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Everything posted by Sanok

  1. I converted all three CM games to 256. The entire AK bmp folder was pretty much reduced in kb by 2/3. Makes a huge difference for my PC. The game looks the same and plays just fine. For BB, I added the ASL mods and a low-res, gridded open and steppe mod. I then batch converted to 256. My gridded open terrain tiles are now 65 kb, and my tree bases are 17 kb. For BO, I did the low-res, open terrain grid and selected ASL mods, then converted it to 256. All three games look fine and play better on my computer. I must say, that cool-looking graphics mean less to me than being able to play the games on my PC.
  2. I downloaded Irfanview as you suggested, but I can't figure out how to batch convert the bmp files. Will you email me at sanok29@yahoo.com so we can discuss it? Thanks.
  3. Wow. I'll check it out. Thanks. </font>
  4. Does this reduce the amount of kb for each terrain tile?
  5. Even though the ASL mods were made for BB, I've taken a lot of them and used them in AK. Many are the same. The main thing I need, is open terrain. Grids would be nice, too. Are you able to email the files of the mods you've created for your own computer?
  6. I just checked it and it says: Version 1.01 Woo hoo! It's patched. Thanks for telling me how to find this. I hope BFC reduces the price of Allied arty in 1.02.
  7. I now have CMAK. I also have an older computer. To help reduce/eliminate lag, I'd like to mod some low-res terrian into the game. The thing is, until actually downloading and opening a bmp, I don't know if a mod is low or high-res. Does anyone know of some terrain mods that are low-res? I've seen the ASL mods. Thank you.
  8. How do I know if the game is patched? I ordered it online from BFC. sanok29@yahoo.com
  9. The waiting is getting to me. I can't take it anymore. Agh! I just purchased CMAK and the web page is down, because it's being moved to another server. This means, I can't download the patch. Sigh.... I have opponents ready to play, but I must wait for the downloads to become available again. Sigh.... I've played some QBs and it's an awesome game, the best of the three. One thing I was wondering, is why there isn't a grass tile for Italy or Crete. It's only dirt, sand, or arid rocks, just like in Africa. What's with that? I was also shocked at the prices for off-map arty for the Allies, especially the US 105mm. I shouldn't have waited so long to order CMAK.
  10. So far, my opponent and I have had a fun QB with the capture-the-flag map. There's been plenty of combat and plenty of scouting. I've enjoyed it more than a meeting engagement or an attack/defend QB.
  11. I made one and am currently playing someone by email with it. The map is symmetrical. At first glance, it looks silly, but there are unique aspects to it that have made for a fun game so far.
  12. Can you give any examples? It would be interesting to check them out.
  13. Same here. My seventeen-year-old son has asked about the games, but we've never played any of them. I have Panzerblitz, Panzer Leader, Third Reich, Richtofen's War, D-Day, and even Kriegspiel and Tactics II. lol BTW, was SC designed after Third Reich? It seems very similar.
  14. What exactly do you mean by organize?
  15. This thread has brought back fond memories of the wargaming group we had when I was in high school in the late 70s. The local library allowed us to use a conference room they had. Thursdays after school, we would play wargames until closing. All day Saturday, we played Dungeons and Dragons. We played SL when it first came out. We joked about one of the German squad leaders that actually had a negative morale rating. We nicknamed him Colonel Klink.
  16. I use the ASL mods for CMBB. It helps my older computer very much. I did replace the open ground with a grid mod, though.
  17. I'd like to see lose spelled properly, and not spelled as loose. It would also be nice to see you're used instead of your, when the person means you are.
  18. Like so many other 'suggestions' in this thread, that is already in the game. </font>
  19. 1. When I click on an enemy unit, I want to see the words 'Taking Cover' on the unit screen if that unit is doing so. It can be very tedious to go to view one or two for every unit to see if they've gone to ground, especially in a large battle. 2. I would like to have the AI set up my units, with the option to change anything I want. This would be useful on defense, as the AI takes advantage of the true terrain, not the abstraction we see on the map. The AI can be quite adept at placing MGs and field artillery.
  20. After viewing the pictures of the foxholes, I kind of get the impression that they're not as effective in the games as they are in real life, especially when you realize, that there isn't one hole with every man of the squad in it. A foxhole basically gives only an extra 1% exposure bonus compared to the terrain in which they're dug.
  21. That's slightly under 25 meters. Nothing shocking. </font>
  22. From the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary at www.m-w.com: Main Entry: spelt Pronunciation: 'spelt chiefly British past and past participle of SPELL Also: Main Entry: spelt Pronunciation: 'spelt Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin spelta, of Germanic origin; perhaps akin to Middle High German spelte split piece of wood, Old High German spaltan to split -- more at SPLIT : a wheat (Triticum aestivum spelta) with lax spikes and spikelets containing two light red kernels *** Spelt is actually one of the most nutritious grains on the planet.
  23. Ultimately, getting both games is the thing to do, as it will give you a great variety to play. However, for my personal tastes, I would just order AK. I don't care for the Russian Front. I don't like the scenarios. I don't like the wide open terrain, or the massive tank battles. If I had just come to the CM community as you have, I would order AK and not bother with BB. I purchased BB, because it was such an improvement over BO. In fact, if BFC wouldn't have done so poorly in modeling the BO infantry under fire, I would never have purchased BB. Get both BB and AK. You'll find more opponents to play, will have lots of different units and equipment, and different fronts.
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