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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. Rambo, UV v.2.30 (currently out of stock) is out now through Matrix, while WitP is in development. Both based on the same game engine. These games are by 2by3 led by Gary Grigsby. This group is responsible for many of the SPI games of our past. If anyone can build a true Pacific WW2 simulation its these guys.
  2. This is why you campaign makers should sprinkle a few rockets around in the starting OOBs. Yeah! Immer, my imagination says they're artillery too. Sorry Shaka this is about fun. Besides the reality of the situation is that rockets never caused the devastation in WW2 that they are potentially capable of in SC. How much damage did artillery do?
  3. Sorry HJA for the delay, been busy. I have put an inquiry into my daughter and she is checking her sources. As far as my schematic, I'll loan it to you, oh heck you can have it, I need an F-22 or a JSF to grace the thrown room walls. e-mail me your address or where you want it sent at labcorpus@camincargo.com. Also checkout this site, www.fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/bomber/b-1b.htm
  4. That's it Shaka, and guess what's on the opposite wall,... right again! a fire engine.
  5. HJA, what is it that you need? My daughter has worked on the B1-B engine running diagnostic routines and I have a large prototype schematic posted, of all places, in the throne room. Don't know if I can help, but be specific with your questions and I may come up with something.
  6. You are right on it JJ. And the disclosure of enemy units would also be tied to your intelligence tech level and of course the more units exercising spotting the more detail revealed in the specified hex. Sorry Immer "strike 3", but there are still two outs left in the inning.
  7. Same here Kuni, I was on vacation at the time of the "Incident" but JJ informed me later and I was thoroughly in your support, only you can bring out the best in Rambo.
  8. Good point Pz39. IMO it would be dependent on the degree of engagement of the forces occupying the same hex. Since a unit exerts influence (ZOC) into the surrounding 6 hexes, less damage would be suffered if the moving unit only tries to occupy the hex adjacent to the enemy (co-ZOCs). Trying to occupy the same hex of a previously unmoved enemy unit would undoubtly cause a higher degree of friction resulting in greater casualties for both sides with the defensive unit taking predominantly less. Again this situation (combat results) could be dependent upon other factors such as entrenchment level, terrain type, unit type, weather, etc.
  9. This is one of the inconsistencies with the general scale of SC. Let me explain this (surprise contact) as a tactical effect of the moving unit being in a "march mode" deployment, although I understand that movement is actually simultaneous. We all know that in RL surprise contact actually happens so in my reasoning the unit moving should only be subjected to adverse combat results if the unit it runs into had not moved in its previous turn (in defensive posture). This conclusion is a somewhat obscured when applied to naval units but still has some credence. Carrying this a bit further you could argue that Tank (armored) units would suffer less adverse results then infantry due to better protection when encountering "surprise contact" during movement. See there are certain aspects of wargaming that are included because they're just fun, and don't necessarily apply to reality of the scale/concept, sort of like paratroopers/special forces/artillery/etc.
  10. And let us not forget the option to intercept, and rockets should be transportable and act like artillery, and intelligence/espionage, and , and ,and....
  11. Option 4; simply get rid of the requirement of the "capital" for building units. IRL just because you lose your capital city does not mean you can't organize military units.
  12. On the contrary JJ the honor is all ours; that you would take the time to bestow the enjoyment on another human being speaks highly of your nature (as if we didn't know it already). We(I) wanted to simulate the unknown of war, where in the beginning neither side knows not what to expect as the scenario unfolds. I picked yours because of the eloquent presentation of the preface and the real possibility that it may indeed have come to pass as an alternative history. Keep up the good work and thanks to all that contributed to such an interesting campaign, I will keep you posted as arby dispatches me to the netherworld. Oh yeah thanks for the heads-up on the level 5 sonar for the UK, I didn't know, now cease and desist, it's not whether you win or lose but how you play the game. [ May 21, 2003, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  13. Well right now I'm playing JJ's Brest-Litovsk Aftermath custom campaign against Arby, I'm Axis. After floundering around for a half dozen turns trying to get some neutral acquisitions and building MPPs it has turned into a stalemate. But with level 5 rockets for the grays I have decided to act upon this advantage and build them, many of them, and research jets to give them air cover. They are expensive (525 MPP), so I'm researching IT also. The potential for rockets IMO is a devastating strategy in which their worth could be second to none of the other units. I think of them as artillery (they should be transportable). The reason why the grays never use them in the regular campaigns is that there is just no need to, to win. But if this strategy works out I may change my play and employ artillery/rockets profusely in the future. Isn't this as historical as it gets, the main weapon contribution to casualties in WW2 was artillery. Even now, what are precision guided weapons delivered with? That's it, flying artillery, that's what airpower is and artillery came first.
  14. Take it easy Shaka. The Leviathan is just on the drawing board, but you have to admit a 750 foot trimaran that turns on a dime and has two electromagnetic rail guns with a range of 500 miles at a speed near mach 10 has a lot more going for it than an Iowa BB. Oh, did I mention its stealthy and also serves as a platform for 80 unmanned underwater and aerial vehicles. OK forget it, bring back the ole Iowas, and maybe we ought to refloat the Arizona while we're at it, just kidding "God rest its souls". You want economics, the new MK34 gun fires an ERGM that is like a cruise missile 63 miles inland with better accuracy for a cost of $60K per shell, that compares to a Mil for a Tomahawk. I could go on but I won't. The bottom line is if you want to replicate/exceed the success in Iraq then you got to stay ahead of the curve. Remember our history lessons.
  15. Hey HC! I've been playin around with this game for a while and what pops up as partisans? A fricken airfleet with a corps to guard'em. I thought you said there were no enhancements to the AI.
  16. You got it PZ39, as JJ has put it out there before; what was it? JJ? that ole SPI moniker "Basic game", "Intermediate game", "Advanced game". Awe shucks, just give us a bunch of "optional rules" and a game editor to "die for". Of course the AI would only be competent in the "Basic game" [ May 18, 2003, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  17. Guys, you forgot to mention, "EVERY FRICKIN PERSON IN TEXAS OWNS GUNS" and a lot of them. Invade through the "Republic of Texas", yeah right, maybe if they're aliens from outerspace. We have this thing called "The Alamo" mentality, glad to see it kind of sweeping through the homeland presently. But it is an interesting "what if". If your into "what ifs" check out www.battlegoat.com. [ May 18, 2003, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  18. Guys, don't fret, there is a push for the new "Brown Water" navy and it includes a platform called the Leviathan (future BB). I have specifics on it but they are at work. Don't worry the future US Navy will be even more of a force to be reckoned with.
  19. As the Axis, forget Ireland, don't waste MPP on reinforcement. As the Allies, unless you need plunder, knock it down, keep it down, but never invade, just keep training your units on it.
  20. Thanks JJ for not shooting me down, you know how it is "a bird on the wing" hates to leave the safety of "The Still". Don't mean to be silent, but ya'll have things well in hand and there is really no guidance from HC. It would be nice if he would just say "Hey guys this is set it stone, no deviations", or "I'm kind of not set on this, does the forum have some ideas?" Course we'd probably deluge him and SC2 would be delayed further....none of us want that. All good things are worth waiting for. Only thing is when you pass the half century mark the impatience of youth seems to re-interject itself. Oh well.... love the pics JJ, keep it up.....damn the Moon.....he! he! just kidding Moon.
  21. Ahem! JJ I take offense at that "Old Maid and Solitaire" statement,... but I still luv ya man. Come on guys, you know the beauty and eloquence of SC is its KISS approach. There are very few games out there that you can sit down and finish with an opponent in the time constraints of this world. I to yearn for realism, but at what cost? I am constantly monitoring this forum and there are so many good ideas, both past and present it seems redundant for me to post mine which are really ya'lls (say with Texas drawl). But since the group has provided the stimuli, here it goes pure and simple;... like we haven't heard it before. Each major SC country should indeed have a limited beginning cadre of units to build from based on historical populations (people pool=PP) and industrial capability. This can change somewhat through acquisitions and/or research but not a lot. Deductions from your PP occur through reinforcements (as well as MPP pool)and queing new unit builds. Each unit and subsequent replacement/reinforcement has a required PP alotment, don't forget the supporting elements. When you queu a unit to build from your cadre you must designate a location for where it will appear, usually a city or port (and surrounding hexes) with historical references. If that location suffers from an attack, then a certain amount of PP and MPP is deducted and the appearance time suffers a delay. If the location is captured then you will be allowed to redesignate an appearing location with the appropriate penalty. You will never be able to queu more unit builds than you have locations for them to appear. Also the time required to build units is unique to each country and its industrial research level, all tied to the historical reference with a little bit of "what if". Units are never completely destroyed, other than naval, they are resubmitted to the cadre pool to be requed for building. Yeah I know there are some other ramifications to be considered here but this seems historical yet simple with a tiny might of "what if". Now I've got an "Excedrin Headache"........ "say Tex ice down that beer". [ May 18, 2003, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  22. Yes indeed JJ we are all on the same page, but with a slightly different perspective. The comment you made about the mechanics/math, "nuts and bolts" of SC really hit home. I to am not enthuastic about examining SC to that degree although I may contribute to that concept at times. From my first days with SC, as with other wargames, I contemplated the "feel" of this game, nothing specific. And as the other games linger on the shelf/hard drive I'm still playing this one cause it just feels right. Yes it could be better but what couldn't. Anyway I enjoy the interaction with my fellow SC brethren of whom I feel you are the minister, keep up the good work, for we all count on you to get us through the doldrums and stimulate ideas, and thanks to HC cause 1.07 j u s t f e e l s b e t t e r.
  23. I might add my dear Shaka that because we are the recipients of hindsight the accuracy and realism we all nurture is actually a fleeting impossibility in the context of SC. It is actually the "What ifs" and the randomizations that provide the simulation of the unknown that faced the participants of WWII. So I would suggest that we all concentrate on the mechanics of the conflict while not undermining the great enjoyment this game has bestowed upon us. And all for a paltry $25, best bargain I ever got. [ April 11, 2003, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  24. Whoa! the veil of secrecy is lifted. Thanks O'exalted one, for we are not worthy.
  25. Same here SW48, games are always fun, life's lighter side is for our enjoyment; seriously I have great respect for my fellow SC brethren. Now back to the jousting. I abdicate, I looked up "Fortress" = Fort = a fortified place; fortify = 1.to strenghthen by military defense 2.to give physical strength or endurance to 3. encourage. You are indeed correct, unsupported weak human beings without military defensive means are no match for fully supplied tanks operating on firm, flat, unobstructed ground under clear skies with air supremacy. I humbly withdraw my example, but I do reserve the right to use my google search engine and the Iraqi minister of information to continue the quest.
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