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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. Changes from 2.11 beta to 2.2: 1) Default directory for CMAK corrected 2) Version number updated in program and manual You don't need to download. [unless you don't like seeing "beta" at the bottom of the screen, or you haven't tried CMAK yet, and must have McMMM to find the CMAK directory automatically for you. (I think setting it manually would be easier than downloading afresh, but hey! ) ] GaJ. [ December 05, 2003, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  2. McMMM does have its own zip utility: it's a Delphi ZIP component, and I don't think this is the cause of the problem. At face value, it appears that the "Mod Directory" setting is not pointing at the folder where you have the Mod. The instructions are very specific about this: You can check this is the problem you are experiencing: go to the "Game To Mod" tab, double click on the game you are modding (looks like CMBO for SDK), and make sure that the CMBO Mod Directory is pointing at the place where you have put the Mod. If this is not the cause of the problem, then what I need is a "McMMM bug report". Here's how you do it: 1) Exit & restart McMMM 2) Select the "Debug" option from the "Help" menu 3) Cause the problem to happen in as few mouse clicks as possible. 4) Select the "Bug Report" option from the "Help" menu. 5) Follow the instructions, which tell you where to find the bug report file and mail it to me! Thanks! GaJ. (SDK - can you try emailing me again. Bigpond is dropping emails like mad. Maybe try mgregory@ieee.org) [ December 05, 2003, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  3. Hi Gang, The next official version of McMMM is available from CMMODS. For those of you who got the 2.11 beta, this is basically the same thing. 2.11 beta proved to be stable... no-one complained! "Why would I want a Mod Manager?" This is what McMMM sets out to let you do... quite simple really: 1) You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs). 2) McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time. 3) If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two. That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, and look at the instructions, and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra. "What is new with V2 McMMM?" - Support for Sound Mods - Sensibly Resizable windows - Mod contents comparison with what is installed - Various minor irritations fixed Enjoy. GaJ. (It's under the CMBB section of CMMODS, a search will find it too of course)
  4. I'm following up with SDK by email... GaJ.
  5. Hi Gang, The next official version of McMMM is available from CMMODS. For those of you who got the 2.11 beta, this is basically the same thing. 2.11 beta proved to be stable... no-one complained! "Why would I want a Mod Manager?" This is what McMMM sets out to let you do... quite simple really: 1) You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs). 2) McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time. 3) If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two. That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, and look at the instructions, and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra. "What is new with V2 McMMM?" - Support for Sound Mods - Sensibly Resizable windows - Mod contents comparison with what is installed - Various minor irritations fixed Enjoy. GaJ. (It's under the CMBB section of CMMODS, a search will find it too of course)
  6. Hi Gang, The next official version of McMMM is available from CMMODS. For those of you who got the 2.11 beta, this is basically the same thing. 2.11 beta proved to be stable... no-one complained! "Why would I want a Mod Manager?" This is what McMMM sets out to let you do... quite simple really: 1) You download a Mod from anywhere and put it in a "Mods" directory... with a couple of clicks McMMM installs it into your Combat Mission installation, and backs up the original BMPs (or WAVs). 2) McMMM keeps track of what Mods are installed at any given time. 3) If you don't like a Mod, at any time, McMMM can uninstall it again (restoring the original BMP/WAVs in the process), with only a click or two. That's it. Oh, it also lets you look at the BMPs in the Mod, and look at the instructions, and pretty JPEGs in the Mod, without messing around with Zip programs, but that's just an added extra. "What is new with V2 McMMM?" - Support for Sound Mods - Sensibly Resizable windows - Mod contents comparison with what is installed - Various minor irritations fixed Enjoy. GaJ. (It's under the CMBB section of CMMODS, a search will find it too of course)
  7. Crummy scenario though. Nice looking map, but green troops and vehicles everywhere bleugh! Plus gamey behaviour from knowing that the opponents map layout is exactly the same as yours....
  8. Chucky, I think the DUH was aimed squarely at you (Sorry about the period in the URL, fixed now).
  9. Truly excellent question, and truly excellent replies. I wish I'd asked and had that advice before I set out on the offensive towards the Volga GaJ.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean, but the coax is right next to the 37mm and the commander's MG is protruding from his cupola. </font>
  11. Yeah - right about the models. The Stuey is pretty good too. As to the Aussies... I have to admit a certain amount of nervousness about the accents we will encounter. Does anyone have inside information about whether there were Aussie actors? GaJ.
  12. Thanks! Thank COG for that. Indeed, and a few sneaky little valleys etc that could be easy to overlook. GaJ
  13. Please please post it at www.cmmods.com I think people are putting CMAK mods under CMBO until COG opens the CMAK section. I sure as heck want gridded Italian terrain. [ November 28, 2003, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  14. In case it wasn't clear in my previous post, I'm in favour of what Dorosh has proposed. I did think it important to recognise that the current system is not entirely broken... and I acknowledge that it probably works better for the scenario shopper than the supplier. I guess Admiral will make a call on 4 or 10 Cheers, GaJ.
  15. You are mistaken about the hull MGs being located above the 75mm. The hull MGs are in fixed positions just above the lower hull-glacis seam on the left side. You can see their ports in this screenshot posted by Andreas. . No barrels protrude so you have to look for them. Michael </font>
  16. You have hit the nail on the head here. (takes breath before mentioning this...) There was (gasp, don't shoot me) some disappointment expressed about how CMAK wasn't such a leap forward. I shared it, when I fired up CMAK and saw what it was. Then I took stock of what KwazyDog said: CMAK is basically BFC providing us another theatre. That's it. A new theatre, and one with the allies... something everyone has been wanting. Thus it is some more units, terrains, and a few ongoing tweaks to the engine. Sure, they needed to tweak it to make Multi Turret tanks viable, but that's all they've done. If this was how CMAK was sold, it wouldn't have risked any disappointment. And, to tell the truth, I don't think BFC ever really hyped CMAK more than saying "It's a new theatre". Most of the hype came from forum members. It's us who've been begging for bones, and hyping each one, and longing and longing for the new release. Little wonder, then, that there's a slight "Oh, is that all"... especially since CMBB was such a "Yes, like Wow". It's nice having the new theatre, how multi-turrets work seems to be sussed out, so let's get on with playing... (and posting AARs that help me figure out how to play better... when is the first Michael vs Jason in the Desert???) GaJ.
  17. On multi-turrets, though, I haven't seen or heard anything that will cause a patch to happen. They have implemented multi-turret in a particular way... we have to come to grips with what that is and get used to it: it hardly seems likely it will change... GaJ.
  18. There's actually another whole thread where I thought the questions around multi turrent were pretty much sorted out. The conclusion was that multi-turret is implemented like this: MT tanks are the same as any other tank in all ways but this: - They have an extra choice of higher guage ammo over a limited forward facing arc. - They have some graphics to indicate which ammo was chosen (IE if 75mm ammo was chosen, then the 75mm gun appears to fire). There is no such thing as "targetting two separate targets". While the "gun facing" parameter is in the arc accessible by the 75, the graphics show the 35 and 75 swinging together, and 75mm micht be chosen. While the "gun facing parameter" is outside the 75 arc, the 75 graphic swings to the front, and the 35 is shown pointing in the facing direction, and only 35 ammo will be chosen. There is only one "gun facing" that the tank understands. All the above statements are based on observation only, but so far no-one has refuted them and lots have backed it up. The only new question that this thread has raised in my mind is this: "can the tank fire _both_ guns at a single target simultaneiously?" My guess is "no"... I'd be interested to hear of counter examples... GaJ.
  19. Hello BFC? Surely this is something you could help COG with easier than anyone else? He's doing your users a great service.... can you help him with this one?
  20. Two points come to mind: 1) The current rating system works well for me as a customer of scenarios. When I want something that will definitely be good, I only choose high rating ones, and I have not yet been disappointed unduly. When looking for a good one, I choose sceanrios with ample number of reviews, pretty decent average score, then I _read_ the reviews. 2) The system proposed looks like an improvement over something that is already OK. I only feel a little perturbed at loosing the out-of-10 scale. Would it be OK to use the descriptions for 1, 4, 6, 10 and let people interpolate if they want to? GaJ.
  21. That part of the article is nonssense - it speaks of having to fully expose the whole tank to use the 75mm - have a look at the photos that accompany it - up to HALF the tank could be shielded by terrain while using the 75mm! Now what do you think they did - sit on the highest ridgeline with het whole tank showing, or some distance behin d it with just the minimum amount of the tank showing as required to use the 75? </font>
  22. Shucks thanks. Programmers live for accolades [well, at least freeware ones do ] While I'm here, one person out of the 70 fresh downloads so far has reported that they don't have the "Select All" button. And gave me a screenshot to prove it. Has anyone else experienced that? The "Select All" button shows up in the preview picture on the bottom right of the main screen, right under the sunrise. I have no clue how it could fail to appear! GaJ. [ November 24, 2003, 04:03 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  23. Hi All, I just uploaded McMMM 2.11 beta to CMMODS . Preview picture here It's in the CMBB section of CMMODS under Mod Managers. There are significant improvements over McMMM 1.x: </font> Supports Sound mods</font>Tabbed pages give much better layout</font>Sensibly resizable windows</font>"Select All" button (major click-saver for mod-sluts with many to install or swap in and out)</font>Mod display allows comparison of the mod with what's installed </font></font></font>with BMPs, the comparison is "in place": you can flick from one to the other and see the differences easily (hard to explain in words!)</font>with WAVs, McMMM runs your default media player to play them to you.</font> 2.11 beta has had less extensive testing prior to release than 1.x, mostly 'cause less people signed up to help test it. But I think its pretty stable. I've been using it myself for a while. If you don't want the chance of stumbling on a minor bug, hold off for a short while and I'll annouce when it goes off beta status. GaJ.
  24. Hi All, I just uploaded McMMM 2.11 beta to CMMODS . Preview picture here It's in the CMBB section of CMMODS under Mod Managers. It supports CMAK - for new users, it will automatically find the Demo installation directory. For existing users, it always supported CMAK anyhow , but you will have to point it at the CMAK demo installation yourself. But CMAK support aside, there are significant improvements over McMMM 1.x: </font> Supports Sound mods</font>Tabbed pages give much better layout</font>Sensibly resizable windows</font>"Select All" button (major click-saver for mod-sluts with many to install or swap in and out)</font>Mod display allows comparison of the mod with what you have installed </font></font></font>with BMPs, the comparison is "in place": you can flick from one to the other and see the differences easily (hard to explain in words!)</font>with WAVs, McMMM runs your default media player to play them to you.</font> 2.11 beta has had less extensive testing prior to release than 1.x, mostly 'cause less people signed up to help test it. But I think its pretty stable. I've been using it myself for a while. If you don't want the chance of stumbling on a minor bug, hold off for a short while and I'll annouce when it goes off beta status. GaJ. [ November 23, 2003, 06:11 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
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