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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. @ Fastknockr Yes , I remember our old discussion. Regarding supply : Drop HQs in the fist wave. I was sometimes the victim of a sealion and I tried it sometimes IMHO its nearly impossible to do something agaisnt it. Hey, but perhaps different style of play. I think the first patch ( this mystical promise of slavation) will bring some changes if it is still an issue afterwards I would be glad to meet you on the battlefield. Better yet is to let Terif show you the light
  2. There is simply no way to defend against a sealion. After the turkey option wasn´t avaible a typical multiplayer games looked like this. Mai 1940 France conquered (or earlier) , August -September 1940 Egypt conquered , meanwhile launch of sealion , end of 1940 Gb conquered. Even if you don´t defend Egypt and put all your efforts into defending GB you don´t have much of a chance aginst a full scale sealion. Even that your only chance for GB is to bring all the troops home asap does´t leave much room for the allied player to do anything. Therefore the prohibition.
  3. Full agreement here with Hellraiser. Regarding Cairo: Again the build up for sealion taking cairo in the last moment besides the US / rusian readiness Turkey: Its impossible to defend Turkey against a half skilled axis player. Long front indefensible position, nearly no increase in war readiness of US, supply for the African colonies goes up. All these are reasons why the turkey option is "good "for the axis
  4. 1. Allied DoW at USA forbidden. Rom Gambit forbidden (i.e. the allied attack on Rome during the first turn of DoW) 2. Italy, USA and Russia are not allowed to move ships or transports away from their coast before they are at war. Exception: Italy is allowed to move ships/transports from port to port to be able to reach its african colonies. 3. Axis has to take Cairo as soon as possible after the defenders are defeated. 4. Axis DoW at Turkey forbidden. 5. Axis landings in USA or Canada forbidden before England has been conquered. 6. Sealion forbidden before Russia is in the war.
  5. tonight a little tete a tete? Why I am asking for the patch: Limited brain capacity, can´t remember all the special rules of the PL right now .
  6. @TaoJah: Other advantages of corps are: You have two units to move around, hit targets, 2 attacks in row are more destructive then one hard attack (lower moral/readiness of defender, less entrenchment), to kill 2 corps you need more units then killing one army. Besides I think Hellraiser said it all. Defense is quite difficult. Lets see what the patch brings.
  7. OK Agamemnon you don´t like the game. Sad but you already said it clearly all over the board in your thread "the game is to buggy to play". I won´t say that morale shouldn´t be tweaked but its is NOT a game breaker IMHO and not game deciding as you put it.
  8. Really? I've found if you play with historical strategies, you'd pretty much end up with historical results. Might look a bit rough around the edges, sure, but pretty close. </font>
  9. June 1942 or if the Axis moves to near Moscow and/or other strategic locations.
  10. I work in R&D . Sometimes I wonder how we ever left the caves There are many things going wrong if you consider R&D not only the new idea and new designs but the implementation in production.
  11. Subs are simply deadly today and were in the past Germany never really realized their full potential in the WW2 . As players we can. The german navy calculates that you need per sub 4-5 destroyers for to hunt it down in conflict. If you don´t have this advantage you catch it. One of the reason that german navy went heavy on subs in the baltic sea.
  12. I seem to do something wrong. I didn´t feel especially lucky but in multiplayer game I played yesterday US launched again operation torch in October 1942 with success. Already I am assembling troops in England to launch an attack on Brest after the winter. I don´t have problems with the Us being to weak. I have more problems with the rusian front. In Winter 1942 the war for Rusia is usually nearly over. I have the problem that borderline garrisons are senseless. German killer tanks and MT2 infantry are in 3-4 turns in Moscow after Barbarossa starts if a skilled axis player wants to.
  13. @ Agamemno Huh? I didn´t run into any of these "bugs" but I have some guesses what happened. You can only rebuild units if supply is bigger then 5. Being "Out of supply" , bad weather, enemy zone of control, bad terrain would explain why you can´t "randomly" move units Regarding your HQ let me guess its on a amphib transport unfortunately its supply and readiness is around zero, perphaps bad weather and now its doing the flying dutchman? Happened to me once I learned the my lesson to send attack vessels instead of transports.
  14. I think the question was if the US is represented in a historical way. I think if played right they are even earlier to rock and roll then they did in WW2 with other the words the US can be stronger if you are unlucky they are weaker. he US did the big D-Day in Summer 1944. If you do only build up the US is running out of units to build at this time. If the allied player is able to stop the Germans in Rusia in 1942 -1943, you will see a quite historical race to Berlin from Rusia and America. You will simply produce the axis to its "death" then.
  15. After a game with Dragonheart I say let the french burn... French partisans in Brest when the Allies have liberated Brest and Bordeaux?
  16. I dont think bombers are worthless because in human vs human they are used more and more Rockets alas are never seen (perhaps Rambo uses them ) Engineers are although only a showpiece
  17. Well I go for industrial tech and production tech first. Some on intelligence. First research, looking what my opponent does I invest earlier or later in units. I want to be able to hit my enemy asap when the us enters the war.
  18. Yogi I will take my current game against Dragonheart as reference. 20 Dezember 1942: US forces: 2 HQ Full contigent of corps 6 or 7 2- Armies 1 Bomber Ships repairired after Battle and upgraded to ASW 2 Tech levels: IW 3, IT 5 PT5 AT2, ASW2 Intel:5 MT2 LR2 And already rest of long term set. Max support for Britain. Troops already upgraded to current tech level. Yes I think you can do all the things the US did historically.
  19. @Blashy: you are right going after an early France is expensive is risky when you have bad weather . If you are lucky and the weather holds France will fall very earlier. Even if you have sent troops into France early on and the winter strikes suddenly you don´t have to risk/waste your units in suicide attacks. On the other hand having already conquered Denmark, Benelux and Poland gives your troops an morale boost making them much harder to kill. Although France can´t invest in diplomacy early on to bring in the pesky Iraq. ( At least this is something I try as the allied player.) If the France player tries this approach you will most likely catch him in an indefensible position.
  20. I agree with Blashy. Even if the Rambo doesn´t see it the US is quite well repressented if you play the US in a historical way. You are even able to mount a D.-Day in Summer 1943. Problem form the game balance point simply is that in late 1942 Germany usally has wiped out the resistance in Rusia. If Rusia survives winter 1942 more or less intact the balance swings the other way. The much bigger resources of the Allies take over.
  21. Somehow in SC1 the french campaign worked perfectly. Is SC2 France falling in April right now is even late. If you have good weather (4 turns good weather) and have a streak of good luck you can finish of the french in 1939 or beginning of Feb. 1940. Problem IMHO is simply that attacks are much to strong, the germans get moral boost from taking Benelux, Denmark, Poland, have better troops better HQs.
  22. As airfleets are much rarer in SC2 and bombers are much cheaper I find bombers quite useful in multiplayer. - Keeping down Tobruk - Later on they are effective and useful if the German fleet looks for a fight with my poor Royal Navy - You can keep down resources and most important when you are are finally landing in France with a few bombers you can knock down cities to prevent Axis reinforcements Perhaps its not the best way to play the allies but its fun and quite effective if the axis is already bogged down in Rusia.
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