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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sanok

  1. If those are the only choices, I agree with you. However, it's not difficult at all to be polite and to treat people with courtesy and respect. We all have busy lives, with work and with family, but it's not hard to take a few minutes, every so often, to post an update or to say, be patient, it's coming.
  2. Trees off 99% of the time. I find it easier to check the LOS with them off, even when doing a quick visual from view one. Having them off also greatly reduces lag on my computer. I just wish BFC would have modeled the trees more realistically. Tracing an LOS through eighty feet of woods in the summer is pretty lame.
  3. I clicked on the link above, but before downloading, is there anything more you can tell me about exactly what ROQC is? Thank you.
  4. Then doesn't that make them more than a little weak? I agree with the original poster. Grenades are not as effective as they should be.
  5. Do stone walls offer protection against small arms fire that makes it worthwhile putting infantry behind them? In my experiences, it doesn't seem to.
  6. I like battles as high as 1500 for an ME and the same for the attacker, though, I generally play no higher than 1000. Large battles just don't appeal to me. It's too easy to lose track of something. It's also an ordeal to setup the units or do a movement phase. It can take a long time for an older computer to process the turn. Something about large battles that's a turnoff, is needing to check if opposing infantry is suppressed. You need to go to levels one or two. This is extremely time-consuming and tedious in a large battle. It can be a pain in a smaller one. Something I'd like to see in the new game, is clicking on an opposing infantry unit, and if it's suppressed, it will say Taking Cover in the unit window. This will make things a lot easier, instead of going to the low camera angles.
  7. I'm not sure what you mean by this. Is this from documentation I can show the guy I know?
  8. I recently got into an argument with a guy I know about the armor-penetrating power of the .50 caliber MG. I told him, that in WW II, it could penetrate about 15mm or so. The guy I know, a policeman, said he fired one and penetrated three inches of steel. He didn't elaborate on when and where he did this. I told him he fired a weapon sixty years advanced from the war, but he said that didn't make any difference, because it is the same round. I also told him there is a difference between regular industrial steel and steel specifically made to be armor plating for an AFV. He left unconvinced. Is there documentaion I can use to show this guy?
  9. Yes. There are at least two WWII U.S. Medal of Honor accounts that describe that activity. Arm it, bang it, heave it, and bum out some Japanese or Germans close by. -dale </font>
  10. Can the 60mm mortar round be struck against something hard and thrown like a grenade, as was shown in Saving Private Ryan, or was that just Hollywood?
  11. I wonder if we're playing the same person. He did tell me that his truck spotted one of my tanks. An MG killed the driver, so the pesky truck isn't a problem anymore.
  12. I would be nice if someone explained the background though. </font>
  13. Unless I missed something in the manual, how do you know which vehicles are full and which are half?
  14. I thought a transport vehicle could carry anything with a transport class that was less than or equal to its own class number.
  15. You mean my opponents' squads have three men icons, too? Wow! With full and extreme fog of war, you only see one man, even if the unit is fifty meters away in open ground.
  16. In a recent QB, I was playing as the Russians. I used an M3 Scout Car, transport class 6, to move a Maxim MG, transport class 3. After unloading the MG, the scout car went to get an 82mm mortar team, transport class 3. However, the mortar team would not embark into the scout car. The scout car was empty and none of the units were under fire. Why did this happen?
  17. I have a 730 processor and a GeForce 5200 128 mb video card and I still can't play the large and huge scenarios. I even added quite a few low-res mods to the game.
  18. For an ME, I like both sides to have one company of infantry, with support weapons and a few AFVs, about 1000 points or so. For an attack/defend battle, the attacker should have about 1000-1200. I don't like large battles at all. The maps are too big and there are just too many units to manage. It's very easy to miss something or to misplace a unit. It's also necessary to play the action phase multiple times to see everything that's happening. I also can't see spending an hour, or more, doing a setup or an order phase. I couldn't imagine playing a scenario where both sides had about 5000 points.
  19. I tried a few QBs and generally liked the results. For some reason, the AI likes to choose the lowest quality troops available, so it took conscript against my green. I guess it wants the most for its money. Also, the AI is terrible at keeping its infantry in command range, which is far more important with lesser-quality troops. Still, I found the infantry and infantry-type units suppressing much more realistically. At least my units did. The AI's troops broke and panicked more frequently because of being conscript and out of command. With my troops, which I kept in command, they suppressed much more realistically and did not panic more than you would expect. I'm very satisfied with the results. The only real drawback, is a longer command delay. HQs with a command bonus are like gold. I highly recommend playing this way. BTW, I just started a game with a human opponent, so the game should be even more enjoyable.
  20. I agree that you should try the demo first. I have BO and BB and find BB more enjoyable from the perspective that it's more realistic and you can use realistic infantry tactics. However, I enjoy the western front far more. It pains me greatly to see that BFC so badly muffed the infantry. I never thought about playing green and conscript infantry. I'll try a few QBs versus the AI and let you know the results.
  21. You can't control air support. If you have it in a scenario or purchase it in a QB, it comes when it comes.
  22. In a different thread, the scenario Iron Roadblock was discussed. I have the Special Edition disk, but that scenario is not there. Does it go by another name?
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