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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Happy New Year to all! McMMM 2.4 has been released. It is available at the Premier CM Mod Site . It is in the CMBB section: best way is to go to the CMBB section then search for McMMM. Version 2.4 is the _same_ as 2.30 beta: if you have 2.30 beta, you don't need to download 2.4 (unless you'd like the version number at the bottom of the screen to say 2.4!) Something like 60 people have downloaded the beta, no complaints so far, so I think its in reasonable shape. GaJ. - - - McMMM is a tool that makes it easy to work with Combat Mission Mods. Any Mods, any version of Combat Mission. This is what McMMM lets you do: </font> You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs).</font>McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time.</font>If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two.</font> That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, compare them to the installed ones, and also look at the instructions and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra.
  2. Happy New Year to all! McMMM 2.4 has been released. It is available at the Premier CM Mod Site . It is in the CMBB section: best way is to go to the CMBB section then search for McMMM. Version 2.4 is the _same_ as 2.30 beta: if you have 2.30 beta, you don't need to download 2.4 (unless you'd like the version number at the bottom of the screen to say 2.4!) Something like 60 people have downloaded the beta, no complaints so far, so I think its in reasonable shape. GaJ. - - - McMMM is a tool that makes it easy to work with Combat Mission Mods. Any Mods, any version of Combat Mission. This is what McMMM lets you do: </font> You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs).</font>McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time.</font>If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two.</font> That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, compare them to the installed ones, and also look at the instructions and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra.
  3. Although this is not a great help to you, I know for a fact that there _is_ a hi-res unit portrait mod floating around. It's probably at CMMODS, though I'm not sure about that. I actually had it installed for a while, but the problem was that the mod had a different colour of pink for the skin, which then did not match the neck colour that comes with the uniforms! That looked strange, and irritated me, so I ditched it. But now you know it does exist, maybe you can search in more hope of finding it GaJ.
  4. If the scenario plays as well as the picture looks, it will be legendary! Nice Dunes!
  5. Captain Wacky's gridded grass and steppe are a must have. UD's sky mods are superb. ED has done a complete tree replacement mod. If you want realism, SDOG has also done replacement summer and autumn mods with trees more representative of the Russian forests (apparently). MikeyD has done a convincing rubble. I also use the buildings from the ASL mod set, because they have distinguishing colours for light and heavy buildings. GaJ.
  6. Flags are available at CMMODS under CMBB: search for "flag". You should find SDOG_FLAGS or something. IMPORTANT NOTE: these flag come, I believe from CMBO, and I _think_ that the BMP numbering doesn't exactly match CMBB. My experience is that I've had to renumber the "Unidentified" flag from SDOG to get it to work with CMBB. GaJ.
  7. Countdown to thread-lock commences... 10... 9... 8... (Adamo, there is a general discussion forum somewhere else...) 7... 6...
  8. It occured to me that this is perhaps an ignorant comment from someone who only has the demo ( ) ... I guess there's much more variety of utterances in the real thing?
  9. Nah, proper swearing would be like lots of blood: rather unnecessary. Actually, I was looking foward to having language that I could understand again, but now that we have it, I find it rather repetetive and dull. How many times can you hear someone yell "Enemy unit, engage" before its too many? (Who ever says "unit" on the battlefield, anyway?) The foreign languages are much nicer because you can imagine them saying whatever seems appropriate at the time, and for some reason phrases you can't understand stick in your mind and become repetitive much less than ones you can... GaJ
  10. McMMM is at the CMMODS site. It is a bit hidden away: you have to go into the CMBB section, and do a search there for McMMM. Hopefully better links to McMMM are in the works somewhere... you can always email me and I will send it to you if you can't find it. Cheers, GaJ.
  11. Those tankettes were pretty damn small... </font>
  12. Is the scale of the driver to the tank right? These small tanks always emphsise the problem that the drivers just look too big.
  13. Thanks for the card! It's nice to get 'em - so much better than a plain old registration email! So far 30 downloads of the beta and no complaints, but I will definitely give it a few days and let y'all know if/when its all clear. Cheers, GaJ.
  14. Hi Modders, A new version of McMMM is available at CMMODS. The new feature is that McMMM will now let you store your mod files in any folders you like. Lots of people asked for this, because they like to have their Armour Mods in a different folder to their Infantry Mods etc. Note that the status is currently beta. This means that I think it works fine, but it hasn't had extensive testing since I made the changes. If you are the kind of person who likes to have their software well-tested before you use it, then hold off for a while & I'll let you know when its definitely stable. GaJ. ............. "So, what's this McMMM then?" McMMM is a tool that makes it easy to work with Combat Mission Mods. This is what McMMM lets you do: </font> You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs).</font>McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time.</font>If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two.</font> That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, and look at the instructions that came with the Mod, and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra. McMMM needs to know: </font>where you will be putting the Mods after you download them, and</font>where the Combat Mission game files are installed.</font> If both these are the "normal" place, then McMMM will find them on its own. Otherwise, you need to tell it: a job that is a couple of mouse clicks and you're done. Then, you simply download Mods at your leisure, load them into McMMM when you are ready, and play around with installing and un-installing them as you like.
  15. Hi Modders, A new version of McMMM is available at CMMODS. The new feature is that McMMM will now let you store your mod files in any folders you like. Lots of people asked for this, because they like to have their Armour Mods in a different folder to their Infantry Mods etc. Note that the status is currently beta. This means that I think it works fine, but it hasn't had extensive testing since I made the changes. If you are the kind of person who likes to have their software well-tested before you use it, then hold off for a while & I'll let you know when its definitely stable. GaJ. ............. "So, what's this McMMM then?" McMMM is a tool that makes it easy to work with Combat Mission Mods. This is what McMMM lets you do: </font> You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs).</font>McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time.</font>If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two.</font> That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, and look at the instructions that came with the Mod, and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra. McMMM needs to know: </font>where you will be putting the Mods after you download them, and</font>where the Combat Mission game files are installed.</font> If both these are the "normal" place, then McMMM will find them on its own. Otherwise, you need to tell it: a job that is a couple of mouse clicks and you're done. Then, you simply download Mods at your leisure, load them into McMMM when you are ready, and play around with installing and un-installing them as you like.
  16. Hi Modders, A new version of McMMM is available at CMMODS. The new feature is that McMMM will now let you store your mod files in any folders you like. Lots of people asked for this, because they like to have their Armour Mods in a different folder to their Infantry Mods etc. Note that the status is currently beta. This means that I think it works fine, but it hasn't had extensive testing since I made the changes. If you are the kind of person who likes to have their software well-tested before you use it, then hold off for a while & I'll let you know when its definitely stable. GaJ. ............. "So, what's this McMMM then?" McMMM is a tool that makes it easy to work with Combat Mission Mods. This is what McMMM lets you do: </font> You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs).</font>McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time.</font>If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two.</font> That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, and look at the instructions that came with the Mod, and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra. McMMM needs to know: </font>where you will be putting the Mods after you download them, and</font>where the Combat Mission game files are installed.</font> If both these are the "normal" place, then McMMM will find them on its own. Otherwise, you need to tell it: a job that is a couple of mouse clicks and you're done. Then, you simply download Mods at your leisure, load them into McMMM when you are ready, and play around with installing and un-installing them as you like.
  17. I installed the "small" flags from SDOG_FLAG_v2.zip that is in the CMBB section of CMMODS. Then I opened up a scenario and thought to myself "that's funny, I coulda sworn those front flags were large"... After a bit of wondering, I uninstalled the mod, and low and behold: A bit of poking around revealled that the Mod had not replaced the unidentified flag, so I was still getting the original full-size one. More poking around reveals that the Mod replaces the Russian flag with an unidentified one! Can this be right? Is it just me, or is this mod not in fact suitable for CMBB? Ta, GaJ.
  18. Thanks for the reply. Can you confirm that this is the default? The reason I ask is that the previous two versions were in Program Files\CMBO and Program Files\CMBB respectively. Strange that we suddenly have "Battlefront" and no abbreviation... Ta, GaJ. </font>
  19. Thanks for the reply. Can you confirm that this is the default? The reason I ask is that the previous two versions were in Program Files\CMBO and Program Files\CMBB respectively. Strange that we suddenly have "Battlefront" and no abbreviation... Ta, GaJ.
  20. I ain't got CMAK yet Can y'all let me know where it installs? (So I can make McMMM find it). Ta, GaJ.
  21. Do you think it was so clearly like that? Its a real shame, because it's nice to whip up a TCP QB without having to worry about force selection... just straight into action knowing forces will be basically good & sensible. Crack vs Vet just ain't sensible. Even if its realistic, it distorts a nice simple game. Guess I better play around with earlier years and see if its the same there. GaJ.
  22. Whoa... lookout anyone interested in flag mods! These flags are not actually directly useable in CMBB... misleading results can occur. In CMBB 446 is a Russian flag. In the Mod it is Unidendified! The nasty effect this had for me was that as Axis I ended up using the Mod for the Axis flag: nice small flags, but had the original 449.bmp for my unidentified flag (the Mod doesn't contain a 449.bmp). This meant that when unidentified, flags looked big, but when identified as Axis they looked small. Ouch. I presume some other strange effect might happen as the (flags appearing unidentified when they are not?) GaJ.
  23. That may be true, but I don't think it explains the problem. If I select "Force Quality: High", and high Q forces were rare, then why do I end up with Crack and Elite instead of Vet?
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