think that without the Royal Navy GB would have survived?
  13. @Hellraiser: I simply assume we are working as generals under certain political contraints. Right now our declaration of war would be: "We prepare for war with Germany withdrawing all troops far away from germany. Our strategy is to lure the enenmy into our heartland, by the way: Odessa, Minsk, Kiev, Riga are not important... I think any general would have been killed for treason for such a plan. Why should Rusia go to war if they don´t want to attack Germany? From game point of view you are totally right. Its sheer stupidity to try to defend forward positions as the game is right now. Therefore I would like to see game constraints to force you to play in a more historic and relasitc way. And I would like to see changes as entrenchment be possible for example up to 3-4 squares from the border before the war starts to give the player an incentive to try from time to time a forward defense. (No entrenchment allowed further away from the border to prevent fortifications far away from the border "gamey tactics" same argument as before "yeah we fight a war and intent to lose"
  14. Rockets are in because: - They have been / area strategic weapon (alas not a terrible effective one still a nice pet project) - The range of rockets is vastly superior then artillery. Look at the scale of a sqare: 50 km ? Please show me mass deployment of artillerie in WW2 being able to shoot 100 km
  15. SC2 has a really stable version 1.0 without any gamebreakers so far (IMHO). Nevertheless I would like to know if there is a tentative date for the first patch. P.S: I guess the answer will be "when it is ready"
  16. If the range of the transports is shorter airfleets could spot approaching transports and there would be a battle of the navies around the isle. with other words the royal navy had back some of its purpose. Still the amphib transports would mantain some of its strenght to look for undefended spots. Other thinks to improve perhaps: Raise the costs of amphib transports for armies and tanks. First waves should perhaps consists of lighter troops(corps) and when you conquered a port you could ship in the heavy material
  17. Yep, thats more or less what I tried to say . I am supreme commander but I have to act with certain restrictions.
  18. @ Balshy you are the supreme dictator and I am the supreme general under the big dictator. Though why are there rules that Germany needs units near the border? Because the readiness of rusia goes up if not. Why not hte other way round? If there are no units in an attack position why should Rusia think they will be able to declare war? Or in game terms if there are no units near the border ..Rusian readiness stays lower?
  19. Well just joking. Since the UDSSR knows what is at stake a forward defense would be suicide. No big battle at the beginning at Barbarossa anymore. Nope just careful maneuvering of the warfaring nations. Suggestion: Please allow entrenchment of still neutal nations (for example 80%) . This would give you the possibility to take some forward positions and entrench. Your rusian troops wouldn´t not be slaughtered by default.
  20. @Jullyguy looks like you have turned on "energy saving " options in your Laptop => CPU etc. runs slower to prolong the charge of your battery. You should look in the BIOS and windows settings to see whats up. You notice the same effect with any other game.
  21. Terif you spoil the fun of a good sealion. Reoccuring events should give you certain window of opportunity to carry out a sealion as viable tactic.
  22. @Fartknockr : MY ICQ number is 336-345-303. Unfortunatly I am at work right now but lurking in the forum (SC2 is addictive) Moving ships /transports before a nation is at war is considered cheese right now in MP.Otherwise good defense against sealion is simply to put american transports around GB for example . Use them for sub spotting etc. Please take a look at the AARs from Terif vs Hellraisr If I know you only guarding against sealion you sure can stop it but it will cost you in diplomacy /war forEgypt / research.
  23. Lets say time will tell. Right now as the game stands it not though important anymore for the axis to have a knockout start for barbarossa. The rusian troops will hide anyway deep inside the UDSSR. You can´t get them anyway with a surprise attack. Leaving the Axis with many many ground troops at the beginning of Barbarossa. As soon as you have 2 HQs and enough ground troops in GB, IMHO the war for England is decided.
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