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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sanok

  1. Will you please send it to me as well? Thank you. sanok29@yahoo.com
  2. This just happened yesterday in a CMBB QB where I'm defending as the Germans. I had a StuG between a house and a small patch of woods. A T-34 and a T-34/85 knocked out its gun from the top of a ridge. The next turn, my opponent moved both tanks in together to finish the StuG, ending up about fifty or so meters from it, stopping right next to the woods. Unbeknownst to my opponent, I had a platoon of infantry hiding in foxholes in that small patch of woods. All three squads were 30-35 meters from the tanks. A short Move to Contact order and three thrown grenade bundles led to both tanks being knocked out. I didn't lose a man from my platoon. I saved that movie.
  3. This is a good idea. I don't know how rocky is in AK, but in BB, it's part of the terrain do-dads that won't be on the map if you turn off the extra terrain features.
  4. Or maybe it just wasn't the right time of the month.... :-O
  5. I just tried this scenario a few days ago. The first thing you need to do, is use the scenario editor and give yourself more turns. It's really hard to win otherwise. After that, I just kept advancing the troops as best as I could. Pay close attention to their morale, moving them very short distances if necessary. The MG bunkers and not having mortars in the initial assault force is a big pain. The only real thing I can say, is just keep advancing. Eventually, you'll overrun the defensive positions. You'll take huge casualties, but it can be taken.
  6. The best one was when you got to "retire" from the service.
  7. I'm not a programmer, so I don't know all the work that needed to be done, but it still would have been nice if BFC could have done it for BO. I know I'll eventually get AK to have the western allies again, but I really enjoy the simplicity of BO.
  8. Why did BFC do this? Couldn't it have been corrected in any of the patches? I *really* enjoy BO over BB, though I do like the better infantry model of BB. If BFC would have corrected this flaw in BO, I'd have been an extremely happy BO gamer.
  9. Doesn't this prove the point Redwolf and others have raised? We love our CM games. We want them to be the best they can be. We care about BFC and its current and future products. We also need to know that BFC cares about us. We're all reasonable people. I think we're all satisfied with a quick post from BFC that tells us, "Hey, we hear you and we're going to do something about it." Even if we aren't given a time, at least we know we've been heard. That's what's important to us. Just let us know you know we're here. It's frustrating when we *don't* know what BFC is doing, not doing, or thinking. Madmatt posted. Now we know that BFC heard us and cares. We're satisfied! That's all it took. That's all we needed. [ April 04, 2004, 09:54 PM: Message edited by: Sanok ]
  10. In BB, and I assume in AK as well (I don't own AK), unit bases disappear on roads. I'm assuming the rubble glitch has something to do with that.
  11. I agree with creating a map in the editor and using it for a QB. I've done this myself in pbem games. It makes things more fair for both sides. I'd love to have a dollar for each time I had a major map disadvantage from a random QB map.
  12. This is probably the main thing I would like about AK over BB. Even though BB has a lot of improvements over BO, I actually like BO better. I also think it's actually more fun to play than BB. My birthday is coming in May. I'll need to drop some hints to my sons.
  13. Aside from the ridiculous prices of Allied arty in QBs and the dust/LOS/FO bug, is CMAK a better game than CMBB?
  14. This is one of the things I mentioned when talking about the benefits of partial FOW. I know full and extreme are ultimately better, but partial has some good things about it as well.
  15. I agree that EFOW is too extreme. I play full. There are things that I really like about partial. In full or extreme, once you ID a squad, you still only see one man icon representing the squad. You never see three, like you do in BO, until the squad is fully identified and you know everything about it anyway, so seeing the three men at that point is pointless. You could be facing a full-strength squad or one down to its last man, and still only see one man representing the squad. The thing I like best about partial, is being able to click on an opposing unit and seeing if it is taking cover. When playing full or extreme, you've got to click on each unit, go down to a camera angle that allows you to see if it is talking cover, then go back to an overhead view of the map. In larger scenarios, this can be very tedious. With partial, you just click away from view six or seven and you know who is going to ground and who is not. I think BO actually did the best job of FOW concerning identifying infantry and infantry-type units. In BB (I don't have AK), I've seen infantry squads in totally open ground still not fully-identified and showing only one man icon at distances under one hundred meters, with numerous units able to spot it. For me, if BFC would do a better job of showing the three men icons when you spot a squad, and make it easier to tell if a unit is going to ground without needing to go down to their level for every unit, I'd be a much happier CMer.
  16. One of the most tense times for me, is when you have a one-on-one tank battle going. Both vehicles have spotted the other and may even have fired a shot or two. You just know the next shot is going to be a kill, but you wonder if you'll get off that shot or if he will. In the eternal seconds of reloading, you begin to yell at the gunner to fire the darn thing!
  17. In the four months that I've been playing human opponents instead of the AI, I've learned a lot about tactics when playing the attacker. I've learned how to scout and probe, and how to use heavy weapons and AFVs. One thing I haven't learned, is what to do when I have infantry in halftracks or trucks and I'm advancing on an objective and I know the enemy is there somewhere. This is more common when playing a scenario than when playing a QB. What are the best tactics? Should I just dismount the troops and advance on foot? How close do I bring them to the objective if I leave them mounted? You know you're going to get pasted by something if you just drive right up to the flag. Any advice out there?
  18. I agree that when there are three squads firing at one, some of the men are going to target the same person. However, when one squad is feeling the affect of 300 firepower, it seems logical to me, that feeling it as one large factor of 300 is more "realistic" than feeling it as three separate factors of 100. There should at least be some sort of cummulative affect. When thirty men are firing at you, the odds are greater that you'll be hit than when only ten are shooting.
  19. Jason, your post makes sense, but I disagree with the modelling. Redwolf, you made an interesting point, too. If three squads are firing, each at firepower 100, there should be an exponential affect. That's a *lot* of incoming bullets. I think the cummulative affect would make it more devastating than taking each squad individually at 100.
  20. Three squads are firing at one squad. Are the three firepower ratings added together? Are they counted individually? Is there an exponential affect?
  21. Something similar just happened to me in a CMBB pbem game. I watched the action phase of a turn where there was a one-on-one tank battle where my opponent's tank killed mine. I sent him the file, but when he watched it, his tank retreated from the battle, with neither tank firing a shot. I still have the files if anyone wants to see them.
  22. I'll definitely use more AT rifles. It will be great to see some of the results the rest of you have seen.
  23. You must have had a lot more success with AT rifles than I.
  24. Are anti-tank rifles worth anything? In a recent QB versus the AI, I had a Russian anti-tank rifle firing at a stationary Lynx from thirty-two meters. It hit six times, all on the right side. Two were ricochets and four were no serious damage. The Lynx then merrily rolled on its way. In a scenario, I don't remember the name, I had a Russian AT rifle firing at a German halftrack from about forty meters. After several hits that did no damage, the HT backed away. Other than wasting purchase points, what do AT rifles do for you?
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