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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Am definitely in agreement about hiding major country war entry status; simply because it adds to replayability. Randomizing/hiding this parameter actually would aid the Allied cause and contribute to the "what if" status of SC. In SC2 the war readiness unveiling of opposing major countries could be handled by the investment/tech level of "Intelligence/Espionage" category. Which could also be somewhat manipulated by a greater contribution of diplomatic prowess targeted by the player's discretion. Possibly through the use of some entity like "Diplomatic Chips" earned through MPPs or other actions. But this is for SC2, I vote a patch for SC1, "hide war readiness" from the opposing side when FoW "on". And yes I realize this has all been discussed before, but just in case some of us forgot. [ October 08, 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  2. Such an appropriate pic. JJ your embellishment of a distant time brought a gleeful tear to my eye. Fear not, I shall not be distracted long by this AA fantasy, for HC ponders SC2 and for all we know it may be more than a contemplation. Besides, growing season reigns most of the year in these southern nether regions and being a master chemist I will persevere at improvising a new, stealthier distillation apparatus. As I bid you adieu, eyes still glistening, a tune imparts my lips......"Thanks for the memories"
  3. JJ, I swear your clairvoyant, you know those bitches....I mean Feds found the party, nuthin good ever last forever, they even plowed up the crop....that's the corn ...for you guys with a lively imagination and confiscated the monument... you remember. Now I'm in AA... that's Airborne Assault mode awaiting HttR, gonna try it in real/prime time, no hexes, expand my horizons, maybe get some novel ideas for HCs new and improved SC2, ... lookin for "Utopia Wargame", closest thing is still SC "gotta luv it"
  4. JJ, I like your take on the lower echelon units. Now you know I'm no proponent of micromanagement, but I'm going to throw this out for critique. How about we design our own units with a sort of TO&E. Now I know this can't be as specific as TOAW's unit's organization, but we could ..say put together different battalions/regiments of a certain equipment profile and the units would take on different characteristics and strengths. Or you could have a generic set of units named artillery, recon, tanks, leg infantry, garrison troops, anti-tank, mech-infantry etc. that could be combined to form a corps/army of your specific organizational requirements. You could even add paratroops to give a surprise factor or special assault forces like marines for amphib. characteristics.....use your imagination....I'm imagining to much micromanagement....ahhhh forget it!
  5. Sarge, there's a new g-strategy game a brewing, could be a dud, but take a look, check out my post on "Road to War 1933". And by the way your comment about RDoA demo has got me to look into HttR, believe I'm going to try my first RTS game, wish me luck. Hell, I knew you'd be back...SC..."Gotta Luv it"
  6. well my fellow brethren, as we have discussed about everything about SC and strategic level gaming of this scope, I know you are suffering burnout and waiting impatiently for news of SC2. Wait no more, for as much as I love SC I have found a distraction for us all. www.sovereignfascias.co.uk/1933 This developer is our kind of people, the game is our kind of game and its for free, but not out yet. The developer is asking for ideas,.....imagine that! I posted to tell him to come to this forum and start at the beginning as he needn't reinvent the wheel. So go over there and tell Dan hello.
  7. Today, my heart to is heavy with sympathy for our fellow humans who have perished at the hands of Evil. Let us not forget that the underlying context of this game we play is in reality the ever present struggle of good against evil. Now one of our members, Comrade Trapp, goes to the point of that struggle. Best wishes and prayers go with him as he will represent the cutting edge of good to vanquish evil. Do not forget Comrade, we are in support of your endeavors and let not our fellow men, some of which do not intend maliciousness, to obscure the clarity of your mission, for it is simple.
  8. Rambo, you need to take a look at "Battlefields" on the Matrix website. Its operational scale ala TOAW, but has some unique features, like simultaneous execution of turns, but turn based. Also a command structure allowing multi-players in different command levels as a team under a single commander (PBEM). Frictional movement and some nice graphics gives it curb appeal, not to mention an extensive editor. Its in beta, currently, but release should be before 2004. Read/Look at the forum posts.
  9. One of the things that bothers me about the naval part of SC is "The Search". The game, on the scale that it is, does not allow for the possibility of two or more opposing units to miss each other on the high seas. Which IIRC happened quite often in WW2. With a hex scaled at 50 miles it seems there should be some mechanism that allows for opposing naval units to pass without revealing each other as in real life. Each unit that has eligibility of being revealed should have to pass a disclosure test. The test would be modified by things like proximity of other naval units, air units, electronic tech level, unit experience, and possibly the strength of the unit(whether it is damaged or not). There should always exist the possibility that the units will not be revealed, that 6 die roll when 1 through 5 would have resulted in disclosure. This will allow the more adept unit to have first strike capability or not, choosing to not reveal itself by passing on the attack option. Something of this nature, would allow the Atlantic to remain shrunk, somewhat, and put "The Search" back into the SC naval game.
  10. How about on the right click unit menu we have a choice called "Add Assets". Player could choose to add (not a real unit) but combat modifiers to the chosen unit. Use your imagination, this can go anywhere, for instance "Paratroop drop" adds a surprise element to the combat like surprise contact in SC now. Artillery enhancement, anti-tank elements, armor, engineers, special assault forces, etc.
  11. JP Wagner.....Amen! Release the new SC2, the European facet. Later, add different parts of the world, all to be linked. Provide for different theater commanders, so that we could have teams working together and not have so much to manage as a single commander. Make it turn based with simultaneous execution. Allow the AI(auto-pilot) to play different theaters in conjunction with the human player against the AI opponent. The human can develop his skills theater by theater and not be overwelmed with micro-management of the others unless he chooses to intervene, at his discretion. The add on theaters will be $20 each after the basic game $25. Of course fully modable and the editor to end all editors. HC retires to live off the proceeds and plays the game with us. Nuff Said !
  12. Sympathetic to all your points, JJ........but, yes ....but... I think SC2 will incorporate many of these requests and undoubtly more so I'm sure there's a sense of redundancy in HC's mind. On the band wagon with you.... so HEY! HC how about a GAME EDITOR ....... ok just for SC2.
  13. nevermind [ August 21, 2003, 06:29 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  14. Excuse me for entering in a lame statement about something I know little about (reloads), other than the obvious, but "Aren't both sides elligible to reload as often as they want"? Ultimately if both sides exhaust the possiblities of reload doesn't that make it even? This is just a game, its about fun and human interaction, don't make it something its not (a marathon). The reloader (who's got the time) is the real loser.......in life.
  15. A couple of thoughts JJ, as I agree, the supply model in SC1 certainly leaves units lacking (some can't even move in mountainous terrain). Units should always be able to move at least one hex per turn, this should be default. I believe HQs do model supply depots, but instead of a separate unit, how about those commanders you mentioned as having a special ability...movement of 3, of course at an additional MPP expense. Obviously this is all about hypothesizing for SC2, just hope HC is listening.... and we know he is.
  16. Hey Curry, Awaiting your return Axis PBEM move 17
  17. Thanks guys, I'll be awaiting y'alls feedback, still playing against myself, trying all the weird twists, this campaign has lots of branches. Hypothetical "Weltflotte and Operation Sphinx" from "The Hitler Options", Kenneth Macksey, editor, this book is a great read for all you "what-if" fans..., and isn't that what SC is all about.
  18. The truth is Rambo has latent PBEM fetishes and that's where you'll find him, doing reloads in the dark.
  19. As you know JJ, Weltflotte has USA activated, so the force profile could be modified. The set up OOB for USA can be manipulated by activating and then giving or eradicating units. I chose to configure the forces with a lot of 1 strength units which are necessary to build. Using the industrial tech level setting you can control the build time for the USA by calculating how long it will take with 180 MPPs per turn for them to raise an effective force. I find it usually takes about 8 turns with level 5 Ind. tech.
  20. Ahem! Sir JJ, speaking of great campaigns (a little pre-mature for Weltflotte) what's going on with B-L Aftermath?
  21. Men, I just don't have time to check this campaign out thoroughly. I have started and restarted it numerous times but can't get deep enough with my time limitations and playing myself via hotseat. It is meant for H to H but it might be alright for an aggressive AI. That's the point, its short (3 years) and meant to be intense, so both players must be aggressive from the get go. I especially need input on the USSR readiness and joining timetable. The Axis minors will probably have to be conquered (haven't seen them join yet), I just don't know. The Yugo coup will happen. Its fast and furious but I need HELP! If your interested please email me at bradtap@aol.com and I'll send it your way, Thanks
  22. Nice thread, I agree with elite units. Just the other night I made some adjustments to "Weltflotte", incorporating US and Royal marines (corps size) with 2 bars experienced, 11 strength, only 2. Then for the Germans, created I & II ss panzer corps, they are at strength 1 (have to be built) but have 4 bars experience. In this way the player has the option of employing them at what ever strength and experience level they wish with additional MPP investment. Presently its the only way I can figure out how to represent "elite" status with SC1 engine. Also have been able to create some "recon" units, low strength strat. bombers and subs with lvl 4 research tech and 2 bars experience with only 2 strength to simulate their fragility. Its seems to work, anyone else have any ideas?
  23. Yes sir! 1.07 is up and running. Same thing happened last night, as soon as I exited the program editor everything went to slow motion. None of my other programs act this way. Oh well, I'll just have to reboot. Thanks
  24. Hubert, I'm running Windows Me, just reformatted HD, reloaded everything, first time I've ever used editor. Noticed that whenever I add new unit, left click to place, immediate right click to unit menu to go edit strength, sometimes (more that once) I've locked up or CTD. This has happened numerous times, obviously I have avoided doing this sequence of events. Also after ending the editing program and then moving into the game the CPU goes to slow motion, mouse pointer becomes jerky, actions slow down, even audio goes slow until I restart. Is it my CPU or ?
  25. Alright sonny-boys my saturday morning started off with "Mighty Mouse", then there was Rin-Tin-Tin, followed by Sky King, and then there was that time that I was greeted with this damn rocket taking off on an early 1957 Saturday morning...., I think they called it a Redstone rocket...Damn thing spoiled my entire day,....I kept thinking about it.... it should have been transportable and renamed artillery.
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