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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Welcome back,....Welcome Back....Welcome Back! I told you guys Jersey John = Hubert Cater....but Noooooooo... no one believes......never doubt a Seee...Monkey.
  2. Moon....just promise a little leak of SC2 when he gets back. That should serve as motivational material. JJ .... we need you,.......SC needs you....historical truth needs you...... and yes "boy wonder" Israel Solomon, needs you. GET WELL SOON.
  3. You know the HQ supply thing is kind of uncertain it seems. Why not have an actual superimposable number in each hex to signify the supply in that hex ala TOAW. After all its nothing but a formula,... a piece of cake for a computer. Attach it to a hotkey.....problem solved.
  4. I've got a question for HC. Now c'mon HC surely you can tell us, generally of course, when did you actually commit to SC2? I'm not talking about the compilation of ideas,... but when did you actually start to modify the code? Can we have that little tidbit?
  5. ditto what Liam said. We are indeed an international community... the "Students of History". It is our duty to pass on the lessons of history to our fellow humans who may have the misfortune of not knowing the truth, for we all share the need to not repeat the horrible lessons that this game depicts. On a lighter note I would like to thank you all for "an enhancement of life", ...thanks to you, Hubert Cater,... the mediators... yes that means you "Moon" mostly and all my fellow SC brethren for an enrichment that has an indescrible value (for everything else there is Mastercard). Seriously,......Season Greetings to all...Happy Holidays....Peace on Earth and Goodwill to men.
  6. And I do love me Mum. She was always there to lift me up when I was down and to admininster the TLC when I was feeling sick. So Mum where are you now, my SC tummy is feeling a little empty. Would it be possible to be fed in say maybe 6 months? Nothing specific mind you, just a generalized time frame like the next decade perhaps, easy on the digestive system. Okay I confess, I've been playing a new game, Panther's "Highway to the Reich", but alas it is not SC, but it is a very unique and innovative system, allowing mucho depth and detail without micromanagement(or with,if you choose) and its very scalable, something to look at Mr. Cater for SC3.....now about that decade? [ December 20, 2003, 03:07 AM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  7. Since my bladder was full (nice cold beer) and I was out marking my territory and JJ brought those outstanding old threads back up it seems fitting that we try to induce a little enthusiasm around here. Now what are we enthused about(SC related), AARs....nah,....game mechanics....nah, strategies...nah, custom campaigns...nah.....a little help here.....how about you newbies...someone please ...give us something. Hey I know,.. how about a little miss information? I mean in a world such as this, with a virtual plethora of information shouldn't we at least excercise our ability to separate fact from fiction? Nahh, I don't like lies, I'm sick of them too. Soooo, what's it going to take? I bet there is someone that could generate a little enthusiasm, not to much,...but just a little ...hmmmmm perhaps needing a little interaction from "the Fans". perhaps someone crawling out from a spider hole with a full bladder. Well what say you HC, this is your territory...do you want to mark it? Oh that's right you don't do those kind of things, Ok I can live with that, I have lived with that, but there is one thing in this world you can count on... and that is.... nothing stays the same.
  8. I know we've asked for the "no interception" selection in the airfleet drop down menu but did we ever discuss/ask for "no escort" also. How about when sending in strat bombers/airfleets we have a selection of "abort if intercepted" to the menu to reduce our casualties. Come to think of it why not have a choice of attack intensity for all units ala TOAW on the unit drop down menu. Let's see what were they "ignore losses", "normal losses", or "light losses",....something like that. Think of it for critical battles or diversions to manipulate the loss level of your opponents units and obviously your own if the randomizer comes up detrimental. Micro-mangement again?
  9. Thanks guys for the speedy reply. You know I never saw it in the editor, I guess that's why SC appeals to my AADD. Case closed.
  10. As a veteran, I know I should know this, but having been at work all my life and not having SC loaded on my work PC the question came up as I was playing "Hotseat" Fall Blau and later campaigns. Well fellow SC brethren does it happen in the later campaigns? Can the Axis trigger the Siberian transfer after summer 1942 in the later campaigns? See this is what happens when you devote your SC life to campaigns that start only in 1939.
  11. Most Excellent! I knew I could count on you. And by the way those horns set a most menacing atmosphere for "The Anals", so fitting.....much appreciated Sir Jersey.
  12. WOW! A third great AAR and all in the same thread. This AAR thread will go down as one of the all time greats in the anals of SC competition, congratulations to the participants. Say JJ,...do you think you could come up with a reward, statue,...a tribute or something to the anals.
  13. Announcing: SUPER BOUT # 2 SeaMonkey vs AI in Fall Weiss default NO BID. Fire up the game on beginner -2 exp to AI FOW off. Man its hot outside (December in CC Tx) I need a beer! WHAT no beer! SeaMonkey surrenders due to dehydration, mouse finger twitching violently.
  14. Ok Sarge, I'll email you when I get home with "Rising Tide" campaign. It was originally designed to have the Axis lose in 1945, but now I'm not so sure that will happen, as a couple of games have produced an Axis winner in late 1944. Of course the Axis player was a veteran, the Allied player an up and coming wannabe.
  15. Okay with me Sarge, unless you have your hands full. I just had a concession so I'm open for a game. I know you've mightyly improved by now, so pick your weapons and paces. I have a couple of new campaigns, JJ's "Z-Plan" remake and of course the new "Rising Tide" if you'd like to consider one of these, I'll send'em to you. They're both well balanced judging from the feedback so far.
  16. Come'on Sarge get in there and play, I'd forgot about our game its been so long. How are you ever going to be a decent opponent if you don't play?
  17. Your right JJ, they could have opened a couple of years grace period if they would have had a decent sub doctrine. It wasn't as if we weren't showing them the example of "How to use Subs". I don't know about them BBs, we could hash this out on and on(but I'm overmatched here). Those welders puttin those thangs back together could have built a few storage tanks instead, but they were useful as artillery platforms (AAA later after refits). Air power was the true decimator of navies, everyone was just a little slow to acknowledge the fact. You know what we need....yep! A good Pacific PC game to test these theories out. Anyone out there listening...how about you ...Gary Grigsby.
  18. This has been one of my dreams for the "Wargame to end all Wargames". The ability to zoom into the tactical level to fight a critical battle, optional of course. Forget the 3D CM version, think of a hex or pixel format, where you deploy your forces and give your orders (ala Airborne Assault) to your commanders to be carried out simultaneously until the battle is either won or lost, you just sit back and watch. OK,.. maybe you get to throw your red flag on the field to change an order here or there during the engagement, but not to often.
  19. You tell'um Blashy, I for one am sick of these abbreviated AARs, give me some real action you so called "Top Players". How are we supposed to learn anything other than "How to Quit Early". Can you imagine your favorite football team headed to the locker room in the 1rst quarter because "things went bad". Now get in there and win one for the Gipper.
  20. Okay JJ I'll bite. Reminds me of the thread in the General forum you brought to my attention, "What if there hadn't been WW1", very interesting discussion. After reading, it definitely added credibility to your "Brest-Litvosk Aftermath" campaign. What's most interesting about this thread is what could the US have done differently in the handling of diplomatic relations with Japan to avoid Pearl Harbor? Almost seems like we backed them up against the wall from their perspective. The Nipponese felt assured of our military reaction if they sought their needed natural resources from the DEI and/or Indonesia, especially in light of our reaction to their Chinese incursions. The embargos were slowly strangling their burgeoning economy which the western powers had instigated to bring them into 20th Century. As far as the follow up to the Pearl Harbor raid I agree that further attacks would have delayed our rebound(dry docks), but also could have done us a favor as we wouldn't have been able to refloat those obsolete BBs. The subpens is another matter, that would have been critical, we all know the legacy of our sub fleet in the initial months of WW2. As far as oil storage, I believe that's always been overblown as I know we all have heard about floating storage(tankers). So I guess that leaves the potential invasion of the HIs. To this I must bring up the dismal record of the Japanese supply system(maritime fleet). Totally lacking in floating assets to sustain any type of invasion, much less an occupation especially in the vicinity of Hawaii. So I guess that takes us right back to history, there's relatively little the Japanese could do to keep them from having a major can of whipass opened up on them, other than not attacking at all.
  21. Well Sarge I'm glad you at least acknowledged the Airborne Assault series. I to believe that turn based is best for grand strategy format, but with HttR and the Battlegrounds concept, that lock on operational and grand tactical games is about to be pushed and I for one believe RTS has merit at that level.
  22. Don't believe him Moon.....he's been bitten by one of those New Jersey swilling mosquitos. Now listen very closely JJ or Hubert or Bill or whatever you want to call yourself, you are having a slight fever... producing hallucinations......Ya here that Moon....he's in a surrealistic trance like state and there is no truth to his accusations.... damn .....sure is getting dark early around here.
  23. Yeah Right! You guys don't know a thing? SC2 is an oblivion of miss understandings, having no premise, no form, just an apparition of faith. And Hubert just happens to chime in..... Well I for one am not buying it, ... Bill you know more than meets the ear here and JJ.... well as for you, ...all I can say is Bill M.= Hubert = JJ,.... Kuni was/is closer than you think.
  24. OK I concede Bill M., your right.... it isn't totally historic, but what SC game is, other than at the beginning. The idea is to create the historical effect not necessarily the actual events. Its impossible to grow the economy with the present engine but you can simulate the concept by making the units less expensive with IT levels. The USSR starts out with level 2 IT and has 3 research chits to invest plus 3500 MPPs. I believe if the Allied player wishes he can max out IT rather quickly with a 5 chit investment although some time has to pass. The USSR player also can probably add some plunder and additional MPPs from the previously mentioned conquered minors. Now I ask you Bill, won't that create an effect similar to a burgeoning economy, abstractly of course. With the USA able to put an HQ supported army group or two on the high seas almost immediately after entry can you imagine the Axis paranoia. No longer can the Axis cannibalize the west for the east, he will have to garrison strongly and diversely, bleeding away his MPP total. What kind of effect will that simulate? The USA can also start to conquer a enjoy fruitful plunder and pillaged resources adding to its MPP count,.... the effect? Once again I reiterate that since we cannot precisely recreate history (we don't want to) with the SC engine, think abstractly and let's create the effect.
  25. Thanks JJ for the update. I haven't been able to do additional testing as work is unrelinquishing, but judging by the forum response we have again done the amazing. What's that you say........why putting together an almost perfect set of custom campaign parameters, ...again. We just never seem to stop surprising ourselves with such efficiency and on the first try......again. OUCH! Damn arthritic elbow, always flares up when I'm patting myself on the back. OKay I'll shut up....we wouldn't want to humble Rambo, oh yeah Ram. don't worry,... by the time you reach our age they'll probably be able to replace your rotator cuff.
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