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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SeaMonkey

  1. So Bill are you saying that our smallest time increment for a turn = 1 week?
  2. With HC's proven track record, $50. For those that are squeamish at that price, have you forgotten the added SC features of patches 1.01 through 1.06. Remember a full game editor's worth? Do you want this to be SC-last? The world could be next, but what's the incentive?
  3. Welcome back Kuni. Now remember a King has responsibilities to his subjects, premierly setting good examples.
  4. Hey Hubert, let's do this right. Let us pay for the game up front(pre-release), and test it during the fine tuning (Beta). You will have an immediate cash flow and with a plethora of testing we'll get all the kinks out and you can add to it according to applicable suggestions. When you finish it(if that ever happens ), then Battlefront can issue the final product at the adjusted price according to the add ons/new features.....ie more cash flow. We will gladly trust your judgement for the final price and features.
  5. Shhhhhh!!! Rambo... "be cool", remember we're supposed to act like we don't care.
  6. "How many games in the last couple of years have you bought that "seemed cool" until you had played it a month and somehow managed to get tired of it or it had not lived up entirely to your expectations." Well Sarge we'll see if HttR passes the test, you will let us know?
  7. Understand now. My ignorance, having only dwelled in the PBEM realm.
  8. Good point Shaka......do you have any bad ones? It seems to me the "right click" sub menu for units will require the choice of "Refit", to be grayed out when the conditions don't warrant the action.
  9. Come on Edwin, we're making our own new news events. I like to send a little intelligence twist, maybe a take on conditions in the Axis/Allies countries I'm playing, narrate a replay of some of the military, research or other rumors of actions I might take(n) in the email I send to my opponent before he loads the turn. This can all be done in reflection of historical figures, events that actually took place with a "Hollywood" perspective. We debate history in these forums.
  10. A quick addition Shaka. Do you suppose that maybe HC incorporated the cost of the refitting into the tech investment? Agreed it should be separate, more Tank Corps = more tanks needed = more MPPs. Should it require a city occupancy, or a hex next to a city, or a return to the country of origin. Seems like in WW2 new equipment was distributed directly to the battlefield in some cases. How about just a one turn inaction if supply >= 5 or maybe 8?
  11. Ahem! Martin, Have you noticed that no one is hounding you about news of SC2......and don't take this as a playful prod....which it is not. See what a well behaved civilized lot we are?
  12. Awesome JJ, still haven't lost your touch.
  13. Damn it Shaka I'm gettin tired of saying "of course, your right", but you are again. I'll add one thing you did fail to mention, in an abstract way the HQ support in SC also could be perceived as those "assets" be assigned as support. Do we really want to complicate things by breaking it down to more specific decisions? If we could just delegate the units that are to be supported by the HQ and leave out the randomness, thats enough, really. Maybe those units supported could display a little, example: G for Guderian, in the upper righthand corner to show we chose them to be supported. And yes I know Guderian isn't in the game, but didn't he command Panzergruppe 2? That's the ticket.....more HQ choices, especially for........are you listening CVM....Finland. No not really.
  14. And another thing guys, as I remember heavy tanks unsupported by other combat elements were sitting ducks when they were "buttoned up". IIRC a British soldier said he could take on a Tiger tank and win everytime. Since the turret was handcranked all he had to do was run around in circles, duck underneath the MGs, and the crew would finally collapse from exhaustion, nary a shot fired. Point being.... modeling certain types of combat vehicles, although fun, is unrealistic at the corps or group level.
  15. EEEE! My apologies JJ you did remember. I just read the last post on the second page.
  16. Agreed, great idea, but let's take it a bit further, tweak it for simplicity sake, the SC way. I used to play a game, "Red Storm Rising" that enhanced combat units with the addition of an asset class. Whether it be additional artillery, heavy tanks, engineers, etc. etc. the addition was abstract and when it was selected by the owning player a little Star(blue=US, red=USSR) or an iron cross=german, union jack=UK etc. would appear in the upper righthand corner on the unit counter receiving the attachment. These assets were mobile and could be moved from unit to unit to enhance their combat abilities(movement penalty=hvy armor?) and were subject to destruction. Of course a MPP allocation(Tech level also) would be needed for their construction and to reattach to other units. This would have at least a twofold effect; first no additional unit would be needed and second you could create those "elite" units referred to in another thread. My apologies to the old timers as this is the second time I've made this suggestion.....hmm on second thought, I withdraw the apology as the "Old Timers" have probably forgotten. [ April 04, 2004, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  17. Right you are Rambonerless and I even take a few ques from you also. There is much comraderie risen from the sharing of this simple yet complex experience that SC is and I'm beholden to you all for "one of the little enhancements of life".
  18. Actually Shaka I've had more than my share of luck in the many SC episodes of the past 18 months. I just occasionally like to exercise my humanity by bitching about it when its bad and its a good time to enumerate the randomness that SC is.....and we all know we love it.
  19. I don't care what you guys call it! All I know is once again my beloved Luftwaffe is being hammered by UK jets level 2 when I've had 3 chits (Terif recommendation)in jets for almost 2 years without an advance. I can't even get a decent result using my level 2 AA city defense bug with my attacking Fliegerkorps. Time to circle the wagons around my 2 luftflottes with 4 experience, backed with 4 exp. Rommel. You just gotta luv this game.
  20. Now Martin, don't be damned......if you do and if you don't.....are you kind of identifying with our Prez.? Be cool, we'll await patiently, it was just a good natured inquiry, don't be so testy. If we aren't graced with an April announcement, I'm sure myself and accompanying SC brethren will forgive you. Contrary to popular beliefs, we are not animals.
  21. Hey Martin, Are we still on track for an April announcement? Tomorrow is April 1st, could we get a bit more specific, like one out of 4 weeks.
  22. Terif, By stating "Allies" strength you are also refering to other US, UK, FF, minors that have operated into Russia?
  23. Without stating the obvious,.....OK I'll state the obvious....If AFD should be introduced as a research category dependent upon the combination of basic tech levels, it will relegate the importance of all the basic research categories to be equitable. No longer will the "cookie cutter" moves of Jet research or LR, or AT be more important than the others. [ March 30, 2004, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]
  24. Well of course Shaka that is a concern, but knowing what a good programmer HC is I'm sure this variable multiplication factor could be somewhat subdued. Besides it seems even now that a lot of the upgrades in tech seem to come a tad bit soon in SC, not that I disagree, but in comparison to reality of the WW2 theater. Another possibility is the advent of AFD levels could open up different enhancements(many examples in previous threads) other than what we are familiar with presently, obviously to the obscurity of the users.
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