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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Good idea JJ, although I would like to see the Germans have to plan accordingly to commit an HQ and MPPs to that area. In default FW they can easily fund the northern adventure without much consequence to the main battle. The 2 Soviet army groups would make that a dubious adventure, but with the unfinished carrier you provided the Kriegsmarine and Luftflotte(LR)support from Sweden it would shape up to be a nice little battle. Right now my thoughts are not directed to helping the Axis to much. To bad we can't rename the HQs(for historical purposes), but CVM would have beat us to that anyway. Why not just activate the Finns from the start and we'll give the USSR another 2 grand MPPs. Hmmm I wonder what that would do to USSR readiness? [ December 03, 2003, 06:07 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  2. Glad your warming up to the idea JJ as your input would be most valuable. I'm trying to imagine that the USSR, after losing all their starting armies and a couple of tank corps, should be able to build a couple of army groups. Or if the player wishes a bunch for the "corps" strategy, hiding away the one or two surviving airfleets while investing the 3 starting research chits. Suckering in the Germans and getting the Siberian transfer along with the 2 army groups would give the USSR some striking power of which Finland would be the first victim, or perhaps Iraq, Turkey anyone? Now the Germans truly have a "Red Bear" by the tail. As for the western allies, the starting 2000 MPPs and US level 5 IT should be enough for recon in force, can you say "Dieppe". Ahem! When was Torch? The year of turning should be 1942 and 1943 should be the year of relative equal strength between Axis and Allies. From there it should be all downhill for the Axis, but with some major tech luck, maybe not. Now this is the underlying premise for "Rising Tide" although it may not work like best laid plans, but isn't that the point, who wants to play if you know what's going to happen. As it is now, everything equal, we know what's going to happen in SC1 default "Fall Weiss"
  3. Well gang can it be done. Lay aside the ahistorical game mechanics, amphibious landings, killer airfleets, etc. Historically, in general terms, the Axis were beaten by the rising tide of the USSR and USA, can we duplicate this? My thinking is you take JJ's Fall Weiss (for historical beginning accuracy) and add MPPs and Tech advances/chits to the 'Rising Tide". Hmmm that sounds like a good name for the campaign. Think of it, no more bidding, and the Axis are supposed to lose by May 1945 or they win, or you and your opponent can carry on till the end of the game. How can we define exactly what is needed to produce this effect. My thoughts are about 3500 beginning MPPs for the Russians and about 2000 for the USA with a level 5 tech in IT(USA only) in conjunction with the allocated research chits/levels that JJ's scenario has provided. So what does the forum think, how about you bidding X-Z Leaguers? Testing has commenced.
  4. I just had to chime in here. Les and JVZ have it right but need some more refinement. Yes I prefer the hotseat against myself but you must develop temporary amnesia to make it work. How do you do that, easy. Start a bunch of games against the AI and a bunch of games PBEM and confuse yourself to such a degree that you don't know what game is which and what you are trying to accomplish in any of them. Then each time you open the game you have to start fresh, but with the knowledge of the general flow of the game its not to hard to get reoriented. So you see the AI is a must........must add to the confusion.
  5. Is your friend using Win ME? If so has he got Norton AV also? Does his PC eventually slow down to a crawl? The fix is Win 2000 or perhaps XP with at least 128 MB RAM, but 256 MB for better operation.
  6. Hey Penfold, try the AI on expert level and give the opposing side +2 experience and then let's see who gets mauled.
  7. Come on Sombra, use a little improvisation, there are many custom campaigns that balance both sides.
  8. I like this notion of moving and subsequent disbanding of a corps around the map to simulate an investment in infrastructure improvement. This concept has many variables, the only problem I see is that the improvement may come to quickly, especially if SC2 is time structured turns as SC1. An improvement to an infrastructure such as fortifications, coastal defenses, airfields, etc takes a lot of time, more than a month. Maybe the final goal of completion should take multiple(depending on the improvement) transporting and disbanding of corps sort of on a tiered level. The final level is represented by an icon (small) of the appropriate improvement located in the hex of completion, an icon with a pick and shovel serve to show an incomplete improvement or a damaged improvement due to military actions. Now should multiple improvements be allowed to co-exist in the same hex? Obviously yes, but where do we draw the line? [ October 28, 2003, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  9. HC says "$33 not bad IMO", sorry, but what an understatement. The cost of fun nowadays? This game's price is irrelevent, if somehow you could equate the enjoyment of play and interaction of the forum to dollars and cents; the worth to each (who appreciate it)individual is astronomically priceless, for everything else there is Mastercard.
  10. Come on Guys, SC is not about a judgement simulation of the past, present, or future deeds of any one country, race, or religion...Forget it! This answer will come later. If you want the US more powerful, just give them 5 IT level and a crap load of MPPs when they enter, debate over, nuff said.
  11. Hate to bring this up again, but you guys still(obviously) haven't played JJ's Z-plan tourney II edition. It takes all these comments into consideration and the Mid-East/Africa area is an "Area in Flames" and balanced.
  12. Hey Sarge, I have an opening now, but I am a slow player of veteran quality. The upside is I will converse with you about the game mechanics, critique your moves, never let the game get to one sided unless your winning and help you become a veteran player fast. We will play with FoW on, but I will hint at my intentions and suggest counters. Probably the best side for you will be the Axis in the default Fall Weiss, if your up to it e-mail me at bradtap@aol.com
  13. At my snail's pace I'll be lucky to finish my first PBEM game of cWIF before I die, or it will probably take longer than the real war. The beauty of SC is its simplicity, (right on Sarge), and I can finish it in say about 3 months with multiple games going simultaneous = > fun factor. There's a place for cWIF and SC, but they don't overlap, I'll play them both. Besides I'll take odds SC2 will be out before cWIF.
  14. Thanks Terif, I guess it was the readiness (I'll look at the last save) as an experienced Monty was supporting and one of the AFs was in a city hex. Eisenhower was there to, but had no experience. The UK AFs(lvl0) were at strength 6 and 7 while both US AFs were at 12, one had just been operated in the previous turn and I'm assuming that the German jets lvl 3 just got an increase in LR, caught me with my pants down in additioned to being "short-teched". I guess I still got a lot to learn, I always thought it was highest strength. Thanks again for the clarification. SC, ...gotta luv it.
  15. Hey Terif and Rambo, clue me in, why would my higher strength, greater readiness, in range higher level US jets not intercept over my UK planes when a UK BB and Strategic bomber were attacked by German air? I've got my Italian jets intercepting in lieu of my German planes in an identical situation, except the attacked forces are German ground units. I'm at a loss and have not had time to set up a model.
  16. Cheating? Who cares! People will cheat you all your life, get over it. Sometimes you know it, sometimes you don't, if you want to find out take'em out to the golf course (eh Rambo),play a game that reveals their complete lack of self esteem and integrity. SC is for fun pure and simple, its a life enhancer nothing more, nothing less, you control its effect, not someone else. One good thing from this thread though....there is an SC2, ...don't worry about cheaters, they're a nonissue, for it is their loss not ours.
  17. I clap for Zapp's flap. Come on HC throw us a bone here and we will patiently wait for SC2 without further solicitation, but of course if SC2 is right around the corner then remain silent and continue the masterpiece.
  18. You guys need to try JJ's Z-Plan tourney II edition, talk about having fun, opening up many different options, squashing ahistorical gambits,no cookie cutting, and there is no need for bidding/house rules....download, pick your side and have at it....no quiet times, war from the get go! SC ..."gotta luv it". [ October 16, 2003, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  19. Agreed Shaka, we would need more units to manage for a viable multiplayer game(>4)in conjunction with a larger map or some other concepts to keep the players engrossed. On perhaps a different note but with a somewhat ambiguous connection I've been thinking about hex control. More specifically after a unit vacates a hex/position ;it was usually customary to leave a rear guard or some garrisoning influence. In SC2 we could have, on the unit menu, an option for detachment creation in the previously vacated hex by the retreating unit. The unit menu would allow the assigning of a certain amount of strength points subtracted from the parent unit to allocate to the rear guard/KG/TF icon that would reside in that hex. The KG/TF could have the effect of stopping enemy units and attriting strength as surprise contact works now. Of course if the owning player did not allocate enough strength to the rearguard it could allow the enemy unit to keep moving but possibly lose a strenth point or readiness or suffer some other adverse effect(depending on unit type). The enemy player should not be able to discern the strength of the rearguard as a small detachment would be stealthier. This rearguard kampfgruppe/taskforce wouldn't necessarily need to be represented by new unit but perhaps a ghost type icon in the vacated hex and would only have a lifespan of perhaps a turn or two before it is re-absorbed by the creating parent unit if it wasn't destroyed. Critique? [ October 14, 2003, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  20. I've got an idea prompted by a new game at matrix that uses a team coordination concept for opposing sides. Since we have a nice little SC community here and it seems that we kind of have a team mentality, wouldn't it be nice to play SC2 with a C in C and subordinate commanders on each side. Each sub would have his area/units of influence, approved/allocated by the C in C who also directs research and MPPs allocation and finally approves the overall movements of the subs. Each sub would exercise influence through the command radius of his HQ unit/s, complete his turn and then forward it to the next sub and so on until finally submitted to the C in C for approval and submission to the other side as the Axis/Allies turn. This kind of just happened off the top of my head,....have we discussed this before? Obviously this idea needs some refinement, so what do you think? To complicated , not interesting,..ok, no problem. [ October 14, 2003, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  21. Hey Terif, what's with this 1.07b. Are you refering to the other (not US) versions or do you know something that us other forum members don't?....besides how to win at SC 99% of the time.
  22. Alright Sarge,.. I recommend jbrunnel's(spelling) unit icons, nicely done... on par with PG II 's.
  23. MrSpkr, Cut my wargaming teeth on AH-"Tactics II", D-Day, Midway, AK, B of B, subscriber of SPI's S & T magazine, still have all the games. If your that old, like me, don't waste anymore of your precious time (what little you have left), enhance your life, improve the quality, run, ...don't walk.. to the nearest outlet for SC and purchase it for whatever they ask, money is no object here; then join the forum....additional bonus....play PBEM or TCP. "SC"...gotta luv it.
  24. "Russian-Fly-Bye"....You've just had all the starting Russian Armies killed or surrounded, both Tank groups destroyed, and two air fleets decimated and you limp 1 full strength air fleet back to Smolensk.
  25. "Short-Teched" : When you've had 3 plus chits in jets for almost 2 years without an advance and your opponent reaches over, pulls your underwear down and shoves lvl 4 jets up your a**.
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