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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Is it possible to make the foxhole bigger? It never appears as if the whole unit is _in_ the foxhole!
  2. My guess would be "limited audience". If you are going to put all that effort into making a mod, you want everyone to be looking at it. If it can only be installed by CMMOS, then only CMMOS users will use your mod. That rules out all those people who just want to unzip a zip file. GaJ.
  3. Ah! Now that makes a _lot_ of sense! The one catch is that at the moment the Mods appear to be strongly segregated by game type. When you search CMAK mods for "sky" you don't find the "sky" mods in CMBB. That would still need to be changed. Anyone else think it's worth asking COG about? GaJ. (Has anyone heard from COG recently? Is he going OK? ... it wasn't sounding great for him a while back)
  4. Um, the whole reason for my post was to see if y'all think (like I do) that it's a little broke. It's great, don't get me wrong. But surely if there are mods in the CMBB section that are great for CMAK, it's a bt broke that there is no way to find that out. GaJ.
  5. I can't for the life of me understand why BFC doesn't just give us a list!? CM must be one scary piece of code if such a list doesn't exist, or isn't relatively easy to create... is there some other reason why the CM community's effort to enhance the product isn't supported in this way?
  6. I was meaning to make a suggestion about how Mods are organised at cmmoDs, not how cmmoS works!!
  7. So - then I find myself thinking "how unrealistic". I mean, if I'm wandering between scattered trees and can just be seen from 70m away through the gaps trunks, how does that make it that I need 70m of tree-canopy above me? I reckon a person right above the tree (10, 15m?) wouldn't even be able to see me! Oh well... it's just a game, and it's worth knowinig how it works!
  8. Sounds like Seanachai is a Gnome then. I don't recal Gnomes being particularly funny, either, even though they think they are. Another resemblence. GaJ.
  9. I've just read, in three or four separate threads, how some CMBB mods are compatible with CMAK, and are probably "must haves". And I think to myself "holy crap, how would I ever know that these mods would work with CMAK?". Which leads me to think that storing mods by game version is perhaps not the way to go (!!). Would it be better if CMMODS was just one big group of Mods, with each mod indicating which game(s) it is compatible with? The transition would be easy: just mark each mod as compatible with the game its currently stored under. Then as people become aware that mods are compatible with other games, they can be updated to show that. Then one could search for "CMAK ROADS" and find "Dirty Winter Roads" which otherwise might have been hiding in CMBB. (OK, I know that someone put a copy into CMAK now, but that's just one example!) Do enough people agree to see if we can persuade COG to change it? GaJ. [ February 22, 2004, 06:49 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  10. Thanks WWB. So if you are going to stop and fight with an exit-for-points unit, you sure better kill something with it to make it worth the points you lost by not getting off. GaJ.
  11. "Martin's Combat Mission Mod Manager". Get it at CMMODS under "Mod Managers, IBM/PC". (Or ask me to send it to you, if you don't like logging into CMMODS). Cheers, GaJ (Martin).
  12. Can someone please explain how scoring works for exit scenarios: what is the trade off that one is making in deciding to use a "must exit for points" unit in active duty.... Thanks. GaJ.
  13. So, I know that the effect of slope on armour angles is modelled. Does slope affect visibility through trees? On the flat, it might be say 70m visibility through scattered trees. If you have a vantage point looking down from a cliff onto people in scattered trees on an opposite slope, can you see them from further away than 70m? Ta, GaJ.
  14. Could you make the Italian grid go through the trees & vines. We seem to be seeing a lot of scattered trees and vines, which would make having just grass useless!
  15. Is it normal for this thread to be used for "hey, I just sent you a turn" kind of messages? I was kind of hoping this was a place where relevant-to-everyone announcements would be made! If this is the 'post here when you send a turn" thread, could we have another thread just for stuff that everyone needs to know? Ta, GaJ.
  16. Is it normal for this thread to be used for "hey, I just sent you a turn" kind of messages? I was kind of hoping this was a place where relevant-to-everyone announcements would be made! If this is the 'post here when you send a turn" thread, could we have another thread just for stuff that everyone needs to know? Ta, GaJ.
  17. Is it normal for this thread to be used for "hey, I just sent you a turn" kind of messages? I was kind of hoping this was a place where relevant-to-everyone announcements would be made! If this is the 'post here when you send a turn" thread, could we have another thread just for stuff that everyone needs to know? Ta, GaJ.
  18. Thanks JC ... I learned some more. And URC... the point is not so much what happens or would happen in the scenario, it's the thinking and principles behind it. GaJ.
  19. Let us know what you think. My prediction is that first you will think "Well, OK, I sure need those mods". You will have some fun modding and playing around. Then it will get dusty on a shelf while you go back to the others. But hey... at least you'll have it and won't be wondering anymore!
  20. In the previous thread I asked for the save files of your example. Instead, JC, you've provided way way way more. Thanks thanks thanks... just looking at save files wouldn't have done a lot for understanding the thinking behind it. Here is a question: why don't you split the squads to give the single gun more targets (hence reducing the chance of any particular one being shot at)? GaJ.
  21. Some of us are too busy loosing real game to try out fake situations
  22. Can you send/post somewhere the save files please please please. You did save them, right? You didn't save them? Oh now! Would you be so kind enough to do it again, mail the files to me, and I will post them on a web somewhere? Thanks!!! GaJ.
  23. Depending on your bandwidth and how much time you want to spend, think first about what camera angles you use when you play. If you love watching all the units individually doing their thing (camera 1, 2), start with the uniforms and work up with. Also, grab UD's sky mods (since that is the camera angle where the sky is visible). Or, if you tend to use 3,4 more, then you need to think more about armour first, perhaps? MikeYD, Limey, Gautrek... just look what units are in the scenario you are playing, then use the CMMODS search to see if those guys (or anyone else) have done one of your units.
  24. Read the rest of the threads on this topic. Complain to ATI. GaJ.
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