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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. I don't think this is the explanation: units that are in the bit of the trench that disappears on the crest of a hill are still in a trench. Units sitting on a pavement where a trench was placed are sitting on a pavement...
  2. I installed the wonderful 10m grids from Caffino, and to my suprise scattered trees and vines became gridded as well. Only very faintly... see image here ! Hmmm - it appears it may be a choice of very faint scattered tree grid or very heavy open space grid?
  3. I think that placing trench overlapping pavement (and disappearing in the overlap) is fine. It's the complete absence of warning that it's going to disappear that is a nasty feature. As I said, if it went red with the centre of the trench on the pavement it would be a massive improvement... GaJ.
  4. Fair comment, but I am slightly offended because I'm one of those people who _does_ read the manual. BUT I don't get it out just before I place a unit in every new possible location, just to find out if that is really allowed. This is the whole point of the setup editor giving you a red line and a ding when you try to place something somewhere where it is not going to be allowed. I would have been quite happy if half a trench overlapping onto a pavement disappeared IF and ONLY IF I got a warning red line when I try to position the centre of the trench onto the pavement. Finally, since you have invoked the manual, perhaps you would like to provide a reference to the place where this particular issue is covered? The irony is that the manual section on Trenches and Foxholes doesn't even mention roads/pavements as unsuitable terrain (as pointed out above). Thanks everyone else for your support on this matter. GaJ. <insert 'somewhat miffed' Graemlin here>
  5. I agree... terrain mods these days are just amazing. You guys are crazy!
  6. I played with this a bit more, and discovered that it's only the portion of the trench that overlaps onto the pavement that disappears. This still constitutes a nasty suprise for someone who puts a trench wholey on a pavement. Also, how come trenches can go into buildings but not pavement?
  7. OK, this is the kind of bug you only get caught by once, but its a bug nonetheless. The setup phase lets you put trenches on pavement. When the game starts, they are gone! Nowhere. Now, I fully admit thinking "hmm, that's interesting, these guys must have had hydraulic digging equipment", but still, if it lets you put it there then it should keep it there. Otherwise its a complete suprise and waste. Further, you can get caught by this by accident if you are trying to put a trench as close as possible up against pavement. Hrmph... GaJ. [ March 05, 2004, 06:12 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  8. John, are you on a quest to win the "most posts to the thread" trophy? 'cause if you are, you've won already... no need for more!
  9. John, are you on a quest to win the "most posts to the thread" trophy? 'cause if you are, you've won already... no need for more!
  10. John, are you on a quest to win the "most posts to the thread" trophy? 'cause if you are, you've won already... no need for more!
  11. My god, the screenies are breath taking! If the in-game effect is as good, I'll be in awe!
  12. I'm not a grog, and even I agree that this is an outstanding web site... good job, very interesting!
  13. Come on, grid-modders! This is your chance to plug your mod! What are the grid mods that us grid-hungry consumers should be considering? (Caffino, 10m sounds great: downloading now, waiting for the scattered trees & vines!)
  14. When a platoon or more plus support arrive in vehibles, it can be a pain to come to grips with who you've got and where they are. Answer: 'V' ... show vehicles off. Tada. There they all are, sitting happily in the air waiting for your orders... GaJ.
  15. Persist through the fiddly setup: its worth it. ALL don't have to use it: PBEMH is still very helpful even if the opponent doesn't use it. You save the file from the non-PBEMH user in a folder nominated under the "set additional working folder" option, and bingo: PBEMH knows about it. (Not obvious: just one of those fiddly-but-good things!) It's not quite as good as just double clicking on an attachment from a PBEMH user, but still way better than saving, extracting, firing up CM, clicking clicking password typing... GaJ.
  16. That would be an explanation only if the majority of CM users were Mac users. I would be startled if that was the case: why would the population of CM users be any different in composition to the general home-computer user population (IE a few Macs, mostly PCs)?
  17. The target line for bunkers sometimes reports "Hull down". It doesn't say "MG blocked" though. Can bunkers shoot at targets to which they are hull down? What effect does being hull down have - does it reduce the chance of the enemy hitting the bunker? Ta, GaJ.
  18. Those games are in "Fast and Trust" mode. (The mode where you can play two turns for every one exchange of emails: think about it, is that good or what!?!?!?) In that mode, PBEMH has to track the turn numbers, so I guess it goes to the trouble of displaying them as well... Martin.
  19. Those games are in "Fast and Trust" mode. (The mode where you can play two turns for every one exchange of emails: think about it, is that good or what!?!?!?) In that mode, PBEMH has to track the turn numbers, so I guess it goes to the trouble of displaying them as well... Martin.
  20. Those games are in "Fast and Trust" mode. (The mode where you can play two turns for every one exchange of emails: think about it, is that good or what!?!?!?) In that mode, PBEMH has to track the turn numbers, so I guess it goes to the trouble of displaying them as well... Martin.
  21. Try PBEM Helper! Solves all those problems. Then you could also post a screen shot of PBEMH each day showing us who's turns you have done, instead of the text message you post each day. GaJ.
  22. Try PBEM Helper! Solves all those problems. Then you could also post a screen shot of PBEMH each day showing us who's turns you have done, instead of the text message you post each day. GaJ.
  23. Try PBEM Helper! Solves all those problems. Then you could also post a screen shot of PBEMH each day showing us who's turns you have done, instead of the text message you post each day. GaJ.
  24. Just FYI: Fuerte has released an update for PBEMH that makes CM exit direct to PBEMH after processing an order from a non-PBEMH player. This is a simple-yet-wonderful improvement. As far as I'm aware, you have to download the "small update" not the "complete reinstall" to get this feature. It's worth it! GaJ. (I wonder if John "got it"? )
  25. Just FYI: Fuerte has released an update for PBEMH that makes CM exit direct to PBEMH after processing an order from a non-PBEMH player. This is a simple-yet-wonderful improvement. As far as I'm aware, you have to download the "small update" not the "complete reinstall" to get this feature. It's worth it! GaJ. (I wonder if John "got it"? )
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